Can we agree that most laws of this country are based on religious teachings?. The Ten Commandments outlaws Theft, Adultery etc .
Can anybody on AB overcome the hurdle of honest straight talking and may be admit that their parents/grand parents did not approve, promote, discuss or condone homosexuality? I would suggest that the large majority of our forbears did not because what they did approve of was their religious doctrine.
I note that two champions of homosexuality both admit to being atheist,agnostic or whatever but also state that they were brought up to believe in the Catholic church which they both now renounce and have steered away from their parental guidance.That is their right and I am not surprised given the revelations of what the establishment of the Catholic Church both male and female get up to.
So what was law and probably founded on church law has now been long repealed but still within my lifetime. That law was established by the great and the good,some would say,and repealed by the same great and good. Do you think that the law may have been repealed because of the lobbying of some closet homosexual MPs?. I am totally serious.We know there were a few.
We have the view,by some, that since the law has been repealed we have come forward a long way since those bad old days and the world is so much better for that progressive,liberal,right on thinking.
I was bought up in a family that followed the teachings of the church . I am not an atheist. I chose not to break away from my family's beliefs and views with regard to homosexuality.
Those of us of an older generation remain faithful to our upbringing and I will not apologise for that.
Now aog and I have been villified for not sharing the views of the majority on this thread and have had "intolerant" thrown our way. I am castigated for making a comparison that obviously touched some raw nerves.
We have mikey on almost a weekly basis informing us of another member of the establishment who are being prised out of the woodwork. We all,quite rightly, voice our abhorrence at these vile disgusting creatures. No different is it to what our parents probably said about homosexuals?
So our progressive liberal thinkers seem to believe we have come forward.
Well lets put the clock forward shall we. What if we see what we think, now, is unthinkable actually happen? So many establishment figures are paedophiles that the law is repealed in the future. Nobody here condones paedophilia and will state their disapproval in no uncertain terms just as their parents may have condoned homosexuality. So what might our progressive liberal grandchildren think of us.Will we be condemned by them for our intolerance to paedophiles, just because it was made legal or will some stick to the views of their forbears as I, like it or not,have done?
, see the unthinkable happen