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What Has Tommy Been Up To This Time? Daring To Meet Up With Other British Tommy It Seems.

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anotheoldgit | 12:00 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | News
727 Answers

/// Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious advisor to the Armed Forces, said that "any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly". ///


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This is interesting

SparklyKid - // Fair enough, you cannot deny he is a hero to thousands. //

I don't deny that, never have.

// People used to say the same thing about Enoch Powell. //

He was a racist idiot as well - you need a better comparison than that!
SparklyKid - // This is interesting //

Is it?

He was a racist idiot as well - you need a better comparison than that!

17:34 Thu 11th Oct 2018

Youngest ever Brigadier in the Army. Calling him a racist idiot is ridiculous.
Japs were in Burma and fighting to occupy India - during their win in Singapore. Why would indians fight in Europe when India was under threat?
Enoch Powell was no idiot.
When a poster sinks to a new low by calling a great man a racist idiot it is time to stop feeding him
SparklyKid - // Youngest ever Brigadier in the Army. Calling him a racist idiot is ridiculous. //

Adolf Hitler ruled an entire nation's armed forces.

Military success is not an automatic bar to being a racist.
Sparkly I admire you greatly and agree with everything you are saying on here, but you will NEVER win against ah, he is always right don't you know?? Keep up the good work...
ah, as ever, I won't be back to read whatever verbal d. you will now spout against me. I never do ....
SparklyKid - // When a poster sinks to a new low by calling a great man a racist idiot it is time to stop feeding him //

Do you think you 'feed' me?????

Your opinion of your value on this site is as deluded as your admiration of 'Tommy Robinson'.
hereIam - // Sparkly I admire you greatly and agree with everything you are saying on here, but you will NEVER win against ah, he is always right don't you know?? Keep up the good work...
ah, as ever, I won't be back to read whatever verbal d. you will now spout against me. I never do .... //

Great - saves me the tedious task of responding then.
Your opinion of your value on this site is as deluded as your admiration of yourself.

You must be talking about yourself there,lol.

Off now, talk amongst yourself.

He foresaw problems with mass immigration but that doesn't make him racist. It makes him perceptive. We do have problems with mass immigration. An intelligent, educated, and distinguished man.
SparklyKid - // Your opinion of your value on this site is as deluded as your admiration of yourself.

You must be talking about yourself there,lol.

Off now, talk amongst yourself. //

Why are you posting nonsense? That's not what I wrote - when you have had a lie down and a cuppa, have a look, then we can resume.
naomi - // He foresaw problems with mass immigration but that doesn't make him racist. It makes him perceptive. We do have problems with mass immigration. An intelligent, educated, and distinguished man. //

Powell was speaking about African immigration, not Asians, so apart from being adrift on the entire ethnicity, he was absolutely bang on, if you like, or an entire race wrong, if you prefer the truth.

// An intelligent, educated, and distinguished man. //

So wa
… So was Adolf Hitler, so was Josef Stalin, so was (insert the name of any despot in world history here)

It's all about perspective.
andy-hughes, I didn't mention ethnicity.
Bye sparkly x
So Tommy is a, "Right wing extremist."
Loves his country, speaks out against violent Islamists, has Muslim friends, had Muslims at his wedding, is related to a Muslim through his cousins marriage.
There is more, but why follow the herd and stick this label on him?
To describe a man who who had a double-starred first in Classics at Cambridge, who became a professor of Greek in his 20s, who resigned to fight for his country, rising from the rank of private to brigadier in six years, and thereafter an MP for 24 years, resigning over a matter of principle, is beneath contempt.

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