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Your serving with the regiment, the regiment is Not serving with you. Fall in line, or, fall out.
07:10 Sat 09th Jun 2018
He may have insisted on wearing a turban to avoid getting a bee in his bonnet.

Y'all are peaking too early today, there are hours to be wasted on this nonsense and others.
The truth hurts doesn't it - oh dear what a shame - never mind I am sure you will be back with more hate.
Stop insulting people.
another perfectly valid thread ruined by personal abuse..uncalled for, attention seeking ...and reported..
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I see race has been shoehorned into another thread by Islay where it is entirely irrelevant. It is a weak argument and 'The Card' has been pulled out in an attempt to stifle debate because those that do object may (If I knew how to put 'may' in italics I would) feel the need to defend themselves against an unfounded and unfair allegation of racism.

As far as this chap is concerned, I see no problem with it.
I actually think he looks very smart in his turban. However, uniform is, by its nature, uniform. Anything else ... isn't.
ditto Naomi..
This is better than Home And Away, Neighbours, Corrie, The Bill, Love Thy Neighbour, etc.

Shall take my popcorn and retire.

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double sigh...
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.

Not a very civil servant at all.
Can we get back to the topic rather than the thread being mired in this ‘bitchfest’? It’s rather unbecoming.
Is there not a school playground category anywhere on here?
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I have reported the comment @ 0859 as nasty and gratuitously offensive in the hope that it will be swiftly removed, preferably along with its author.

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