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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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//As for this young lad getting sacked to appease the muslim community, we'll have to see what happens, won't we.//

Yes we will have to wait and of course we may never know but can I ask do you base your comment on knowledge of the previous disciplinary issues surrounded this recruit?
spath, my sons muslim doc ignored his ailment a year ago that might have averted son being hospitalised since March. I have complained of reverse racism to the practise
Tambo, what has happened to your son is truly dreaful but I must ask - do you really believe he was mistreated/undiagnosed due to racism or a bad doctor?
^ dreadful
yes mamya, the doc suggested (not prescribed) gaviscon & shrugged his shoulders when son returned to surgery as gaviscon didnt work

I bet Winston would be a fan of Tommy.
Tam, as Lynne says it could be a case of a bad doctor rather than racism, unless there is some evidence of that.
Yes, sadly that does happen - it happened to my late husband in a similar way leading to late diagnosis of bowel cancer - where is the racism?
the doc shudda sent son to hospital if he couldnt diagnose sons problem, instead of allowing son to collapse before being hospitalised
sry to derail thread but as for muslim troops in WW2 am searching my dads photos for evidence. Found sikhs but no muslims on victory parade
There are some poor doctors out there.
heres dads victory photo
It looks, then, like the British Army hierarchy has abdicated it's responsibility for discipline in the ranks to the Muslim Council of Britain. This is after the MOD started to trawl the Muslim terrorists from previous war zones looking for "complaints" against squaddies and their officers after they had endured months of under fire conditions. Add that to the recent swing towards making the armed forces part of the pc, transgender, gay pride, ethnic top trumps agenda and the likely outcome is easily forecast. Young white, predominately working class men who died in their millions for Britain are no longer welcome in the Army, and a Muslim army is what is being planned for. A recent survey of armed forces personnel revealed that the majority would refuse to shoot on their fellow British inhabitants in the event of internecine racial or religious street fighting. This has caused, of course, some consternation amongst the top brass, who likely see an army of mainly non indigenous combatants as the answer. God bless Lee Rigby's family as this plays out. Sign the petition in support of "our lads".
" I have complained of reverse racism to the practise"

That is awful tambo.. but what on earth is reverse racism?
reverse = black on white

sorry cant enlarge victory parade in India, album is in Oz with sis. Hope u can enlarge
that is racist lol

Racism isn't just black against white or "reverse".. Racism is just what it is.. Segregating a race or acting superior to a race.
addendum. Troops from India fought the japs & never went to Europe
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/// They are not 'boys' they are adult males with jobs, and responsibilities to their employers. ///

Easy mistake to make considering that those 20 plus year old 'refugees' are classed as children.

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