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Ban The Burka?

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vernonk | 17:53 Sun 11th Jan 2015 | News
276 Answers
Would you like to see the burka banned? I consider it a threat to national security, apart from anything else


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Ban the Burka ?? YES!
ichkeria //There is nothing to stop anyone wearing a burqa etc in public to conceal their identity if they choose to do so. Regardless of whether or not there is a law about it or not. Which makes such a law completely pointless as a security measure.//

That’s irrational. Currently there’s nothing to stop anyone wearing a burqa because no law currently exists that prevents people from doing so. Should that change, the new law banning face coverings wouldn’t be pointless – it would ensure that faces are revealed in public.

//from a security point of view a ban on face coverings would probably be counterproductive//

I don’t see how such a law would be counter-productive. For example. a friend of mine who works for a major department store tells me that CCTV is useless in aiding the police in finding and apprehending shoplifters who wear burkas. They are completely anonymous – and descriptions of their clothing don’t help.
Re my post @1404 Correction.
Last year Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, a Somalian male and guest in this country left an Acton Mosque wearing a Burka. He had been released on bail after been remanded in custody.
He was subject of an anti-travel order issued by Teresa May and had a tracking tag fitted. He removed the tag, donned the burka and is now believed to be back in Somalia. He had 20 terrorist charges to answer and an arrest warrant has been issued for non appearance at the Old Bailey.
Wonder if the arrest warrant was backed for bail ???
Mr Andrew Parker, head of MI5 assured us recently that his officials are keeping tabs on these individuals concerned in terrorism. the tabs are more reliable than the tags.!!!
Well some of these excuses for not banning the Burka are pathetic, what would it be like if everyone was to wear a Burka, nothing at the moment to stop one from doing so.

Here are two examples of why this silly garment should be banned from the streets of the UK.

/// And anyway if you want to conceal your identity there are lots of other ways you can do it. ///

Please tell us how, a clowns mask, a Dick Turpin type of mask, please tell us of one that would be as acceptable as the burka is at the moment? One is allowed to walk into a bank wearing a burka, but try it wearing a clowns mask.

/// So from a security point of view a ban on face coverings would probably be counterproductive: just another unenforceable law occupying police time when they are already overstretched. ///

Nudity is banned from public places, and the police do not have any trouble enforcing that law.

If you don't believe me try try walking down your high street in the nuddie and see how far you get.
I wonder how you would stand if wearing a Burka as a No Muslim you drove a car & had an accident due to the fact your Vision was Obstructed?
How would "banning the burka" have prevented the murders in Paris last week ? How would it have prevented the murder of Lee Rigby, and all the people who died on the 7th July 2005 ?

I don't recall any of the terrorists wearing burka.
Freedom of expression is important, but I would still be tempted to ban it. It's not clothing, really. It's a mask.
I don't recall any of the terrorists wearing burka.

BBC news is your favourite isn't it, mikey?
Very interesting talbot, but not really relevant to the questions I asked !

What part did the burka play in Paris, in Woolwich, or on the Tubes and buses in July 2005 ?

By the way, like most people, I don't think that the burka should be worn in Court, at School. etc.
For our own security, I would also like for it to be banned.
oh. so you pick out two incidents where a burka was not worn and that is the case for not banning it?


"The jury at Woolwich Crown Court saw footage of Yassin Omar, 26, wearing a black full-length dress and burka with a handbag over his arm."

"He is said to have travelled by bus to Birmingham from Golders Green in north London on 22 July 2005 - the day after an alleged attempt to bomb the Tube."
Talbot...whether the burka is banned or not is not going to stop terrorist outrages from happening. The two men who killed Rigby could have worn burkas but as I remember it, they just turned up with some kitchen knives hidden about their persons, and got on with job in hand.

In a similar fashion, the 4 British terrorists, that killed 52 people, and injured 700 others in London in July 2005, were all men, dressed in normal mens clothes, and they managed to do that by concealing explosives in rucksacks, not under voluminous amounts of black cloth. Perhaps we should ban rucksacks on the Tube ?

I have not seen any evidence that burkas played an active role on Paris last week.

Banning the burka is just a knee jerk reaction and would have minimal effect on our national security. All it would do is make a few smug people feel even more smug, content in the knowledge that an empty gesture has been provided.
LOL I just KNEW this thread would turn out to be an AB fascist magnet.
Well said Mike.
For all the fascists: you don't *have* to be a "hand-wringing liberal" or a "lefty" to disagree with this ludicrous irrational proposition, it's just common sense.
Banning the burka is just a knee jerk reaction

Don't be silly, the question of wearing burkas is not a new one so therefore it is not a knee-jerk reaction.

Have you (or Answer-prancer) bothered to read through the thread, or do you think your opinion is that valid that it is not necessary?
Ah Mr AP back with the buzz word name calling - Again :)
I don't think I need to read through the thread as I've effectively answered the OP in the negative. Sure it's a knee-jerk reaction and, I might add, an excuse for all the knuckle-dragging drooling anti-humanitarians here to vent spleen on the innocent. Agreed though, also not a new idea.
So, who did I call a name O/L? No one in particular ;-)

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