Re the above comments, the answer that women have to cover themselves so as not to inflame men's desires is the correct one - nothing to do with the women not being able to resist their advances. I've commented before that this doesn't reflect very kindly on the religion's review of men's self control....
I see no need for a burka to be worn here.
Despite all the nay have abused this 'privilege'. Anyone could to be fair.Who's going to challenge it?
I know it's been said but when in Rome....
When i'm in Spain I adhere to their laws which believe it not are quite stringent and quite different from here.
Religion is shouldn't ever be paraded is my view.
Where I work (Hayes) burka clad ladies are everywhere. Some even wear black gloves even in mild weather. Often very young girls are also wearing head coverings. In the bank one day one was at counter next to me being asked for ID and I wondered how that was going to work.
I have a near neighbour who is head to toe in black who says hello to me and I say hello back but I really don't know how I could progress beyond hello with someone I really cannot see at all.
I find the burka is not conducive to trust or friendship.
And one more point. Someone I knew worked at Heathrow on check in and sometimes took women into a cubicle to check their face against passport photo. The facial covering often covered bruising.