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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
555 Answers
Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Thinking about you and Mr W. Woofy. x
Yes Kit I did lose an earing the other week (i don't know if there are 2 r's in ear(r)ing)The one I lost this week was 1 of the pair I got in replacement on the insurance. Crazy or what!
Today is the day I'm off to see my cousin in Ashbourne. My sis is picking me up at 1.15 pm. I usually do the driving so that will be a change as I can relax and look at the scenery. Not been since last year.
Hope the rain keeps away so that we can sit by the river as the place they 're staying is a lovely holiday cottage near it.
Bye for now!
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Well the rain came at 3a.m. - and stopped at 3.02... No relief there.

Have a wonderful time, Jude! Don't lose any you-know-what:)

Thinking of you and Mr W, Woofy. Aren't dogs great the way they read you. Cats read you too, they just don't care;-) My Mum would say of cats that they come to lie on you when you're ill or sad but I think it's cos you're an excellent source of heat when you have a temperature or you're crying... Thinking of you and Mr S too Shaney.
Morning all, can't be long as the leccfy is being cut off for work at 13hrs. Mr N was violently ill last night cos of the heat.

Kit I meant to say in the hot nights I used to take a cold water bottle filled with ice tobed and it was wonderful! Try it! I also felt very sick and dizzy whilst cooking the dinner last night so am doing a meat pie now so won't be so bad tonight.

Took desktop computer in to be repaired, at least 2 days.

Hope you are all Ok, will be back asap!!
Poor DH, please get well soon!

Happy Birthday ro Tarquin!!
Well, here I is again, and no one missed me! hmmmmmm????
Yes Neti ..we've missed you :))
Hope you are both feeling better today .Not so hot here now .22c today and dull.
Another missive from St. Biddies has arrived and it's an MIR scan that Mr S has to have not a Cat ....I don't know what the difference is .

I've been chatting to him about all this and he's very gung ho . Over breakfast he told me the consultant said he may have Crohns disease .
Now ...he went to see the consultant last week .He's feeding me info in dribs and drabs :)
Just come back from yet another meeting about the land transaction and my head is thumping. I now have to go straight back out again to do some more 'doggy' work.

Woofy, sending my very best for Mr Woofy's swift recovery and please, please make sure you take care of yourself.

Shaney, the same goes for you hopefully the scans and blood tests will be fine. I shall be thinking of you on Thursday.

Neti, hope Mr Neti is feeling better.

My, St Biddies is now full and there is a waiting list!!

Love to you all. Will pop back in to to do a quick ward round later this evening.

Hi Shaney. You popped in there quickly. Mr Lottie is just the same! That's men for you. They just don't realise we need to know everything and preferably sooner rather than later! xxx
I wasn't of course suggesting there is anything wrong with Mr S's brain.

This is probably a better explantion

I had often wondered what the difference was, although all that explanation about physics, etc. goes right over my head!
I could't have an MIR (MRI over here!) scan as it was too claustrophobic and i couldn't get in it! Mr N had one the other week for his inarticulate mouse , its actually a split meniscus, he fell asleep in the machine!

Am doing this with one hand as sister is chatting on the phone, and she goes on a bit about nothing interesting!!
hello all. haveseen mr W he is much better today but no coming home yet....still being pumped with liquid to rehydrate and his kidney function is a bit off again. going to get an hours kip.
Oh dear, it seems as if I have now acquired a Springer Spaniel.

I think I better give up my 'doggy' rehoming activities before I am tempted to take them all in myself.

Her name is Molly and she is beautiful, but Meggy will not be amused when we go to collect her tomorrow. She'll get used to it!!

It's all Mr Lottie's fault, he encourages me!!

Glad Mr Wolfie is on the mend. Keep us updated.
Hi Biddyfriends. Had a lovely afternoon. Even the sun came out for an hour so that we could sit by the water.
Ths is how close we were.
You could hear it rippling and it was so quiet apart from that. So peaceful. My cousin said he saw a Kingfisher this morning. I have never seen one in my life.

Have a good sleep Woofy. Hope Mr W will soon be on the mend. Also Mr S and Mr N get well soon. I know a young woman with Crohns and it isn't very when she has a flare up.

Talking about scans I had a CT and I think that's a cat scan. I went into a polo mint shaped doofa.and had to hold my breath when it told me to about 4 times. At first they start a thingy that inserts a dye into your blood and that gives you a hot flush and makes you think you've wet yourself but that feeling doesn't last long. That link you put on Lottie really explained it for me, thank you.

Mr grass is now looking green again except it is still patchy.. I put some weed and feed on and it killed all the weeds but left bare patches. So it must have all been weeds :o) I'm not surprised.

Off to wash pots now. Don't have a dish washer. Not worth is as here's only me and not enough pots do do it once a week Like someone suggested to me. Couldn't have unwashed pots hanging about could you!?

Hope you all have a good nights sleep. I'm tired already and it's only 7.30. yyaaaaawwwwwnnnn!
I feel like a teacher marking the homework.
Corrections:- 1. isn't very *nice when...
2. *My grass
3. Pots *to do it

Byeee x
You on the POTs again jude..:O)Im off for a early drive sunday ...away for a few days just chilling and going to my fave pub "Sixmillionpostcards"hope everybodys gonna be okay.There goes the phone its 0800☎later.
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Lovely photo Jude, I can hear the rippling:)

A number of years ago I underwent an MRI, Shaney, which led to my herniated discs being diagnosed. You lie flat on your back (or I did) and glide backwards into a sort of capsule. I believe the old models were closed in one end so that must have been extremely claustrophobic, but nowadays they are open at your feet and your head both. I.e. they're open behind your head. This means that a nurse can come and stand behind you and touch your head to reassure you that the capsule is indeed open. You are given a button and if you push it they pause the whole procedure and come out of their room to hold your hand or whatever it is that you need. Mr S will be able to listen to music, and fall asleep, as Neti says. I'm extremely afraid of... erm, everything... but I promise you I didn't find it scary. It was a strain lying still for so long (you are able to move but you shouldn't) and the sound of the machine was sort of... mean... but I stayed calm:) Didn't use any music, all they had was noisy dolphins and bad pop artists... He'll be okay:) And Mr Woofy will be too, Woofster, just you wait and see.

Thanks for the tip Neti. I don't have a freezer, just a small compartment, so no room for any ice. I am now seriously considering taking frozen broccoli to bed ha ha. What will happen with Mr N's knee now?

Oh you lucky Lottie, a new little dog and your husband encourages you! Couldn't be better!

Googled that Vinny, now tell me, will you be lounging in "the uber chic lounge" or will you be one of the "youthful bodies desperate to dance" he he he cos those wordings were used in the review I found. You naughty old hippie. It sounds brilliant, have a wonderful time.
I'm going crackers Vin are yer coming. Have a good 'trip. Sunday. Tell us all about it when you get back if you can remember. x
That apostrophe at the beginning of trip could have been a freudian slip. Work it out!

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