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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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RETRO from about 11:00 to about 13:15 in this video.

He doesn't want violence to be associated with the English Dense League but advises those who don't like the way they operate to form their own group.

If they want to beat up folk, smash things or riot, he tells them to go on and do it but not in EDL's name and he wishes them good luck.
In other words, he's against violence.
Well done, Corby. You're playing a blinder today.
Is that why he wishes good luck to those who want to beat up folk, smash up things and riot?

He doesn't want that to be associated with the Dense League because he wants to attract the masses as he says so himself.

If he's against violence, as you claim, why did he not condemn it?
I would like to think that there were thousands of similar "soldiers" who would gladly have appeared in the infamous foto . (FOTO acronym)
That doesn't fly as an incitement to commit violence.
He could just as well pronounce to the Islamic Terrorists in this country,
'If you want to blow up innocent kids at a pop concert and set off suicide vests ,mow innocent people down in hired trucks then go and do it in Syria or Iraq where you will have to face real soldiers. Don't do it in the name of Islam in a Christian country'.
Togo - // I would like to think that there were thousands of similar "soldiers" who would gladly have appeared in the infamous foto . (FOTO acronym) //

I like to think they may be bright enough to remember that they are in uniform, and therefore represent The Army and the MOD, and it might be a good idea to give an attention-seeking publicity grabber a wide berth.
Does anyone know whether Army regulations trump yoooman rites?
Do we have "political officers" placed in every Army unit just like Stalin used to have?
// Does anyone know whether Army regulations trump yoooman rites?//
yes I do
no they dont
other way round really ( Sgt Blackman and all that - gay men in the marines etc - it has all been heard before)

The Queens writ most deffo runs in the military which is in stark contrast to Amerikee the land of the free where the army camps are outside the law - and hence Guantanamo

[yeah yeah gitmo who dat den? etc etc]
Togo - I know you would love to spin this situation as being that a few lads on a day out saw a 'celebrity' and had a selfie with him, no harm done.

But as I have said to the point of tedium, he was not a 'celebrity', they were not 'a few lads on a day out' and they didn't have a 'selfie'.

So no matter how many ways you post in a manner that tries to take all the harm done out of the situation, the Ministry Of Defence have taken a different view, as is their right, and if you don't like it, that's fine, but trying to spin the facts won't change them.
Some of the attitudes towards Tommy, are disgusting.
Plenty of Muslim appeasers on here.
"It's not in my backyard so I don't care."
Be ashamed!
There are those amongst us who are drawn to the truth of life,and mental wellbeing coupled with prosperity and safety. Others have no mind filter and would rather we all succumb to the inertia and confusion being generated in the guise of overwhelming evidence.(Think Beep Beep See or Sly News) Sadly the M.O.D has decided to join the latter. We should now consider ourselves to be solely responsible for our safety and security. The Army brass has joined plod in the one world, one mind programme, hidden behind an agenda of both diversity and inclusivity. Either/Or able to be implemented whenever the "authorities" decide which offence meets the current steering criteria. The Times They Are A Changin.

/// and they didn't have a 'selfie ///

Lots of the 'Trainees' had their Mobiles in hand in the Video Link, How can you possibly state that they didn't have a Selfie without having access to their 'phones?
When the Royal Anglian Regiment returned from Afghanistan, Muslim protesters held placards calling them murderers and calling for them to be beheaded.
British people objecting to this were arrested.
God bless Tommy.
Remember the muslime onlookers spitting on our Soldiers in Luton? Guess who was arrested...…..yep the British onlookers who protested and pointed it out. Guess who made a fuss about it? (You're ahead of me here aren't you) Right again. Tommy Robinson. The squaddies think more of him than they do of the brass. The squaddies are armed and trained. The brass are half brained.
With some of the attitudes on here, Anjem Choudary will have nothing to worry about when he is released from prison. He can continue to spew out his hatred, and live off the state.
But of course if Tommy shouts about it, it is Tommy who will be castigated.
Theland - // Some of the attitudes towards Tommy, are disgusting.
Plenty of Muslim appeasers on here.
"It's not in my backyard so I don't care."
Be ashamed! //

I have yet to see one post from one AB'er ever, defending the extremists who use Islam as a cover for their barbaric practices.

I have also seen many many posts (and I have posted some of them) from AB'er's who tirelessly defend Islam as a faith from those who want to bundle all Muslims into the category of murdering extremists.

I am not a 'Muslim appeaser', and I am not remotely ashamed.

Thank you for your input.

Togo - // There are those amongst us who are drawn to the truth of life,and mental wellbeing coupled with prosperity and safety. Others have no mind filter and would rather we all succumb to the inertia and confusion being generated in the guise of overwhelming evidence.(Think Beep Beep See or Sly News) Sadly the M.O.D has decided to join the latter. We should now consider ourselves to be solely responsible for our safety and security. The Army brass has joined plod in the one world, one mind programme, hidden behind an agenda of both diversity and inclusivity. Either/Or able to be implemented whenever the "authorities" decide which offence meets the current steering criteria. The Times They Are A Changin. //

Most erudite - did you make that up all by yourself?

Pity it's baseless nonsense, and I see you have ignored my post about the facts that generated this thread.

But based on this post, facts are not your strong point it seems.
Baldric - // /// and they didn't have a 'selfie ///

Lots of the 'Trainees' had their Mobiles in hand in the Video Link, How can you possibly state that they didn't have a Selfie without having access to their 'phones? //

Let's concede that some of the soldiers did indeed have 'selfies' - that simply confounds their unacceptable behaviour in the eyes of their superiors, who are mainly vexed with the fact that the soldiers were used by 'Tommy Robinson' to make it appear that they, and be default, the Army as a whole, support 'Tommy Robinson' who is a known troublemaker and agitator.
Andy - " known troublemaker and agitator?"

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