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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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good morning all. Its cooler here this morning so when we got back from walking the doggies at 06.30, we fed the dogs,had a cup of tea and went back to bed. I have just surfaced, Dh is still snoring, the boys have been out for sniff around the garden and are now snoozing (post breakfast snooze snooze) again and its lovely and cool and quiet here. Dolly, whatever it was you said, forgive yourself. You are human like the rest of us and therefore not perfect. I have said some really unpleasant hurtful things in my time, and also had some said to me, life does go on eventually.
teh birds come and bathe and drink in my pond. I can't feed them on account of the rats which come from next door's garden but they do love a drink, trouble is that the wood pigeons play hell with the plants and leave feather dust scum all over the pond.
jno I am glad you brought all your teeth back from Paris. Will be thinking of you next week Jude, if I have more than 3 things scheduled to do in a week my brain quits entirely. We are supposed to be going to a Wild West fancy dress ball next friday. Sis is coming back to dog sit. I am not really a social type person but DH is set on it so I guess we'll go. I find the small talk hard at the best of times and as still on the wagon here (in case I need to drive somewhere in a hurry) so its going to be harder than usual (sigh) anyone want to join my pity party??
Vinny Jelly shots??????? and you such an upright teetotal parent too :-)
Mind you better than pole dancing...they only know the mazurka and its hard work if they can't speak English.
Hello chums
Still very hot here ,like a dust bowl and really windy . Hot dry wind .Norfolk version of a harmattan .I wish it would rain but of course when it does down it will come like a deluge and do nothing . We need hours of gentle steady rain to do any good .

Don't upset yourself Dolly .I've often opened mouth before engaging brain .We wouldn't be human if we didn't .

No wonder the wine was watery Jno ...the waiter was probably messing around with his shoes :)
Someone sent me that this morning ,so if you're ever stuck without a corkscrew ........
Oh well ,onwards and upwards .I need to cook a piece of gammon but there's a bottle of hock and some lemonade winking at me :))

Good luck Spain ..but my money's on the Oranjebooms .
Keep cool everyone ..T. pip for now
Been pottering, I mistakenly thought snipping dead stuff off would make my tired garden look better but now it's just tired and headless. The met office keep dangling rain in front of us & then it moves on. The barometer's slipped back a bit towards rain though, so maybe...?

Zut alors! jno these strawbs I have are elsanta & are lovely, which is just as well really I've got 2 lots (bogof), and the sonata I bought a couple of weeks ago were tasteless. Maybe it's where they grew up that counts. :o)

A wild west do sounds good woofy, I'd love to be a saloon bar trollop. I've got plenty of tumbleweed if you need any.

Don't worry about your x-ray Jude, if you're feeling ok I'm sure it'll be clear. Enjoy the footie & don't forget to pop your vuvuzela in the bin tomorrow...which one do they go in? lol :o)

<squeals & chokes at shaney's link>...hahahaha...must try that with a stiletto, it'll give me a peep hole for when new people move in next door
Afternoon each and every! Cheer up dolly, you are my sounding board soyou must be strong!

So very hot and humid here, I hate it. Just eaten my first Oxtail stew (cept it was bull) but really tasty - sorry veggies!

Spain is getting so in the mood, like kiddies at their first party. The council has erected huge flags all along the main street and most flats /houses are sporting flags. I do hope they win simply because I am part of it! But I do love the dutch, and other match and I'd support the them!! I think the council are showing the match on a big screen in the main square of the Ramblas and I'm all for watching but Mr N wants to be able to sit in the cool, so guess we'll be here unless they are winning then we'll hotfoot it into town.
shaney that's a brilliant video...i wonder if it always works that easily?
I've no idea Woofy ...I've just unscrewed my bottle :) I only get cheap hock from Morries .Mind you we have got a lot bottles of red (ugh) in the pantry . Some quite nice ones .Not that I would know the difference 'cos I can't stand red wine .
Mr S is off drink at the mo' and I don't think he'd be best pleased if I starting tapping his bottles against the wall with my wellies .
I only like cheap white stuff doctored up with lemonade .I'm not much of an oenophile .
Now .....whisky though .............. Mmm :))
I have one glass of rose and ice some days atm....those picnic size unscrewable bottles.
Well I've made it back in here & forgotten what I was going to say...
It's gone very heavy & we could do with a good storm but without any damage of course. There were quite a few angry bees about this morning & I thought we might have one coming but nuttin' so far.
Cheap, sweet, white plonk will do for me... http://icanhascheezbu...-you-bought-a-dog.jpg
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^^Lol Robi.

What time do the liquor stores open tomorrow, I really want to try that party trick of yours Shaney. Been smiling at the thought of Mr S kneeling in front of the telly, I'm glad he got his wish:) And I agree with you Neti the Dutch are nicer but if you are to get your fiesta: Good Luck Spain!

It's so stuffy here... this article says we could be approaching our old record of 38 degrees =:0

Next time I hear ♪♫ I left my heart in San Francisco♫♪ I'll be humming ♫♪ I left my tooth in gay old Paris ♪♫ and thinking of you jno - but I'm glad that you didn't.

What a beautiful blackbird, Shaney. What about yours Robi, I was going to ask you is it eating from your hand yet and then you started talking about helping them with worms, not a good constelllation of mental images for me there ha ha ha...

Jude there's nothing to it enhancing a photo but you'd have to download for instance PhotoScape first. I'll tell you more if you want to, just drop me an email. /Like Robi says, if you feel fine, you are fine, don't worry:)) (Sorry about your grandchildren though.)

This one of your lads Woofy?
I suppose if I could understand French I'd be able to figure out how he did that with a shoe... anyway, I suppose this is the summer version...

cute video Kit but that is soooo dangerous. Fools in the UK finish their cigarette then toss the lit end out of the car window...imagine that in the dog's mouth or eye...also round here the roads have loose gravel on them which also flies up at a rate on knots
Yeah woofy, many a forest fire over here is started by a ciggy but being thrown from a car!!

What's with the3se Dutch? Dirty players!
They think it's all over is now ...thank goodness for that !!!
Well done Spain ..whoop whoop Neti xx
don't suppose we'll see neti for the rest of the week, she'll be down at one of them Ibiza clubs popping Es and dancing to Ambient House or something
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Didn't think about that Woofy but I woulda thunk of that had I had a dog. And a car. ;-)

Have a Campari for me Neti!
YYYeeeeehhhhhhh That's for you Neti. The Dutch were a bit naughty!! So well done Spain! x
yes, I certainly couldn't do that, Kit, all my teeth would blow away.
well done Spain...some things you do really perfectly... :o)
I don't mention all your videos mainly because until son comes to fix computer on Thursday, I can't see them!!

I love dry white wine or dry red wine, but can't stand wine with any trace of sweetness. Isn't it strange how our taste buds vary. Favourite drink at the moment is a dry white wine spritzer with soda, ice and lemon.

Glad the Spanish won the football, I have a soft spot for Spain and as Jude says the Dutch were somewhat naughty. Nice to see a team win that haven't won before. I enjoyed the Grand Prix today!!

Watched the amazing Bet Midler in Beaches on Ch.4 (while the football was on) so only saw the extra time.

Night night. xx
OOooo a drop of rain, cooling! Aren't we a funny nation when it comes to the weather. We biddies are anyway! Even my washing is out enjoying it lol!
I actually watched a film last night in bed before dropping to sleep. Educating Rita. Great one! Not see it for a long time. Did manage to stay awake to see the end. Julie Walters looked so young and Michael Caine as handsome as ever.
I know I'm thick but can somebody please tell me what Jelly Shots are. I've never heard of it before. Is it wacky stuff Vin is on. If so I want some :-)
Haven't had many strawberries this year been on the rasperries instead.. I find they keep a bit better and I can spread a punnet over 3 or 4 days as I don't have many at a time.
Off to sainsburys for a few bits. Got to cut down on fatty stuff as I've put on 3ibs while I've been sitting about watching tennis and footie. Have to get cracking again.
My chairs are due to be delivered next Monday, so that's something to look forward to doing. Ha Ha! NOT! as the kids say.
Have a good day whatever you're doing. Hope things are looking up for you dolly.
See yer later 'gater(s)

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