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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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I love Tommy and the way AH squirms when he is mentioned,lol.
I always laugh when Tommy is castigated here. It is a bit like the mother of a soldier who is marching in a parade, the son , not the mother.

The mother proudly says " look at that, everybody is out of step but our Billy"

Andy - Heaven forbid that you and yours should ever become victims of Islamist violence, but put yourself in the shoes of those who have, bombings, stabbing someone, grooming gangs, and try to empathise, and be grateful that Tommy and others like him are at least trying to resist Islamism, especially so when the authorities pussyfoot around with appeasement.
Avatar Image Theland

Andy - Heaven forbid that you and yours should ever become victims of Islamist violence, but put yourself in the shoes of those who have, bombings, stabbing someone, grooming gangs, and try to empathise, and be grateful that Tommy and others like him are at least trying to resist Islamism, especially so when the authorities pussyfoot around with appeasement.

16:09 Sat 13th Oct 2018

And some fell on stony ground.
I have to confess I have not watched all that Mr Robinson has to offer on youtube but what I have seen of him in interviews is quite a well researched and elequent speaker/debater. He doesn't appear fazed by some,quite hostile,interviewers and puts his points across well.
I have,however, never heard him promote violence but am willing to be proved wrong and directed to any particular interview that proves this allegation as suggested by an earlier poster. Thanks in advance.
The lol was for Billy in step btw. Slow typist.
All his vids are worth a watch. I find it odd that he is insulted for highlighting some serious problems in this country. The Islamist marches in Luton are worth a watch. Tommy hails from Luton.
Was that the video where a Burqua clad woman accused a young lady interviewer,also from Luton, of being a prostitute because of her western attire?
Yes. AH does not have a response to that,lol.
I would love a link where Tommy is promoting violence, I have looked but cannot find one.
Turns out, the islamist scumbag who 'took offence' and complained was advocating for the death of British servicemen a few years ago. They must be laughing up their sleeves at us.
Perhaps we must surmise from this that the British army no longer wants to recruit the ballsy working class white boys who have made the British army the envy of the world for hundreds of years and will only be looking for transvestites, homosexuals and muslims looking to get a bit of weapon training before they go on a bloodletting spree at a pop concert or primary school. Funny old world.
Certainly is Togo.
Love the Ad for Muslim recruits. Radio operator nearly knocked over because an 'urgent' message attempted to come through while Asif is praying.
Most ridiculous advert ever seen. Must be providing hilarity all around the world.
Yes, the world has finally gone mad.
I realise this is a digression - but to use a childish phrase 'You started it'.

You have every right to criticise the Army Video Campaign, so comment about all of them and remember the World has moved on since you may have served.
Army brass latest statement?

"We won't let you speak freely, associate freely or think for yourselves. We won't protect you from injustice nor protect your daughters and sisters from misogynistic abuse. We will arrest you or fire you, drag your name through the mud, if you speak freely and do not obey our narrative. We think you're all uneducated pillocks and idiots, scum and working class chavy trash - you and your families alike. But please would you come and do the patriotic thing by dying for us on the fields of battle."

P.S. Patriotism is only required when needed until then we dont like it.
SparklyKid - // I love Tommy and the way AH squirms when he is mentioned,lol. //

You're not videoing me are you - like Tommy loves to do????

No - otherwise you'd see that I don't squirm, ever!!

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