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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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He was a classical scholar, author, linguist, soldier, philologist and poet. That's not about perception. That's reality. As I said, an intelligent, educated, and distinguished man.
AH. You consider yourself to be a respected moderator. Why therefore do you come across as rude, insulting, confrontational , revel in trying to belittle others, always wanting the last word, never respecting any opinion other than your own.

That is all I have to say. I shall avoid any post in future that you partake in.
Theland - // There is more, but why follow the herd and stick this label on him? //

I haven't stuck this label on him, it was there when I arrived.
SparklyKid - // AH. You consider yourself to be a respected moderator. //

No I don't, I have never said that, please don't make assumptions about how I 'see myself'.

// Why therefore do you come across as rude, insulting, confrontational , revel in trying to belittle others, always wanting the last word, never respecting any opinion other than your own.

That is all I have to say. I shall avoid any post in future that you partake in.
I should have more accurately asked, why is this label so often stuck on him?
I know many on here do not.
Take two - my computer posted before I was finished -

SparklyKid - // AH. You consider yourself to be a respected moderator. //

No I don't, I have never said that, please don't make assumptions about how I 'see myself'.

// Why therefore do you come across as rude, insulting, confrontational , revel in trying to belittle others, always wanting the last word, never respecting any opinion other than your own. //

If I come across in that way to you, that is regrettable.

I will admit to being confrontational, that puts me in good company with most of the regulars on here, and I am not ashamed of that.

As for the remainder of your points, not surprisingly I refute each and every one of them.

// That is all I have to say. I shall avoid any post in future that you partake in. //

That is your choice, and your loss. I was not sort of people to debate with before you arrived, I will remain with plenty of company to debate with after you are gone.

I would wish you to stay, I enjoy exchanging posts with you, but you must act as you see fit.

Come back any time, no hard feelings.
Theland - // I should have more accurately asked, why is this label so often stuck on him? //

Probably based on accuracy - that would be my guess.
Stalin wasn't educated.
Neither was Hitler.
Stalin was educated: he was an accomplished scholar and writer. As well as an accomplished gangster and mass murderer. The rebellious aspect of his character gradually took over.
// being filmed with an individual who has a political axe to grind and uses social media to do so is the issue. //


Still, at least now they can refuse to be photographed with any "politician". After all they definitely have an axe to grind. No more promo shots with upstart wannabee civil serpents either I would hope. Let the generals and brigadiers do that dirty work instead and leave the lads to admire or resent whoever they think fit.
Im sure the editors wouldn’t allow bias moderation leave andys position alone
A comment on a site that is not......aheeem "moderated" to the liking of some of the regular contributors.
//How long will it be before Tommy is accused of trying to subvert members of the British Armed Forces. These kids, in the video, are just fresh out from basic training where they have learnt which foot is the Left one and how to Salute. Now they are going to discharge one because of a photo.//
Another from the same source.
//I don’t think that the British army has any legal rule that would uphold a young recruit to be discharged for having a picture taken with Tommy R. The only way it would happen is through twisting of words by the muslim council of which they have absolutely no business getting involved with the British military. //sic
If soldiers are not allowed to take photos with whoever they wish, does that mean that they are not allowed to vote for whoever they wish?
No. It doesn't really help your argument to make things up.
Togo - // A comment on a site that is not......aheeem "moderated" to the liking of some of the regular contributors. //

If you have an issue with the site's moderation, take it up with the Spare Ed.

//How long will it be before Tommy is accused of trying to subvert members of the British Armed Forces. These kids, in the video, are just fresh out from basic training where they have learnt which foot is the Left one and how to Salute. Now they are going to discharge one because of a photo.//

OK, first of all, as I keep repeating like a broken record, these soldiers are not 'kids' they are adults in full-time employment as professional soldiers - with the responsibilities that their profession and their employer places on them.

Second of all, the dismissed soldier was not dismissed 'because of a photo' - again in cracked record mode, 'Tommy Robinson' filmed himself with the soldiers and stuck the film on social media, thus leading to the potential conclusion that British Army soldiers support him, and his stated ideals and objectives.

Thirdly, the soldier placed his own version on social media, with an inappropriate comment, which, added to his previous poor disciplinary record, led the army to dispense with his services.

And in conclusion, the notion that 'Tommy Robinson' could 'subvert' anyone or anything, including a British solider is too laughable for words.

You need intelligence and empathy to subvert someone - 'Tommy Robinson' couldn't subvert a stray cat!
Togo - // Another from the same source.
//I don’t think that the British army has any legal rule that would uphold a young recruit to be discharged for having a picture taken with Tommy R. The only way it would happen is through twisting of words by the muslim council of which they have absolutely no business getting involved with the British military. //sic //

Do you believe this pap, or just regurgitate it on here so it can be comprehensively dismantled.

The soliders were filmed, that is FILMED by 'Tommy Robinson, and the soldier was dismissed for posting the film on social media with an inapprpriate comment of his own, which was seen as the final nail in his disciplinary coffin.

And yet again, if you or your source seriously believes that the British Military bases its disciplinary proceedures on input from the Muslim Council, then you seriously over-estimate the Council's clout with the Ministry Of Defence, and assume that the British Army has its strings pulled by an advisory council - does that sound feasible to you?

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