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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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/// I'd entirely agree about 'Tommy' being a 'celebrity' ///

Make up your mind you earlier told me he wasn't a celebrity.
These two Sikhs found the ETO as well as 3,000 of their mates.

The Indian Division played a large part in the eventual capture of Monte Cassino
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/// In these seriously litigious times, it means an employer needs to be on sure ground before dismissal, to avoid legal
redress. ///

May be in 'civvy street' especially if one ticks certain boxes, but it don't work in the armed forces, and there are no unions to back one up.
Brilliant article Mamya.

"There was immediate condemnation of the video, including from the Muslim Council of Britain, which accused Robinson of ‘remaining silent on the sacrifices Muslims and others made in the two world wars’. The army was also quick to release a statement saying ‘far right ideology is completely at odds with the values and ethos of the Armed Forces.’"
"The other 27 soldiers in the video have received a stern-telling off and will receive more training."

Put perfectly. They need more training in discipline.
There's something wrong with you, spath. You appear to be delighted that people can lose their jobs/ be disciplined for this.
What if they had their foto with Russell Brand? what about Andrew Marr, Emily Maitlis, Richard Dimblebum?
Do you think they have a gallery of people on the barrack-room wall who they can and can't take photos with.
Try and put yourself in their position.
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/// but can I ask do you base your comment on knowledge of the previous disciplinary issues surrounded this recruit? ///

This one issue and considering that he was not on his own, should never had been the 'last straw that broke the camel's back', thus causing more publicity to this affair, if they wanted to get rid of this lad they should have waited until he had committed yet another 'internal' offence.

No, this was all carried out, to appease the Muslims once again.
"You appear to be delighted that people can lose their jobs/ be disciplined for this. "

I am. I am happy that those in charge recognise tommy as a far right activist and don't support his idologies.
It wasn't a photo.. it was a video, from tommys phone. None of these lads tried to get a photo, they chanted his name whilst he video them. They did not "just want a selfie"

Photos were taken after the video. Disgraceful behaviour thankfully recognised by those in charge of these "men".
I have already outlined my disappointment at the fact a recruit may be discharged.

What we have learned from the reports is that this recruits had a previous poor disciplinary record and now we are told - It is understood the solider also shared the video on his social media pages with a ‘pretty silly comment’.

Those facts (if reported accurately) must surely go some way to explaining why this discharge may happen, as said it's very disappointing.
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/// Major General Rupert Jones, who will shortly take up the appointment of Standing Joint Force Commander, said he is confident that extremist views are not widely held in the British Armed Forces. ///

Couldn't be more extreme than going into Middle Eastern countries and shooting the hell out of them.
Why should the Army wait until he makes yet another mistake?

If he contravenes their policies, he needs to face up to the consequences.
"What we have learned from the reports is that this recruits had a previous poor disciplinary record and now we are told - It is understood the solider also shared the video on his social media pages with a ‘pretty silly comment’. "

Because he's a racist idiot like his mates. Glad they're being looked into it's horrific.
Poor disciplinary record- unnamed source@Sly News.
Take that with a pinch of salt. They're bigger liars than the aBBC and that takes some doing.
Wait and see.
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If he had committed so many offences, why did the Army wait until this particular offence, before they decided to discharged him?
If the news sources are lying and he has a clean record and did not post it on social media with a silly comment then he has nothing to worry about.

We need good soldiers.
You're conflating 2 different things there, mamya, as I suspect you know.
It was his disciplinary record I said Sky were probably lying about.
Didn't say anything about him sharing a photo on Facebook. (like most young people do)

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