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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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Gerard Batten just ripped Joco a new one over this.
Read the replies if the aBBC hasn't disabled them yet.
Just watched that clip again. The aBBC have put a totally different part of the hatchet-job up. My God, they're a total disgrace.
I'll post it all when available.
Togo at 10:55, jeez that was sad.
I am absolutely in favour of 'Tommy Robinson' joining UKIP, it's a fabulous idea!

A windbag social agitator and supporter of violence who would attend the opening of an envelope if cameras were there, joining a party that has totally lost any credibility, or any hint of being able to make an iota of difference in British society.

Two no-hopers patting each other on the back and telling each other how right they are, while the vast majority of the electorate ignores them for the time-wasters that they are.

What's not to like?
Andy - How would YOU deal with Islamism?
For a man of no consequence he certainly grinds someones gears on here and raises the hypertension. Ho whats not to like for amusement on a dark and dank Friday evening?

He is a Man who is prepared to stand up and be counted,

What's not to like?
By all means criticise Tommy, but just sticking labels on him is disingenuous.
Any actual evidence to support his criticisms rather than opinions?
Theland - // By all means criticise Tommy, but just sticking labels on him is disingenuous.
Any actual evidence to support his criticisms rather than opinions? //

Whenever I ask a question like that, a regular contributor on here always tells me that the evidence is there, and I need to 'educate myself' - so that's my advice to you.
Baldric - // He is a Man who is prepared to stand up and be counted, //

Er - only if there is a camera pointing at him!

// What's not to like? //

Rampant egotism?
Theland - // Andy - How would YOU deal with Islamism? //

I would love to say I have the answer, but I don't, sadly, nor, unlike some people, would I claim to have.

But I absolutely know what the answer is not - and he calls himself 'Tommy Robinson'.
-- answer removed --
Andy - You ducked it.
Theland - I responded with - // I would love to say I have the answer, but I don't, sadly, nor, unlike some people, would I claim to have. //

That doesn't look like 'ducking it' to me.
Theland - Sorry, did you mean about the 'evidence'?

Like I say, it's out there, you just have to go and 'educate yourself'.
I have seen enough documentaries and interviews to qualify me as reasonable educated as far as Tommy is concerned.
Have I missed something that only you are privy to Andy?
Theland - // I have seen enough documentaries and interviews to qualify me as reasonable educated as far as Tommy is concerned.
Have I missed something that only you are privy to Andy? //

Probably not.
Question Author
Don't you just like it when a person like Tommy Robinson upsets the usual suspects every time he is mentioned, just the same when Donald Trump is mentioned or their Brexit referendum defeat?

Keep up the good work Tommy.

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