The passions driven by this tragic situation lead to some polarised and hotly debated views on here - as they always have.
I think it is a characteristic of the British as a tribe to take the moral high ground over issues which are only conveyed to us by mass media - and that has been more than ably demonstarted on here by some opinions.
I also like to think that there is a deep level of compassion that can see past any moral judgement through to the agonies these poor parents live with every day.
On balance, I feel that jKate McCann is doing what ever she can to assist in locating her child - and every mother would do the same in her situation. If she receives a portion of derision and hostility, I am sure she feels that is a price worth paying - as has been advised, none of us can flay her alive with guilt whips any more cruelly than she does herself.
To return to the original Question - I am sure I.Don No that KM faces up to her part in this tragic affair every moment of every day - but that is not going to help find her daughter. I am sure she has learned to deal with this guilt as best she can, which is probably not at all - but to assume that she does not feel responsible is patently wide of the mark, based on her ceaseless efforts to find her daughter.
Those of us with children will no doubt hug them a little closer today, and thank whomever that we are not in that position - the circumstances are not the issue any more - the grief and guilt are, and we should steer clear of ladeling moral superiority - even amongst ourselves on the AB - to do so diminishes all of us.