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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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Spath - // ""If someone is a 'lad', he can be seen as imature and irresponsible, not much expetced of him, a certain amount of leeway given.""

Exactly, this can be seen in the video provided in the OP ;) //

They are professional soldiers, they are paid and trained and given responsibilities regarding behaviour, on that basis.

They did indeed act like 'lads' - and that is exactly the issue the army and the MOD has with them.
I agree, which is why they should be dismissed or forced into further training which i think it the path the more officials are taking them down.
SparklyKid - I watched your video.

I wonder, if Tommy Robinson is not filmed every day getting het up and harassing people who are clearly not interested in engaging with him, does he shrivel up and die?
AH. not my video. If you happy with hate preaching, so be it.
"does he shrivel up and die?"

If only.
SparklyKid - // AH. not my video. If you happy with hate preaching, so be it. //

If you think that my amusement at 'Tommy Robinson' talking to the wrong people in the wrong way at the wrong time so he can get all steamed up and self-righteous equates to me being happy with hate preaching, then your reasoning faculties need some serious attention.
Avatar Image andy-hughes

SparklyKid - // AH. not my video. If you happy with hate preaching, so be it. //

If you think that my amusement at 'Tommy Robinson' talking to the wrong people in the wrong way at the wrong time so he can get all steamed up and self-righteous equates to me being happy with hate preaching, then your reasoning faculties need some serious attention.

16:56 Thu 11th Oct 2018

No condemnation of the hate preaching then, righto.
Very blustery up here in Scotland too.
we have had medical malpractice, road traffic offences
what is this thread really about ?
If action is taken against the young army recruits who posed for a picture with Tommy Robinson, then I think the senior army need to make a stand. Or a sit down as they call it...a strike.. if you rewind to 2009, Tommy Robinson was upset that local troops marching through Luton were protested at by a group of extreme Muslims.. one mother of a dead soldier called Scott was spat at in the face.. poppies have been burned.. Tommy Robinson started all this in support of the troops.. of course the army lads are gonna support Tommy and why wouldn't they.. the Islamic advisor to the army isn't happy.. well he isn't gonna be is he? Otherwise he's not doing his job.. the whole thing is a disgrace and another stab at shutting down freedom of speech.. what the *** is going on in this country? Once again the British media are having a field day over nothing.. biased, far left and dangerous
Copied from somewhere, sorry, did not see a rude word. How can I rub it out ?
Wow, thanks, I was worried when I realised.
SparklyKid - I didn't condemn hate preaching, in the same way that I don't condemn Nazis, bigots, homophobes, paedophiles, wife-beaters, child abusers, corrupt politicians, sleazy bankers ….. on a daily, or hourly basis - the list goes on and on.


Because life is too short, and when you deal with rational sensible people, some things you can actually just take as read, without them spelling it out.

But if you need it spelt out - be my guest -

I utterly condemn hate preaching in any way shape or form.


Can we move on now?
I utterly condemn hate preaching in any way shape or form.

Then why berate TM for doing just that ?
SparklyKid - // If action is taken against the young army recruits who posed for a picture with Tommy Robinson, then I think the senior army need to make a stand. //

I don't know how many times this has to be typed out, for you to ignore it, but I'll have one more go -

The soldiers did not 'pose for a picture with 'Tommy Robinson', they were naïve enough to allow themselves to be filmed shouting and chanting his name, therefore, by implication, approving of and supporting his ideals and persona.

That is against their regulations, it shows bias towards a viewpoint, and the MOD don't allow it, which is why they have investigated it.

Hopefully you understand the difference between a picture - which has any number of interpretations, and a film clip, which has only one.
I bet that if the "lads" in the photo had taken a selfie with one of the Hamas "spokesmen" or perhaps one from the IRA they would be in line for a commendation instead of a condemnation. Meeehh.
SparklyKid - // AH
I utterly condemn hate preaching in any way shape or form.

Then why berate TM for doing just that ? //

Because he is a convicted criminal and a political and social agitator who stirs up trouble and violence on a regular basis, while simultaneously presenting himself as some sort of 'saviour', while hoovering up vast sums of money and making a very nice living from his actions.

I condemn hate preaching.

'Tommy Robinson' condemns hate preaching.

I do it on this site when a post discusses it.

'Tommy Robinson' has made a career out of it, self-aggrandising himself with his endless posturing videos and writings.

That's why I berate him for it.
Togo - // I bet that if the "lads" in the photo had taken a selfie with one of the Hamas "spokesmen" or perhaps one from the IRA they would be in line for a commendation instead of a condemnation. Meeehh. //

I bet they'd be in exactly the same amount of trouble for exactly the same reasons.

You refuse to see it, but being filmed with 'Tommy Robinson' is not the issue here - being filmed with an individual who has a political axe to grind and uses social media to do so is the issue.
Fair enough, you cannot deny he is a hero to thousands.

People used to say the same thing about Enoch Powell.

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