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TheDevil | 17:00 Wed 11th Dec 2019 | Politics
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Have no idea which diabolical figure they will be voting for tomorrow?


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I have voted in every General Election for the past sixty years and not once has my vote counted because of our first past the post system. Until we get proportional representation it seems I shall miss out - unless I move house ...... or party!
12:55 Thu 12th Dec 2019
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"They seem to give a knee-jerk reaction without actually reading or thinking for themselves."

As mentioned, unlike the trending tweets on twitter I am not voting for Labour, which is what every knee jerker wishes to do on twitter. They want to do this to give Labour the best chance to get the Tories out of power.

I have said my peace on that circumstance on this thread. I'm not a tactical voter. I'm voting green because after listening to every manifesto, I made my own mind up on which resonated with me the most.

Also, unlike the twits on twitter, I'm more than happy to trust a pencil.

I like twitter. It gives a good impression of many of my peers, if I agree with them or not.
not upholding the 2016 referendum result in a 71.2% turnout is quite clearly undemocratic and today is the day when retribution will take place
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Voting for the first time from the basis of "Anybody But Corbyn" sounds like your son has been brainwashed.
Danny - he didn't say who he did vote for and its a strong Labour seat here but anything that can reduce their majority is fine with me.
TD //sounds like your son has been brainwashed//
And you haven't ? Lol.
That's a start, TD, but I have seen some of Twitter, and it very much depends on who you follow and it is so biased.
Many posts you make, are clearly just something you have seen there, as you contradict it entirely shortly after, with (presumably) your own views. Leaping onto any latest bandwagon, is not necessarily the best thing to do... just please, have a careful think for yourself, instead of just going with whatever you last saw x
Devil he is 6ft 2in, ex Army and extremely well educated. He has a mind of his own and the last person on earth to be brainwashed.
I'm not suggesting he is brainwashed, BD (not possible in humans, anyway) but I doubt height or ex-army come into it!
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"And you haven't ? Lol."

If i've been brainwahsed it's been by myself.
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"and it very much depends on who you follow and it is so biased."

Yes, and I generally follow my peers. So trust me when I say many of them believe that the ballot paper is likely to be edited so they voted with a pen.
I believe they believe that.... Have you considered starting again and following different people?
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No, just because I follow these people doesn't mean they have a sway on my opinions. If anything, they strengthen my own personal opinions.

Almost everyone my age is voting labour. Well, the vast majority. They're doing this to try topple the tories, I'm not sure they actually want a Labour Government.
TD //
Almost everyone my age is voting labour.//
How do you know this, have you carried pout a national poll? I wish you would stop posting unsubstantiated information.
They (hopefully) don't have a sway on your opinions. But you contradict yourself sometimes, so many times on one thread, it is hard to see whether you are giving your own opinions, someone else's or both. And not always with a reference to where it comes from (Google etc). It can be confusing to try to keep up with your changes.
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Dannyk13, when twitter trends #VoteTheToriesOut and #VotingLabour

#VotingLabour having currently 26.7k Tweets today and #VoteTheToriesOut with 34.9K tweets with no hashtags trending regarding voting in favour of the conservative party it tends to indicate that my age group is voting for Labour.

Other trends include... #Dogsatpollingstations and #photoshopped
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Pixie, if you highlight my contradictions then I will tell you my personal viewpoints.
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Oh! #DianneAbbot is starting to trend. I wonder why. Poor woman, being cyber bullied for making a mistake regarding footwear. The nerve of some people. She's 66 don't ya know.
Honestly TD, I knew you would say that, but when I have asked at the time, it has always been removed, so no point... I will do again in future, if I am allowed to.
TD, Are all the people on Twitter your age and how would you know that?
TD//She's 66 don't ya know//
So what ! I am in my eighties and I certainly know which shoe goes on which foot. Your remark smacks of ageism.

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