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Pixie, I’m not sure a doctor taking a quick look at a little girl – and that’s all it would take - equates to ‘abuse’ – but it will never happen anyway. Imagine the outcry from the defenders of the faith!
It would amount to that to the child.
/Female children from that culture who are taken abroad should perhaps be examined both before going and also when arriving back. /
That is abuse!
Nothing to do with "the faith". More for child protection.
Scary, isn't it, islay?!
What are you going to do - have a series of examination rooms in the airport - see a child take it to one side - make it have an intimate examination by a complete stranger?
Then repeat on the way back in!
And you don't think this is abuse?
horrifying Pixie!
A doctor cannot examine a child without a parent or appropriate adult being present.
Are you saying that to examine a child to discover if they've been abused is abuse?
Pixie, It isn’t anything new in law in this country at least, but these parents believe they are taking responsibility for their children’s welfare. This is something that for them is essential to their children’s welfare – and make no mistake, it’s everything to do with the faith. Denying that is a big part of the problem.

Incidentally, if you think a quick look from a doctor is scary for a child, just think how scary being subjected to FGM is. That's scary!!
parents and doctor conceal the fact because it is a cultural norm for them
and someone else reports it

the crime is to do FGM not to have it done on you ( the victim isnt the convict )

bit like droogz -
are you a drug dealer?
no of course not ....
// Are you saying that to examine a child to discover if they've been abused is abuse?//

well they need a GA - and that involves the usual palaver

and yes or no the Children Act allows you to examine a child without the parents consent if it is in the interests of the child ( child's interests paramount ) - just to clarify
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Same old, same old.

/// Hard facts about how many girls are being cut, where and by whom, are scarce because, according to campaigners, the issue has been neglected by successive governments scared of confronting so-called cultural practices. ///

It isn't either/or, Naomi. Either nothing has happened and you are traumatising a child for no reason- or it has, and you are re-traumatising her, for no benefit to herself. It's too late for her by then- and yes, it is abusive. Clearly. I am genuinely horrified, Islay has the right word, that ago would condone abuse of little girls because of his hatred of Islam. No child deserves to be used like that either. And saying it is more minor abuse is not the point.
PeterPedant. //well they need a GA //

No they don't. A quick look without touching suffices.
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How can professionally medically examining a little girl be classes as abuse????
Are you saying that to examine a child to discover if they've been abused is abuse?

in the Shetlands non witch trials
( when dey den ? and where ! - there was a satanic abuse non event in the Shetland around 20 years ago )
an observer commented
well the if the children werent baggered before they certainly have been by the police !

satanic abuse was a non existent social construct
( = didnt occur in any sense of the word )
[unless you say a social construct has an independent existence]

Didnt Butler Sloss make a permanent order that the children involved in the 'Brough - Middlesbrough child abuse disaster - should never be contacted about it ever ?
Certainly doesnt sound as tho this stuff doesnt harm children.
( 1/3 1/3 1/3 - a third were abused. a third deffo werent abused, and a third may have been dunno has changed to half were and half may have been )
// No they don't. A quick look without touching suffices.//

Pixie, you and Islay are over-reacting – and it’s that kind of ‘horror’ that exacerbates the problem. Being subjected to FGM is far more traumatic than undergoing a moment’s visual examination. Perhaps if the parents who are taking their little girls abroad to undergo this mutilation thought they might be examined by a doctor at the airport, they'd think twice about buying tickets.
Peter Pedant, yes.

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