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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Good luck, jude ( I like pervy and rude!!) good luck jno, and good luck lottie!!

My washing machine flooding turned out to be a leaking water pipe so Mr N has mended that, the leaking air con was also a leaking waste pipe, Mr N mended that. We have to take the main computer in to be be repaired, as the new keyboard and mouse which I ordered 3 weeks ago has arrived and cannot use it.

Am so fed up with the heat. Woofy I loved going to bed damp, felt so refreshing. Was I on ab before we had a pool when I used to shower naked any time of the day as we had no neighbours then and used to run around the garden nude, it was so refreshing and hippyish! Oh happy days!!
splinter group, lol Vinny...

hums tune of 'Bole Lotta Love'...
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Afternoon. I survived the night. Lol @ Woofy "the two are indistinguishable" and jno "well I have here a lolcat". God Vinny I shall henceforth think of you as Hawkeye - I could barely discern the words 'steam juicer' even though after your post I assumed they were to be found on that box.

Yes Robi the scot and I had a fling in front of an open fridge- wait, that wasn't him. No, he asked me about Wallander in P&S a year or so ago and I worked a helluvalot on the answers as Ystad is where I grew up. He makes me sound a bit fickle:( Fickle I am not. I'll have a look at that thread later jno but I admit I never know what to say to that kind of very "open" question - there's just so much I could say and I get overwhelmed.

Jude I still think it's a pixie. But you go ahead gal and give the strawberries to somebody else, I'm not bitter;-) Good luck to everyone who has to go to St Biddy's todayxx (I've totally hijacked that hospital name jno, sorry!)
LOL at splinter group. Am now back with another dressing on leg in case any more wood is embedded in flesh. The dressing apparently draws out foreign bodies!! Where's Swedie? .....................................
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I'm in your leg Lottie.
Nothing but trouble that Swedie!! Come out at once.....................
Afternooin each. Off now to St Biddies :o)

Thought you might just like to have a listen to this.
Bye for now x
Hope all goes/went OK Jude xx
Lovely jude, i am laying on the bed in the cool and steadmieter is singing Homeward Bound - lovely!
right, I am back from St Biddy's dental department where the dentist had a look at the cracked tooth and said it had been cemented back in so well it would probably last a while yet...

On the other hand, the one next to it is in a desperate state and will have to come out soonest.

I am about to go back to my GP for the results of the last-but-three blood test. I expect he'll say the toenail can be saved but the head will have to be removed.
Hi all. I hope your blood test comes up with good news Jno. Like my Chest xray, For the first time for years I'm free of hospital appointments. Have been discharged today by the most handsome consultant I've ever seen. Good job he didn't have to check me blood pressure!!
Thanks everyone for your good wishes, they obviously worked.
I'd like to say too, all the best to everybody, including Husbands, with hospital appointments.
Lottie what yer doin with splinters in yer leg. Sounds most uncomfortable. Hope it's all out now.Are they goin to analyse it to see where it came from :o)
Having a lovely Italian leaf and ham salad for my tea. I was so hungry and it didn't take 2 minutes to throw together. No finesse, me.

Yesterday I had a lucky day with regards to an earing I had lost in the morning. I had retraced my steps looking for it (papeshop etc) rang Sainsburys to see if it had been handed in. No luck there. Looked everywhere at home and in the garden. Anyway after I had been to school I thought I would just have a ride up to Sainsburys to see if I could find it. A bit of a hopeless task but I had to try as they are worth £75 and I like them. Well no luck in Sbrys I looked where I knew I had been in the morning. On the way out I saw a cleaner and asked him if he would keep his eyes open for an earing like the one I was dangling before him and he beckoned me too follow him and on his trolly he picked this earing up and dangled it before my eyes. I was gobsmacked. I just put my arms round him and gave him a big kiss.(NOT on the lips) and that left him gobsmacked.

Have a good night all ~ see yer later 'gater(s) x
dancing for you Jude, good news for one of us is good news for going back to see the cute consultant mind!!
Thanks Woofy. Hope all's well with you and your husband. I came home with a permanent grin on my face. When I got to the bus stop and was getting on the bus I said to a man I hoped I hadn't pushed in front of him and he said not to worry and he thought we'd all get a seat anyway and then he said if we didn't I could always sit on his knee. Cheeeeky or what!
PS It did rather make my day though :o)
What a lovely picture of you Jude! Glad all is well. I remember having a lovely surgeon when I had a lung biopsy. I was in such a state and he sat on the end of my bed holding my hand and being very reassuring. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!!

The splinter has been in my leg since my incident in the garden where I fell over in the veg. patch whilst watering in my nighty early one morning. That was several weeks ago. I have yet another sticky rubber patch in case any more twiglets are lurking.

Hi Woofie and Hi Neti.

Where's Robinia, out walking Charlie perhaps!!


well, it seems there's nothing unusual in my blood. When he saw the rash on my leg (the one that's actually subcutaneous bleeding) he asked me if I took aspirins and looked surprised when I said 'Every day'. He said if I stopped the aspirins, the rash would go away. I said fine and didn't bother reminding him that he was the one who prescribed the aspirins in the first place. (He had said they were so statins wouldn't upset my stomach - but the docs I saw at the hospital said that was nonsense, aspirins don't do that.... doctors, bah.)

I'm still not as much in the clear as Jude, probably on a par with Lottie, but perhaps we can all have a break from St Biddy's for a few days... as long as Robinia isn't feeling the weather too much.
Good evenin' KnottyLottie & the Woodentops :o)

Robinia isn't out, just flat out...lousy headache all day :o( I've not been missing anything though, it's been cold & piddled it down most of the day.

Well done to all who've survived the heat or medical matters & that was lovely about your earring Jude, I like little stories like that. I think I'll have to see a medic...when I'm feeling better, haha. It's Tarquins birthday tomorrow, he'll be 35, eek! How can that be when I'm only 36?
OOh Robi what can I say. Here's me bin goin on and you probably just round to corner not feeling well. The only thing the rain is doing is making the grass look green again and helping me to water my pots.
You get well soon and if you don't feel better get yourself off to the Drs.
You're not going on at all Jude, I know how relieved you must be. :o)
Yes it'll be good to see some green grass again, there's plenty more rain to come tomorrow...& the good news is it'll be warmer rain. Hope the blackbirds are finding some worms at last.
Yes Robi, I only see the male Blackie with the white feather now all the others have flown somewhere. I wonder why he is still around. I still feed them but only he comes and not so often.
It has been a bit wet hasn't it but I honestly don't mind being out in it.

Thanks for the comment about my Piccie Lottie I was in my early 30's I think living in this same house. Seems a very long time ago. Which it IS!!

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