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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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Theland - // Andy - Heaven forbid that you and yours should ever become victims of Islamist violence, but put yourself in the shoes of those who have, bombings, stabbing someone, grooming gangs, and try to empathise, and be grateful that Tommy and others like him are at least trying to resist Islamism, especially so when the authorities pussyfoot around with appeasement. //

Heaven forbid indeed - but the day has not yet dawned where I would take a bunch of self-appointed self-righteous boneheads to 'defend' this country, over and above the forces of law and order.

Flawed as they are, they still occupy a sense of right and wrong not buried under a sense of self-righteousness, and a liking for violence and seriously mis-aligned sense of 'patriotism'.
SparklyKid - // Yes. AH does not have a response to that,lol. //

AH does actually -

That was au utterly disgraceful and unproved attack on a stranger in the street by a bigoted narrow-minded racist moron who does her race and her faith no favours at all.

You see, unlike some on here, I am absolutely even-handed when it comes to bad behaviour borne of bigotry and intolerence - no matter who is dishing it out.
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SparklyKid - // I find it odd that he is insulted for highlighting some serious problems in this country. //

If you ever took the time to read back any of the posts I have written about 'Tommy Robinson', you will see that I have never ever castigated him for highlighting some of the serious problems in this country.
Togo - // "We won't let you speak freely, associate freely or think for yourselves. We won't protect you from injustice nor protect your daughters and sisters from misogynistic abuse. We will arrest you or fire you, drag your name through the mud, if you speak freely and do not obey our narrative. We think you're all uneducated pillocks and idiots, scum and working class chavy trash - you and your families alike. But please would you come and do the patriotic thing by dying for us on the fields of battle."

P.S. Patriotism is only required when needed until then we dont like it. //

I think you've made that up!!
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First one is like a dagger to your heart, then you get used to it ;-)
I read your Post, dunitall. If it's any consolation I thought it was great.
I was even going to suggest AOG gave you best answer for it. ;-)
All they had to do was edit Tommy out of the photo and substitute him with Abu Hamza and there would have been no problem.
510 - this this a record thread?
dunnitall, [goes away to die] eat your curry first, it would be a waste not to :-)
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Please, please, stop feeding the under-bridge dweller.
Oh well I have waited patiently for 30mins or more for a reference to Mr Robinson's video allegedly promoting violence and I made my request so politely. Hay Ho. Perhaps it didn't exist after all. I did find the Muslim march in Mr Robinson's home town advocating 'British Police Go to Hell' Oh and 'British Police are extremist Terrorists' That I find offensive however.
I have not read the posts from AH, same tired old rhetoric I expect.
Avatar Image retrocop

Oh well I have waited patiently for 30mins or more for a reference to Mr Robinson's video allegedly promoting violence and I made my request so politely. Hay Ho. Perhaps it didn't exist after all. I did find the Muslim march in Mr Robinson's home town advocating 'British Police Go to Hell' Oh and 'British Police are extremist Terrorists' That I find offensive however.

18:06 Sat 13th Oct 2018

GG, no - some are in the thousands.
//same tired old rhetoric I expect. //

Hmm rhetoric? That's a new description for an old outpouring. :))
SparklyKid - // I have not read the posts from AH, same tired old rhetoric I expect. //

If you don't read, you can't debate, can you.

Read my reply about the Muslim woman abusing the reporter, you may be surprised.
Is it perhaps a fact that the "spokesman" for the muslime council is the grandson of the founder of the muslim brotherhood?

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