how we manage hate crimes, gosh tell me how do we do that. And hate against who exactly, i see hate in the fact that 2 women every week going on info, are murdered by a husband, partner, that many women are the subject of attack, physically, mentally on a regular basis, that these are hate crimes, and i do wonder how many are prosecuted for this abuse.
hate crimes like terrorism, homosexual baiting, bashing, carried out by so called rational people,
marrying off their child to an old man, or allowing the girls to have fgm, that is a hate crime, hate against the child, woman, come on be fair
you really think that UKIP are going to lure away many millions of people into doing what exactly, vote for them, perhaps, but that is all, they don't as far as i can see organise mass rallies, or kill people because of their race, creed, colour, they want to stop more immigration to Britain, well
so do some Tories, Lib Dems, Labour people, all racists are they?