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Only In America. Is This A Price They're Willing To Continue To Pay For The Right To Carry Arms?

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sandyRoe | 15:34 Wed 26th Aug 2015 | News
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I agree with andy-hughes, that is the mentality of the USA. with your views on religion, you are missing the obvious common sense factor here....

America is a deeply dangerous place, primarily because so many of your compatriots have easy and legal access to ridiculous levels of firearms. We don't have the same problem here, despite what your highly dubious stats. are trying but failing to prove.

This man was clearly unhinged and the reason that he was able to murder 2 completely innocent people, was because he had easy access to weaponry.

You Americans have a simple decision to make you want to save innocent and defenceless people from being murdered by the mentally ill, or do you want to continue to allow millions of people to have access to guns.

We had that debate in Britain, following the murders in Hungerford and Dunblane, and we decided that guns should not be a part of our daily lives.

America needs to have the same debate. If you are not willing as a nation to have the debate, stop shedding crocodile tears every time that some nutter runs amok.

okay, jomifl, it doesn't undermine my argument about the 2nd Amendment and how to counter it.
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The killer has escaped temporal justice. He died by his own hand.

/More US citizens have been killed by guns than by all wars ever! /
I wonder how many of those casualties were the result of 'friendly fire' or 'ordnance incontinence'
Divebuddy, weren't gun licenses and permits necessary in the UK before Dunblane?
mikey, we didn't have the equivalent clause to the 2nd amendment, however vague it was, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
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That's hardly an amendment that has stood the test of time.
DTC, I think the critical part of the wording is the word 'the' before the word 'people'.
// mikey, we didn't have the equivalent clause to the 2nd amendment, however vague it was,//

we had a common law right to bear arms which was reflected in the 2nd amendment but which in the UK was eroded by statute thro out the C19

The American constitution had the idea of embedded legislation and the UK did not until the 1998 Human Rights Act ( and even that caused the law lords to have multiple spazzies )
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jomifl, as I suspect you know, we could fill the pages here with the major legal challenges to the interpretation and definition of the 2nd over the last 200 years plus, but the conclusion is simple, 'the right for the people to bear arms' is more than well entrenched in American thinking, though I would agree perhaps too dug in for society at large and it's not going to be changed by any of us on AB, even we Europeans at government level. It has to come from within.....however, from living over there, I do believe there is a pragmatic way of starting to limit arms through 'starvation' of the bits that actually do the damage, and surely that must be a consideration.
//We had that debate in Britain, following the murders in Hungerford and Dunblane, and we decided that guns should not be a part of our daily lives.//

If people in this country want a gun they will get one - legally or otherwise.
Naomi...Have you got your Mary-Mary hat back on ?

You are missing the point here. In America you can walk into one of your friendly neighbourhood Gun Shop, and buy all sorts of guns, including assault rifles, with the bare minimum in fuss and bother. You can go shopping to Walmart, and out a gun n your shopping cart, along with all your other normal shopping items. In some States, you can even walk around with your gun of choice concealed about your person.

In the vast majority of massacres. like the one at Sandy Hook, the weapons used to murder people were held completely legally, ie they weren't bought in some shady deal done in a back alley.

That is the difference between us and the USA. In America, there is no need to buy guns illegally, as they are freely available. In Britain guns are not freely available, at all, and if someone wanted to by an assault weapon and descend on his local Junior School, or Cinema, and commit mass murder, he would have to buy the weapons needed from a criminal.

Unlike America, we have had an almost complete lack of massacres of innocent people, including children, the last being Dunblane, and the main reason is that guns are NOT freely available, and long may that situation continue.We have mad people as well, as every society has, but they haven't got guns.

Is that not common sense ?

What happened yesterday in Virginia was that a mentally unhinged person decided to murder 2 of his colleagues in cold blood.

As I have said many times before.....a mad American and access to guns...a deadly combination.
// ^^^ a million years is a bit wrong. It is actually 100 years.//

no I think a million years is mmore like it -
look at Chilcott....

what did the fella say? when a man's gartta cover up, he has to cover up good or something....
Race-hate crime. Should we be banning the Union Flag? Where's Al Sharpton?
It's their issue to address (or not) as they see fit. What we need to do is to ensure that we maintain the strict controls we have here.

People can still get them if they really to for either valid (ie sporting) or criminal reasons, but they have to make some effort to do it. It's this business of every Tom, Dick & Harriet having a Kalashnikov, an AK47 and a couple of Magnums lying around the house that they got from a mail order catalogue that we need to avoid at all costs.
Ludwig...I would give you Best Answer, if were able to doso...good common sense !

Why is common sense so lacking on here sometimes ?

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