hereIam, //Naomi you know I luv you, but don't you think that's a tad scaremongering ?//
Not at all. John McDonnell has said quite openly that he will create a run on the pound, and in order to fund all its impossible promises Labour proposes to hit companies with higher taxes, which will do nothing for investment and growth but will only serve to alienate business and discourage enterprise. That in turn will see jobs disappear. No scaremongering there. The Labour you’re seeing today is far removed from the Labour of the past. Its current brand would be an absolute disaster for this country. I really wish people would listen to what they’re saying – but it all seems lost in the swirling red mist that perpetuates the myth of the downtrodden working man who continues to vote as his dear old dad voted in order to fight ‘the toffs’. And if you want to evidence of that, read Eddie’s post at 16:39. He’s one of them. Funny really. He has been relieved of all personal responsibility so *** the real workers because he is milking the system for all it's worth and gets everything for nothing. What does he care?
Eddie, you have nothing to be proud of. Your attitude is sickening.