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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
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Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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jno. Have a lovely Sunday lunch in gay Paris and please come back with all your body parts intact!! x
Oh dear jno, you should be like me, no wisdom, no wisdom teeth. Better make sure your escargots are pureed. Bon appetit!

I know where Vinny is, he's been following Jude's example and teaching little children
All in bed again!!
Mornin yokels.
suns in and out ere..glad im not in london...:O)me daughters in ayia napa for the summer flogging jelly shots in night was either that ((((dad)))) or pole dancing..(:O)jelly shots sound good to me.!!!hehe..
An English ref for the final...god knows who's gonna win...later.
Our town hall is showing the footy on a big screen in the maoin square, so Mr N and I are gonna watch it there with the indigenous people, cos it'll be good, no seats though just standing and if they win, hugs and flamenco dancing all round!!!

I was up Lottie doing the weekly supermarket shop (which was heaving), so humid here, it's horrible - sweating as I type. Off to do the rubbish recycling run now!
Greetings from Arizona ☼ ☼ ☼

Jelly shots?! Too much alkeyhole around these days, tut, what's wrong with jelly & blancmange?

I looked in at 8:15 & then I went shopping not long after too, so less of ya cheek Lottie. I'm amazed I ever got out of the door actually, it's not a good idea to lather yourself in body lotion on a hot day, trying to get clothes on was a challenge...what am I supposed to do with all this flesh I've acquired? It's all very well putting weight on but it has to be gathered up & tucked in, it was far simpler sliding into a wrist warmer. And I'm in serious danger of gaining a cleavage neti so stand aside.

Here's something for your celebrations tomorrow
(oooh, I love that song)
"jellyshots" "pole dancing" ?? whats wrong with "Help the Aged"?? Eh Vinny??? Bad parenting there! (yeah right, like my child is an angel!!!)))
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Afternoon biddies AND HIPPIE not a day too soon:)

You lot remind me of the old Lenny Bruce monologue where he wondered why we would rather be caught dead than sleeping. Even if somebody calls you at four a.m. and they say "Did I wake you?" you still reply "Wake me, no, hell no, I was awake... jez... a-reading the Bible..."

Here are some piccies from our day in the archipelago. My camera is antique and cannot be trusted so I've spiced them up in Photoscape to camouflage their shortcomings.

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Our ferry passed by this anchored ship from Celebrity Cruises. I can't make out if there are people standing on foredeck

When we arrived at Sandhamn we found we could just as well have gone there by subway ha ha ha. No not really - but if you see the blue T on a white circle, that's the Stockholm Metro sign! Somebody has a sense of humour...

See the sails on the horizon? 'Round Gotland Race' (a regatta) starts and finishes at Sandhamn. This was the start

The cutest house! This picture is slightly watercolourised

This is an outdoors cafe, also watercolourised

Vintage phone booth (made as antique photo to cover up the overexposure). I remember these from my childhood but I suspect they were already vintage at that point
Oh lovely pics Kit, looks like you had a grand day out. I'd like the little house in my garden so if you could see your way to sending it section by section I'll get Jude to come & re-assemble it for me.
Haha, it's true about the sleeping but I'm worse about being caught undressed. If I'm not wearing something I couldn't walk to a neighbour's house in by 8.30am I have a panic attack. I really hope I don't die in the night...I never sleep naked, even in this weather, finding me naked would be more traumatic for 'whoever' than finding me dead. :o)

apologies if it should be whomever/whosoever, I was off school that day
I am just totally fed up with this heat and the myth about ladies only glowing is so much bull. Either that or I ain't no lady lol
We did have a great dinner tonight though. i had bought a load of sirloin steaks to last us over the summer and the first two were very tasty but tough as old boots, decided to make hamburgers of them so thawed two more but couldn't find my processor attachment for the blender so I got a large sharp knife and hand chopped them then squidged the chopped bit together hard into two burgers......grilled over charcoal - delicious!
Lovely pictures Kit .I like that dear little house .I bet it don't take long to microbre round that :)

Boiling hot here today .Freddy the Frog ( in the sunshine) hit 45C and even my shaded thermometer hit 32C. I've lolled and read a book and watched this guy strip the berries of the tree .

We went down to the beach earlier and I paddled me legs .Mr.S is now kneeling in front of the teevee praying for third place :)
I think it may be wise to change my avaiator !

Hope you and yours are all fair to middling and any ailments not giving you too much aggro .
Keep cool and carry on ....over and out for now .
Lovely pics shaney. I feel so sorry for the blackbirds, as I walk arind my grinds I can hear them scratching about in the crispy leaves underneath shrubs searching for worms. I've been giving a couple of areas a good soaking, hoping it would bring some up to the surface but I haven't seen any. I'll have to improve my worm charming skills.
Well first of all ,anyone needing to cool off can come to my place and I'll come to yours ! Managed to dry some washing outside but started to spitter so that's the end of that .Not happy with myself can't explain on here but foot in mouth comes to mind .Wish I was anyone but me ,now I think about it ,it wasn't all my fault but that doesn't stop me wishing I'd never opened my mouth first.
Life really can be a b1tch at times .Sorry folks you have enough problems of your own without listening to me 'bye for now hopefully can come back without moaning .
Dolly xxx
Just testing
*gives Dolly a long-distance wave*
Morning folks...bit fresher here but a tad breezy which is making me sneeze.

<throws a long distance strawberry to Dolly>...there you go, a taste of England. If there's a more exquisite flavour than an English strawberry then I've yet to taste it.
Don't worry, I sometimes wish I was someone else but I'm growing on me.
I've had some lovely Sonata strawberries but also some Elsanta ones that were completely tasteless. Trouble is the names are so similar. I am going to have to compile a list of the brands that taste nice and those that don't. Then I'll get onto listing what potatoes work best for chips, and so on. It's never too late to become a connoisseur of chips.

Boy, Paris was humid yesterday - it rained a bit but it was that sort of rain you get when the air is so thick with water that it just wrings itself out a bit occasionally. Lunch was okay, nothing brilliant, and the wine tasted suspiciously watery, but it was nice to see some old friends. I took them to see the Lion and the Unicorn tapestries after lunch and then we made our way back to the train. (Four of the group failed to reappear on the train; I do hope they weren't captured and enlisted in the French foreign legion or anything.) Plus I didn't lose any teeth, so that's a sure sign of a great day out.
Morning Biddyfriends, Got back from my walk about 8.40. I've taken to going on a Sunday morning after my breakfast and before the paper comes. Spent the time thinking about what i was going to do today apart from doss and |I thought i must write to my friends on the thread. Had a few days off doing bits and bobs like giving my kitchen a 'bottoming'
Lovely photos Shaney and Kit. I wouldn't know how to enhance a photo Kit. I did spot the subway sign so there isn't much wrong with my eyesight, and Shaney lovely blackbird. I have just seen my blackie today for the first time for days I think it's that B****y cat that keeps the birds away. For all cat lovers it's only that one I'm 'anti' about.
Next week might be a bit busy. I have something to do each day. Tuesday is the day I'm a bit worried about as I have to go and have an xray (chest, what there is of it) then I have to see the consultant hopefully for the last time. Apparently it's to make sure that the infection has gone.
Wednesay I'm going to see my cousin in Ashbourne. He lives in Canterbury but comes up every year for a holiday. I think I have told you before about him. (the author).
Oops sent that before I had finished. Never mind. Hope all ailments are under control and you all have a lovely day today.
A word for Dolly, you are not on your own wishing you hadn't said anything about something sometimes. I do it and I could kick myself but things usually get sorted. I'm sure it will for you. Think about all the positives like your lovely family. Those beautiful grand and great grandchildren you have. I have two grandchildren I never see. But that's another story. One day I may write it all down but in the meantime it stays in my mind and I bring it to the fore now and again.
Oops again, got a bit serious then so I'm off now, looking forward to the Footie tonight, are you Neti?! Bet you are.
See yer later 'gater(s)

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