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So she is at it again!!

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I.Don No | 17:26 Wed 11th May 2011 | News
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Kate McCann now thinks it was possibly the clothes that her daughter was wearing that led to her kidnap....according to The Sun.....I know, I know not the most reliable of sources, but please.........

It is about time that this woman faced up to her part in this tragic affair.

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Nope she will blame everyone else apart from herself!!
08:50 Thu 12th May 2011
Well said Sal and Sqad - totally agree
True, but I don't think she is neglecting the needs of her other children & husband - maybe at the beginning (I have read excerpts of her book), and I must say I didn't really want or need to know that she shunned him in bed and their lovemaking ceased for a while, but I think the book was well-intended.

Gerry McCann has 'moved on' - but he is of a very different personality than his wife, but am sure still hurts inside. I just think some of the poison & accusations directed towards Kate in particular show the very worst side of human behaviour. I take a very 'There for the grace of God go I (we)', because God knows no-one is perfection personified. The ones who attack Kate McCann - are they such perfect examples of human beings? I doubt it.
Being willing to make yourself the target of vicious attacks and suffer the opprobrium of a large part of the nation is obviously something Kate is prepared to undergo in order to keep her missing daughter in the public consciousness.

I wouldn't be surprised if she feels it is her penance for the mistake she made ?

Perhaps Gerry is less shallow as a husband than some......?
salla...again I agree. However if Kate goes on with this "crusade" I can foresee a separation and perhaps divorce in the future..The husband has needs and support as well.
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I think Gerry has the mentality of the typical 'consultant' - he has to harden himself to some of the harsh & upsetting facts of life.

I know for a fact that if I were in her shoes, the 'mother's guilt' would never leave me and I would never ever give up on finding my child or at least finding out what happened to her.

She has never professed to be entirely blame-free for what happened, but the ferocity of the personal attacks on her, in light of what turmoil and utter grief she must be feeling, absolutely horrifies and upsets me. She does not deserve such scorn.
Once again sqad, from what excerpts I have read, I think they have resumed their 'marital relations'. I think his needs are being met - by his wife, his work & his colleagues. I think any danger of separation or divorce is perhaps over, but that's a separate issue.
salla....maybe.........but he is living with an obsessed wife, with good reason maybe, but obsessed nevertheless and this may well be hard to live with particularly in his line of work where he needs support from his wife.
There but for the grace of God go I. Her and her husband's suffering will never end, whatever they did or did not do they are paying a terrible price.
In my experience across the western world parents frequently have young children asleep in the house yet sit in the garden having a drink with friends. They may well be a similar distance from the children as were the McCanns. As a baby my son was frequently alone in his pram in the garden while we were in the house. Were we bad parents? Come on, give this woman a break, she's lost her child.
McMouse.....I agree totally, but equally...."C'mon Kate give us all a break"
No-one forces us to read it sqad do they?
OK sqad, she's maybe overdoing it, but I'm really p1ssed off by all the sanctimonious folk who are quick to portray her as the villain who brought it all on herself. It's amazing how many ABers are so perfect yet have been ignored for canonisation. comment was a "general comment" not solely about the book.

No, nobody forces us to read the book, but it will be widely read otherwise, the publishers would not take it on.

Now, what odds on a film "Maddie?"
McM...I know! I know!,,,,but many people would not have left their children alone and they should not be vilified or called sanctimonious for saying so.
Well I admire the woman for her tenacity and her refusal to give up on her daughter despite all the abuse and flak she gets for it.

She must not (and I'm sure she doesn't) neglect her other children or her husband in her campaign or crusade as you word it, but why should she give up and accept things just because a lot of the public think it's time she should? I wouldn't.
It is my opinion (before anybody jumps down my throat) that Kate McCann is an attention hungry, self aggrandizing, fame junkie who will use anything and everything to get her OWN face in papers/news/documentaries etc - everything from her daughter's *dissappearance* to her sex life or lack thereof.

Perhaps if she was a little less self obssessed she wouldn't be the subject of as much public contempt.
"all the sanctimonious folk"? Take it you also refer to thoose who defend Kate McCann.

Ooh I have often sat in the garden while my kids were in thier bedroom - ohh ny kids were in the gardem while I was watching television. None of this relevent.

How many of you have left your kids in the house while you went to the pub? Thats what Kate McCann did, now you can seek to justify it anyway you wish but that what she did.

In all of your defence of her none of you have mentioned Maddy remember who the true victim is.

I expect this to be removed soon
That's it - I'm dissassociating myself from this thread now because it is making me angry.

You all (or some of you) carry on slating this woman who has lost a child to god knows whatever or whoever. I will have no part of it.

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