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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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What on Earth has that ^^^^ got to do with the OP?
I’m sure the army want no relationship to this kind of publicity

Tommy Robinson rightly distanced himself from a child sex abuser as would I and am pretty certain you would do so as well.
Where the Army fit into that I don't know.
Naomi - // He was a classical scholar, author, linguist, soldier, philologist and poet. That's not about perception. That's reality. As I said, an intelligent, educated, and distinguished man. //

Personally, I think that using someone's education as a measure of them as a valid thoughtful contributing human being is somewhat flawed.

Do you know who these people are -

Lyle Menendez
Amy Bishop
Michael Rossi
William Bradford Bishop
Jason Bohn

Probably not, but two specific aspects of their lives link them together -

They are / were all bright enough to gain entry to an established American university and …

they are all convicted murderers.

Education is indeed a wonderful thing - but it's not an accurate meaure of someone's worth in the world!
Haha! You would say that, wouldn't you..... as 'they' say. ;o)
Tommy Robinson's faults multiplied by ten would still leave him a better man than the Muslim rapists he was (sometimes illegally) complaining about. And a better than the police chiefs, Labour councillors and child "protection" agency heads who an interference for the rapists.

If you compared the animus against Robinson shown by many on this site with their formulaic "but of course nobody agrees with the abuse of young girls" you might well conclude based just on the differing strengths of passion shown in the two responses that it was Robinson who was the rapist.
...who ran interference for.

(Must stop watching US News channels).
Haha I see the whine continued last night. I can almost hear the adenoidal, monotone, Monty Pythonesque voice as well. Meanwhile.
//Cambridge University students have rejected a proposal to honour British veterans on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One, with activists claiming it was “imperialist propaganda” that “valourised” war.
Demilitarise Cambridge, a self described “agitator/activist” group against the university’s involvement in the arms trade, said that the original proposal “intentionally glorified and valorised conflict”.
The group added that the young conservatives’ “insistence on supporting‘ British’ troops to the exclusion of millions of other victims of war is jingoistic, imperialist propaganda”.//
v_e. //Tommy Robinson's faults multiplied by ten would still leave him a better man than the Muslim rapists he was (sometimes illegally) complaining about. And a better than the police chiefs, Labour councillors and child "protection" agency heads who an interference for the rapists. //

I second that.
Togo at 08:00. I read that. It saddens me.
vetuste - // Tommy Robinson's faults multiplied by ten would still leave him a better man than the Muslim rapists he was (sometimes illegally) complaining about. And a better than the police chiefs, Labour councillors and child "protection" agency heads who an interference for the rapists. //

And the Award For Stating The Blindingly Obvious Goes To …

// If you compared the animus against Robinson shown by many on this site with their formulaic "but of course nobody agrees with the abuse of young girls" you might well conclude based just on the differing strengths of passion shown in the two responses that it was Robinson who was the rapist. //

Only if you had a seriouly strange way of looking at things ...
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/// "does he shrivel up and die?" ///

/// If only. ///

Well that just about proves the type of people we are dealing with here.
What a disgusting thing to say, I am pleased that I can distance myself from the likes of that type of person.
Tommy Robinson is a football hooligan style thug with political agendas with no authority. He's also a criminal.

I'm glad i can distance myself from those who support the criminal scum.
I won't support a criminal with who has committed a violent offence, someone who has been banned from twitter for hate speech, someone who causes Critics to question the Government’s Secrecy, Deriding a Criminal Conviction That ‘Cannot Be Reported On’ or someone who feels they have the right to contempt a court case.

The guy is no hero. He is a far right street thug. He's also influenced attacks on mosques.

If you think this is anything to associate yourself with then fair play AOG i'm glad you don't associate yourself with me.
Tommy Robinson's faults multiplied by ten would still leave him a better man than the Muslim rapists he was (sometimes illegally) complaining about. And a better than the police chiefs, Labour councillors and child "protection" agency heads who an interference for the rapists.

And the Award For Stating The Blindingly Obvious Goes To …

And yet Muslim rapists, police chiefs, Labour councillors and child "protection" agencies don't receive even 1/10th of your valuable time that you dedicate to Tommy Robinson.

Odd that.
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/// Powell was speaking about African immigration, not Asians, ///

As naomi24 as already pointed out ethnicity was not mentioned, but since you have brought it up we can't place the blame on just Asians/Muslims for all the problems mass immigration has caused, Caribbean/Africans also must share some of the blame, along with more recently, Eastern Europeans.

Also calling Enoch Powell an idiot, says a lot coming from the person who is forever criticising others for name calling.
An extract from the novel Lost Causes by R H Nichols.
How very accurate though.

"He paused to puff life into the pipe, a glossy sheen settling over his eyes. “I have served my country now for more than fifty years," he went on. "And in that time, I’ve fought alongside thousands of men; men from all walks of life; men who were hungry, exhausted, and hopelessly outnumbered; men who were shelled and shot at until they were senseless; men who should have surrendered or run, but, who, through it all, laughed and sang and cried and kept on fighting. In exchange, they never asked for very much. Only the promise that what they were dying for wouldn't die with them; that future generations would never forget what they had done; that somehow they, and the values they fought for, would become enshrined in the nation’s consciousness…”
His speech slowed now, the tone deepening. “Of course, I can’t claim to know what those values were,” he said. “Every man had his own. But I do know what they didn’t include. And it didn’t include a country that would voluntarily surrender its sovereignty to its long-standing enemies. Nor did they fight for a country that would open the borders they'd shed so much blood to defend; or a society in which criminals and terrorists would be allowed to roam the streets at will. Nor did they fight for a system which would tax, harass and spy on them every minute of every day; in which they couldn't even say a joke - let alone a much needed home truth - without fear of official reprisal. And they sure as hell didn’t fight and die for Britain in which their grandchildren would grow up to call them fascists…”
He paused again, collecting his thoughts. “I never thought I’d say it, but looking back, the ones that died were the lucky ones. They didn’t live to see the great betrayal that was to follow, to see the wasting of all their efforts. We couldn’t have made it a land less fit for heroes to live in if we’d tried, and to be honest I can't say I care what happens anymore…”

so it is, makes you want to weep.
Togo 08:00:

Cambridge does have form on the production of traitors and subversives though.

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