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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
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Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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here's an old joke...

A woman finds her duck lying unconscious in her yard. She takes it to the vet and asks what's wrong with it. The vet tells the woman her duck is dead.

She says "No! I want a second opinion!"

The vet calls in a cat, the cat walks around the duck, sniffs it once, and walks out. The vet says "I'm really very sorry, but your duck is indeed dead."

The woman says "NO NO! One more test!"

The vet calls in a labrador dog. The dog walks around the duck, sniffs it once, and walks out. The vet says again, "I'm sorry, but your duck is dead.'

She finally accepts it, and asks what the cost of the visit will be. The vet says it will be £150. The woman is furious and demands to know why it is so much.

The vet says "If you'd taken my word for it it would have been £20. But with the cat scan and the lab report, it's £150."
Just called in to say goodnight.

Off to Spalding in the morning to collect Molly the Dog. We are taking Meggie - bit worried about a dog fight in the back of the car. Molly is about three times the size of Meggie, but Meggie can be a bully!! Why do I do these things, must be mad.

Have a good time Vin.

Hope all is well with Mr Woofy and good luck to Mr Shaney too with the tests tomorrow.

Love to you all

Robinia, Shaney, Vinny, Neti, Woofy, Dolly, Swediepops, Jude xx
Have a safe journey Lottie. Meggie and Molly could become great friends and probably will. You have a good trip too. x
Safe journey Lofty .I'm sure Molly will have a lovely new home with you :)
We have an early start too as we have to trek out to the hospital which is in on The Old Watton Road .

All the best Woofy,hope you have a quiet night and hope hubby feels better soon .

Have a nice time Vinny and behave yourself .I don't want to see your name in the papers .
Good joke Jno :)
Last time I took an animal to the vets it cost me nearly half a grand :(
Take care all ..see you tomorrow at some stage xx
lumme, second driest 6 months in 96 years - after 1929, which I can't totally recall but I'm sure my lawn was pretty yellow then too. Sure is now.

Sleep well, biddies, and may everyone's husband take a turn for the better.
Morning all...hope you all and your husbands are doing well today, thinking of you & Mr S today shaney, hope it's not too long a day for you.

Good luck with Molly Lottie, a springer spaniel? eek! Hope you've been taking your vitamins, they're a bit lively aren't they? If I'd known you had a vacancy I'd have sent Charlie over for a holiday, he drove me potty yesterday & I just didn't feel like it. It was probably a lot to do with the weather, we had a storm about 4.30 & my sister texted me about 8 to say there was a hellish one there & it was heading my way but it never arrived. Then she sent another one at 10 to say the water was coming back up the drains in the lower areas!

This time of year is often a significant one in my life...let's hope things get better for all of us.
Keep on going...
Morning all, I'd love a mollie dog, but they do tie you down, one cat is enough.

jude, I think El Vin has a "trip" most days!

Mr N bright and breezy again, it's just sometimes the heat gets too much, I felt really sick this morning as wasn't going to go out but then daughter called and I had to go the judge's office to pick up something for her, I nearly died, what had she been up to yet again? I felt so bad but had to get there, and then a very nice young man explained that she was a witness to something in Barcelona, that was all, RELIEF!!!

I was in the middle of tinting my hair, doing the sides and underneath a darker blonde and then combing dark blonde through the rest ( watched this in the hairdressers and reckoned I could save £50) anyhow it's works out fine and looks really natural, streaky blonde, but it stinks of chemicals. It's ,
lucky I have such a lot of thick hair, i'm sure half of it falls out without my knowing!

Am off to make something healthy to eat and watch "wife swap". I couldn't do it, could any of yoiu!
Nope I have enough trouble keeping my own family in line without taking on someone else's. Thinking of Mr S today.
Lottie what lovely news, two dogs together are less trouble than one IMO and its lovely for the dogs.

can't stay as sis arrives today and I don't want the state of the house to terrify her. Dh feeling better but looks like he won't be home for a few days yet as they want to sort his kidney properly.
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Afternoon. And the heat goes on. I washed the curtains and cleaned my windows in the middle of the night, can't do a thing during the day. Washed them by hand as the machine would have been too noisy (for the neighbours). Desperately needed a shower after the windows were done but the curtains were hanging in the shower still dripping wet so I ended up showering and going to bed at six in the morning when the curtains were dry enough to hang in the window. Level of humidity in the air about 99.9% percent. Remind me now and then not to be an idiot wontcha biddies.

Hope all has gone well today for everyone, husbands and dogs alike:)

Prepare yourselves for a cute-stroke. I thought at first this was your pal Neti but your pal was a marmoset wasn't she http://icanhascheezbu...mot-eating-a-biscuit/
Hi everybody. Molly home with us now. Compared to Meggie, she's a doddle, Meggie is a bundle of energy and never tires. Molly is more placid, but needs a stricter regime than she is used to. She has been getting away with murder!! In my house dogs to help themselves to our cups of tea.

I have always had two dogs Woofie. I too find it easier, although Meggie doesn't particular like doggy company and is rather aloof. Molly is not the sort of dog to bother Meggie though and leaves her alone, so things will be OK. Trouble is Alice Cat is now living in her own upstairs suite until Molly realises that chasing cats is not acceptable. So glad Mr Woofie is feeling better.

Have been thinking about you and Mr S today Shaney. Hope all went well.

Swedie, just pop over and clean my windows tonight about 2.00am. They haven't been cleaned for months!! Just keep quiet and don't wake us up. The outside tap is just outside the conservatory door. And you can wash the curtains too if you like!!

My hair is multi coloured too Neti!!
if the air's too hot, Kit, try turning it blue with the all-new Mel Gibson trailer, put together with his phone calls to his ex-girlfriend...
I just wanted to check everyone is battling on...hope it cools down for you Kit...and yes, stop being an idiot! Washing curtains in the night, are you completely out of your mind? Don't they have launderettes in Stockholm? You could always put yourself through a cold rinse cycle.

I'm only passing through, I really don't feel good & I've had a blurry eye all day which is worrying me more than a little...I'll go to the docs tomorrow if it's no better - I won't get put off by any receptionist.
Robi please go anyway to the Drs. and get sorted out. I'm never put off either by receptionists. I go at 8.00 in the morning when they are open and get to see the Dr. I want at that time. Never ring up now. Mind you if you aren't able to go then you have to ring and ask for a visit. I can't remember the last time I had to do that. So you go and see him/her.
Hope all went well with Mr. S. Shaney. Thinking about you both.
Meggie and Molly sound like they are going to settle ok for you Lottie. Hope to see some pictures of them one day.
No way could I be a***d to wash curtains at night especially by hand. I sometimes set my machine to come on a few hours before morning so it's done when I get up. That's on Economy 7 so it's cheaper for me.
Good joke Jno but it's clean :o)!
Oh well we are again ..happy as can be ..all good friends and jolly good companeee !
Set off at 9.30 and got home around 5 ish .What a day . Mr S was very blase and the scan went well ( didn't have to hold his hand,he was very brave ) unlike the poor lady we met whilst waiting for him to go in, who had to have diazipam to even go near the machine .So it's wait and see until he goes under the knife tomorrow week .

Sheesh Lofty I wouldn't want to live anywhere near Bowthorpe,.What an urban wilderness .It's just houses and houses as far as the eye can see .

Very spookey with your Molly though Lofty !.
Outside on my patio I have a flagstone with the names Molly and Megan carved into it :)
These are the names of the two liitle girls of the previous owner of my shack :)
I hope she's settling in . Piccies please.

Crikey Kit ..don't you have drying facilities in the roof space or cellar .I know how you feel with apartment living .We lived in one room when we first got married in Cologne . Totally awful in the summer . So airless .We used to go out in the middle of the night to the river ,just to breathe .

I like Mel Gibson , Mad Max and Lethal Weapon etc Shame ' cos he's a good actor . But then he went all peculiar with that Passion film He needs therapy asap.

Best wishes to all who feel unwell and I hope Mr Woofie will soon feel better .

Take care folks .You are all special people xx
Pressed submit too soon.:o) Never mind..... Will say Bye for now and have a good night all!
Don't forget Robi get off to the Docs.
See yer later 'gater(s) x
I'm back, something Shaney said made me think.
I was talking to a friend today about us Biddies and I don't think she really understood as she doesn't have a computer. I explained we had been talking for 5 ish years, longer for some of you and had got to know quite a lot about each other. When Shaney said Special People it made me think. Well I feel that too because I have been able to unload some stuff with you when I've felt the need and you've listened and given advice and I feel very close to you all and thank you for putting up with me.x

I've done I'm off to mash!! Byeee
Aaaw Jude ..
I lived in London I used to got to a quiz night with my old friend Jeannie .There were six of us in the team..We often used to win and we had a little club where we put our winnings and every week we'd each put a couple of quid in then every so often we had enough to go out for a meal . I knew these people for years and then we moved here .
Do you know they still keep in touch with me .Loveliest of people and here we all are .....lashing it up in a Greek restaurant in North Cheam ....
Whem Jeannie died and I went back for her funeral they welcomed me with open arms .
Special people in my life ,and although none of us have ever met ( apart from me and Lofty ) you are all special to me :)
Hi Shaney. Photos are great aren't they the evoke memories of all kinds. I have a photo of me and my husband when we were young and before we were married. What a lot has happened since then. Still we can't dwell on the past but it's good to remenisce sometimes isn't it.
Have a goodnight Shaney ~ love Jude x
Evening folks, North \cheam, I know it well, or I did in the late 70's! There was a lovely chinese restaurant there call Yum sing - alas haven,t been there for years!

I used to do the ironing in the nuddy late at night in the cool and clean the house, but now I'm too tired, nighttime now is for air con and sleep!!

Dear Robi, go to the Drs immediately manana, and get yersel sorted, you are too precious to us to let yersel get ill. All I moan about is the heat, and I apologise as there's not much else wrong apart from the list of which you are all aware. Believe me Biddies, if I were ill, you'd all know about it!!

shaney, I've missed something, what op is mr s about to have, (it's not having having my big computer so haven't the time to catch up). Poor man, and poor Mr woofy, please all of you get better!

I had a lovely cooling swim in the pool and turned on the air con in readiness in the bedroom, and beggar me if Mr N didn't nip in there jolly quick, so I can't enjoy watching dvds with him tutting away, so am stuck in hot lounge, watching some crap on tv that daughter wants to watch. I can't watch her tv as it's only a 15" and I can't see it without glasses!!!

There, that's made you all feel better hasn't it - see how some of us suffer????
btw, can any of you tell me who was the famous gay guy from the Isle of Dogs, Daniel something or other, in the 60's?? I think he had a nightclub there or summat!!

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