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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Dolly* didn't mean to 'decapitalise' you,
Morning all
Lovely drop of rain here too.Much cooler today . Lovely fresh air .
I don't know what Jelly shots are Jude . I had to go back and read it again .I thought it said Jelly Tots .
Hope you are all OK this morning .T PIp for now .
Morning James BondageBiddies

Yes, 'tis raining...yay!
Garder was s'posed to be bush trimming yay!
Hey ho, it's not heavy so he might still do it.

Had a bloomin bad night, feverish & sore throat/earache for the 36th time again....and when I did sleep I had horrible and strange dreams. There were hands and feet each in separate plastic bags outside some building that I was visiting with my sister. When we went to the local council (or wherever it was) they just laughed & said they'd been there for ages & had been reported before. Where the hell does this stuff in our heads come from?
Sorry if you're having your breakfast :o)

Jelly shots?...tut, you're soooo out of touch dahlings.....jelly made with alcohol instead of water/juice
literally only a drop of rain here, wouldn't have filled a milk carton :-(
Robi should you see a doc about your continual virussy things? We have recently changed surgeries, Haven't seen the new doc myself but DH well impressed and has some faith in the GP system again which is nice.
Hi woofy, yes it's probably time for an overhaul but so many ailments come under the fibromyalgia umbrella that it's hard to know where it stops & starts. My doc is ok - when I go to see him that is. I really think he should pop in from time to time to see how I am, haha.
okay, anyone for a job in PR?
Mornin dudes.
lol that cant be fer real jno..?haha...Yep I dont recommend any biddys partaking of the ole jellyshots....come to that..nor jellytots with your teeth..hehe..!well its sunny but the BBC said it was cloudy today...and yesterday to.....can we sue..!Well I thought the dutch were unlucky...they stopped the spanish playing there game and so nearly scored.And the spaniards kept diving to...making out they been fouled....tut.!(:O)the funny thing was when the BBC went live before the game to madrid and this guy was passing a bloomin great joint around...gottcha..!
Morning all , yes well done Espana!

Jude I love Educating Rita, I've downloaded it to dvd disc so can watch whenever i want. I love "Is that you putting yer foot down??"

Still looking for a flight to England in mid-Sept but they are so expensive!!! Daughter's just got hers!!

Sister has been on the phone all excited as she's got tickets for us to see Gerry and the Pacemakers and pj proby on Oct 2nd I am sooo happy will trill along with them! There wasn't any pensioners discounts cos the whole lot will be pensioners, even the performers!!! Moscu Ballet are performing here next Sat, "Swan Lake" and Mr N has offered to pay for me to see it, but they'll be back another time, and funds are a bit tight at the moment so I'll pass.

Everything went bottoms up today, the washing machine leaked everywhere, so it's up on bricks at the moment and working fine, all my Sky progs went off, so had to phone the man and get card reactivated and desktop computer still isn't working, but luckily I can download and watch EE and Corrie on this netbook although very small!
Here endeth the epistle of neti.

So how is everyone today, hoping mr s and DH and jude and Robi and of course jno, and lottie and vinny and swedie and dolly and woofy, oh god, have I forgotten anyone, if so please forgive me!!!!

So how is everyone else today
Question Author
Yes you forgot GORDON.

I haven't slept a wink tonight, it's too hot and stuffy. I'm bordering on a sunstroke, honestly I am. I don't know where to sleep. (All good ideas will be taken into consideration lol.)

I was gonna say too that "the front fell off" clip can't be for real? Really? Can it? I clicked to get to the first page of that site and look what I found - you should do these Vinny, really you should
Swedie - Oh lawdy, I forgot you, no I didn't I just wanted to make a special hello to you!


Before we had air con I couldn't sleep at all so before bed I would have a very cold shower and go to bed dampish, and then sleep with my head at the bottom of the bed cos there is no furniture there ie bedside tables etc,and a bit more air, oh it was awful, couldn't do it now. And lay perfectly still, tossing and turning makes you hotter. Do you have a fan?
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I saw you saying hello to me in the hello post Neti but it may have been a mirage... Don't have a fan but I'll have to get one. It will annoy the hell out of me all winter when I don't have anywhere to store it (I want a biggun) but this is turning into a matter of survival so yeah I'll probably have to. A friend of mine advocates cold, wet towels, did you try that?
phew...its hot out there.!
That is fab-tastic kip.I saw a porn movie once and they had this american stylie fridge and the doors were left open and they layed by it allnight..(:O)..I ve got a tower fan kip with 4 settings and a timer...its fantastic....ideal fer when your in bed to.very quiet to.
We have a tower fan in the front room, cos doors are always open, I couldn't live with them shut, so no air con in there.

Yes sorry I did acknowledge you in hello post, d'oh, silly biddy (me). Am getting very confuddled in this heat, and at least 12 more weeks of it!!!!
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Oh Vinny I want to be in that porn movie... 'cept I wouldn't know what to do, would it involve eggs and strawberries and ice and Vicks Cough Syrup and Mickey Rourke and melons and wine and jelly and- I could go on - ...cos that was 9,5 weeks. What does the timer do, does it just turn the fan off after you've gone to sleep or does it turn the fan on and off all night if you want it to? Tell me, I need to know!!

That's okay Neti, you're entitled to leave me out the next time now:) Is Mousey okay in this heat?
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Oh look, is that (avatar) Neti or is it jno's fabulous sister!
The timer just turns it off at a certain time, damned useless in my opinion, cos you just get settled and it goes off cos you've forgotten to turn the timer off, or the fan won't start and you're just about to kick it, and then you remember the timer is on, so you have to adjust it!
Mousey? Well she's getting older now, so just lollops in the shade or on the cold tiles, and stays out all night. She still catches and eats half lizards though. I love her to bits!
No No NO No, tis I !!!!!
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Trying to suck Gordon down with a straw he he.
tres glam, neti, and good to see the ancient art of knitting with the teeth is still going strong.

No way is that clip for real, that is what Australians talk like when they are telling jokes with straight faces. My sis is like that.

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