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So she is at it again!!

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I.Don No | 17:26 Wed 11th May 2011 | News
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Kate McCann now thinks it was possibly the clothes that her daughter was wearing that led to her kidnap....according to The Sun.....I know, I know not the most reliable of sources, but please.........

It is about time that this woman faced up to her part in this tragic affair.

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Nope she will blame everyone else apart from herself!!
08:50 Thu 12th May 2011
agree with you - in terms of not for an hour, but the point is we can leave them or be distracted for ten minutes at the front door or wherever, not realising we are leaving our kids exposed to whatever.... the risk probability is very low, but it is still there.

The McCanns got their risk calculation wrong.
but DT, answering the front door, you are still in the same building as that child, and its very unlikely they will be abducted, but I take your point.
I agree with you too Den - the issue here is the timeline, the risk and one could argue their naiveness was that they were in a foreign country, albeit it in a place they knw well.

We make wrong risk decisions as the McCanns did - we make them all the time with no negative results or minor ones, most of the time.

I once made a bad one in China which resulted me in being K&Red for a few hours...not a nice experience. But when I set out (having been working late at 10pm at night and let my chauffeur go home, as I was too nice perhaps), I inadvertently increased my risk exposure and dumped myself in the poo. I am still here though - I think!
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DT crosswordfan......I do not appreciate your rudeness towards me. I have never been rude to you.

my opinion is just as valid as yours, but it is a shame you had to resort to sarcasm.
No.....the real shame is that you chose to attempt to take the moral high-ground about an issue of which you have shown you have precious little compassion, or understanding.

If you are upset or disappointed with the majority of the responses you've received, perhaps you'll think a little more carefully before you post, in future ?
I can`t understand anyone going off on holiday and leaving their kids unattended in an apartment. Friends of mine who have kids always take a nanny with them when they go away and they are not nearly as well off as the McCanns. The McCanns said they didn`t want to leave their kids with a stranger so they came to the conclusion that it was better to leave them alone and they will rue the day they made that decision. I don`t blame Kate McCann for writing a book. She probably feels she needs to put her side of the story out there and is trying to raise money to help in the search for Madeleine. Personally I think Madeleine is no longer alive and the ironic thing is, if the McCanns didn`t have so much money to keep the search alive, they might have accepted that fact (as much as anyone can accept the loss of a child) and would have tried to find some kind of closure.
I don't think a parent can ever have closure while their child is still "missing".

how could you not think about that every single day of your life?
I dont think I have been rude, it may have been sardonic but not sarcastic. If you want me to turn that way, I can.....

My (serious) point is that we all hide behind our own risk assessments and, advertently or inadvertently, we leave ourselves over-exposed to potential incident - yes the chances of K and R are low, but what about safety and injury in the home with wee ones - and yes there are different risks to each typ of incident that can happen. Just ask anyone in the actuary industry..

It was certainly not meant as a personal attack as demo-ed by my last comment that I am glad that nothing has happened (as I seriously am), as to the proverbial 99% of the population.....
And what are the facts that prove she is no longer alive?
thank you JTH, as I subscribe in part to that view - in folk trying to "Daily Mail" what is, ultimately, a very sad story.....
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I am at a loss to understand why I have been perceived as having no compassion or understanding.

I have not attacked anyone on here. I have been interested to read others' views on this subject.

just because I have not said previously that I feel deeply sorry for this little girl and what she has gone through does not mean I do not care. I do.....just not for the doings of Kate McCann.
I accept the parent would think about it every day of their life. Who wouldn`t? But the closure would be accepting the child was dead and trying to come to terms with that rather than thinking she might still be alive and that if they can just fund the next investigation, they might be able to find her.
Yes, we've got that bit.................and it still does you no credit.
Kidnapping rarely has closure unless a corpse is found.
237 I ask again why should the McCanns accept she is dead? Where are the facts?

I.Don No - the clue is in the title, So She Is At It Again!!
I do think there is a case for negligence on the parents behalf, and I certainly think that had it been a single parent or perhaps even working class, some very different reactions would have taken place with the different organisations involved and the people following their plight. Whether that is the responsibility of the media or some perverse class system within the soicety, I wouldn't like to guess.

However, I also think that the most horrendous punishment for neglecting a child, no matter how unintentional, has already happened to these parents and see no need to persecute them further, I don't imagine anything anyone says will be able to make them feel worse than they already do. As to whether they're guilty or not, when faced with a distinct lacks of facts, and having some confidence in the law of the land even if I don't always agree with it, I would go to the default innocent until proven guilty setting.
Sorry ladybirder, didn`t realise you were addressing me. If you read my first post again you will see that I said that I personally think the child is dead. Not quite the same as having hard evidence - just my opinion as I said.
or released tamborine, and I suspect that the McCanns may be holding on to the recent stories of female abductees in California and Austria, horrific that those are in stories of sexual abuse in their own right.

If you wanted to show a degree of compassion, I.Don, why didn't you word your lead-in to the thread differently so as to reflect that... a one liner on that would have adequately demonstrated that, I am sure.

A coaching point perhaps...and believe me I have publsihed insensitive threads in the past from not having properly worded my thoughts.
Hope the OP can get her deposit back on the pitchforks and flaming torches.........
(and when I can learn to type as well - typing dyslexia perhaps).

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