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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Can anyone tell me please, was there a Corrie last night?
How should I know? I was lying in a hospital with things stuck in me. Do show some sensitivity toward my distress!!!

I am now going to go and lie in the sun without anything stuck in me, so there.
Paul the octupus has predicted that Spain will win! He wants us on his side so we don't eat him!!!!
Poor poor jno, I was only trying to take your mind off of such dire things!!!
G'day biddybodies...breezy & very warm, not too good for coughing conditions.

Yes neti there was a Corrie.

jno, don't you know the order of things in here yet? Bleeding to death in casualty pales into insignificance against topics such as the weather, handbags and the soap schedule.... And "I am going out to Paris for Sunday lunch" isn't exactly going to bump you to the top of the sympathy list is it? tut
Sounds nasty that though & hope it's all ok. I just couldn't listen to an Ipod (even if I had one) in a situation like that, I like to be totally aware of everything. I envy people who can get lost in their music or read a book in waiting situations. I just people watch & listen and hopefully find some little old lady who'll tell me all about life before anaesthetics were invented.

Hope the rest of you are hanging on in there...if you're not zooming about on Archie's pedalo or spreading virus' around the local shoppers you're falling apart at the seams. If they chopped us up do you think they could make a decent one out of the parts? A sort of scrap heap challenge with a difference.
actually, I went to Costco instead and loaded up on steaks. Maybe I will even do a BBQ. I have to live every day as though it's my last, you know. <gives little TB-style cough>
oh no, I've just discovered I missed the event of the year. Apparently it was Flying Ant Day yesterday, and it all happened while I was out. Anyone else see this rare spectacle of mother nature at her most glamorous?

(Note: Dropping Gecko Day is the Spanish equivalent.)
stop stealing my ailments jno, stick to your own...<growled in a 60 a day voice>
I missed yesterday full stop. I vaguely recall dragging the hose pipe out & then it rained 6 spots just to show it could if it wanted.
oh and btw, top this, I've got a really serious biddy cake or chocolate... aaaggghh!!
Poor Robi, had my chocolate head this week (normally don't much like the stuff) and have eaten my way thru Mr N's and daughter's separate stashes! Oh dear not good.

Yes am now downloading Corrie as we speak,

Silly jno, fancy thinking you were more important than my night's viewing, and yes the Paris lunch did not endear you to our hearts!!!! Nor will the BBQ as they are forbidden over here now until Oct.
Hi everybody, I posted on here first this this morning and my internet went down. Obviously my post went down with it!!

Sunday lunch in Paris, eh!! I will be lucky if I have Sunday lunch anywhere this week. Too hot to cook!! As Shaney says, we are dried up and parched.

I manage to dye a lot of my clothes purple this morning. Washed them with a purple cheese cloth dress that I have had from years. A sort of beach cover all that I have been wearing because it doesn't touch anywhere and lets the wind reach places that other clothes won't let it reach. Anyway, I have some interesting new items now!! Anyone know of anything really good to take dye out of clothes!

Woofie. Thanks. Yes it is a rubbery translucent patch on my leg and it does look as if my skin is disintegrating beneath it. Gruesome. Actually, I popped into our local consultant pharmcist to ask about it yesterday and she said it was normal!! You have made me feel much more reassured though. No-one told me about the seaweed!!

Hope you all have good weekends and keep well or get better (choose the appropriate option).

Have answered your email Shaney.

Love to you all.

oh god... I had to cancel the appointment for the dentist to look at the chipped tooth this morning cos I thought I was styaing in hospital... now the tooth has started frantically wobbling (it's a wisdom tooth) so now I am waiting for NHS Direct dentists to call me back and see if they can do emergency treatment... dear lord, I am fed up with this stupid body, I can't even last 24 hours without a medical emergency. If anyone knows of a better one for sale, kindly let me know...
Oh lordy jno, you're a walking disaster, I hope you get it sorted. Perhaps a purple plate might help you... get in touch with Lottie, she's probably got several.

Lottie you can get colour run removers.
NETI! Corrie tonight ... 7:30-8:00 and 8:30-9:00

where's me remote?
> > > > > >
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Aww poor dear jno. You'll be all right I promise, but I do feel for you:'( xxx
St Biddy's, what a brilliant idea Lottie and jno, I'm absolutely convinced we could sell it to the Beeb.

Years ago I started receiving monthly issues of a magazine the name of which I've forgotten but it was clearly stated I had been chosen to receive it as I was "amongst the most influential 2% of the population". How I missed that magazine when they discovered their mistake...! But I've got you now jno, casually popping over to Lambeth Palace and Paris, your way better than that magazine. <psst biddies don't tell her she hasn't changed yet - wouldn't it be fun if she went to her Paris lunch like that he he he he he!>

Nothing much going on, I've been out shopping for a Stanley knife and six different shades of eyeshadow. (Rereading that, I sound like a psychopath=:0) The papers say "heatwave on its way back" but I didn't bl00dy notice it gone.

Jude you were wondering where Vinny is. I'm pretty sure he's in Sweden to look into our outdoor lavatories to build something similar in Defenascire
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sigh again... okay, wisdom tooth turned out to be a wisdom crown that had worked loose, dentist has glued it back on so I can enjoy lunch (though obviously I am going to be trembling in fear of every bite I take) but says the root is cracked and it's going to have to come out, preferably soonest. He's given me some penicillin to keep me going till I can get a proper appointment. The NHS wouldn't actually give me one as they said it wasn't a proper emergency, so I had to go private, but it was only £35, so that's not too outrageous. But obviously the BBQ is off and I am rustling up some nice soft pasta.

oh, and it's supposed to be raining in Paris tomorrow. I hope that cheers everyone up.
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Ah shut up Eeyore;-) (xxx)

Just another day at St Biddy's

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