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People's Vote?

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mushroom25 | 19:25 Mon 25th Feb 2019 | News
122 Answers
lots of chatter on here (and elsewhere) for a "people's vote" - a second referendum, it's also been described as. well now Mr Corbyn is looking to get behind the campaign:-

with both parties polarised by Brexit, what chance of the "people's vote" receiving a parliamentary majority? and, more importantly, what would the question be - a simple yes/no choice, or more options to choose from?

ignore, for now, the charge that a second vote cold be "undemocratic".....


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Any impasse is solved by MPs suddenly deciding to do as the public told them and act as democratic representatives of the public.
ich, how will a referendum solve and "impasse"? what if leave wins again? There is no impasse anyway, if the politicians and establishment stop squealing like school girls and accept no deal if necessary then it probably would not come to that. The EUSSR are bold because they know we'll hack it, bodge it and fudge it to avoid No deal and that is out only bargaining resource. We should declare we will leave with no deal and go quiet then the EUSSR will have to move on this whole back stop issue. At the moment we are being terrible poker players.
OG -- if the choice before the Parliament is a deal that destroys British Sovereignty, or one that appears ruinous to the economy, do you really think they want to make that choice? And stop pretending that the British voted for No Deal. We aren't falling for that one.
The impasse would be solved if people voted through the deal that parliament can’t.

It worries me not that YOU compare this whole business to a game of poker but that some politicians plainly do.
That was to Tora
And same to you, TTT: No deal is unacceptable to parliament because of the economic risks, so it is no threat to the EU to invoke it because they cannot, nor should they, take seriously the idea that we would ever accept it as a future.
jim it's the default, parliament is showing no signs of coming up with any way of stopping it. You cannot vote for "anything but the status quo"! You need a specific deal to avoid "no deal".
Granted it's the default, which is why imposing March 29th as Exit Day was stupid, but it's within Parliament's power to change this.
yes jim, any idea how they might? maybe you can help them because it looks to me like Parliament have no actual idea how to stop no deal.
There are as you must know at least 2 amendments being voted on on Wednesday to force a request for a delay.
In addition to which members of the cabinet are putting huge pressure on the PM to relent
yes, the operative word being "request" - would the EUSSR allow that? I think not, just more months of the same and I think all sides would agree that we all want this over!
The government ridiculously signed off Article 50 meaning that 2 years to do all the paperwork. This was impossible, it should never be signed off. If they were serious about Brexit they would have found a different way.
Almost certainly yes: I would have said “no” before but as I suggested on one of the other myriad Brexit threads this would probably form the EU’s way of “giving in” in the face of no deal rather than agreeing to make changes to to the deal.
As I said also, the threat of this might actually persuade more of the Brexiters actually to vote for Brexit ie her deal :-)
So she might actually welcome for example the Cooper-Letwin amendment going through. She could even sack or encourage the resignation of some of her ministers to help vote it through. Such is the Pythonesque position we find ourselves in :-)
there has been plenty of time. The problem is we let the EUSSR get the better of the negotiations because we sent vegans to make a BBQ.
Again that was to Tora
If it can be demonstrated that a delay will achieve something, I'm sure the EU will accept the extension. And, if not, we can also revoke notification unilaterally (although this would be more controversial, because it would be difficult to do so in good faith if we wanted to re-notify in the near future). So there are paths to delaying or extending.
//we sent vegans to make a BBQ.//

That is what you voted for, 3T.
The solution if you want to leave the EU in future would be to vote for a party that will actually leave, then :P
I voted to leave the EU kromo, not have your remoaner mates thwart it. If we'd have sent some brexiteers to negotiate it'd be sorted by now. Anyone knows that you end up with a half aris job if you send someone who does not agree with the job.
But there wasn’t any brexiteers in power so it was a bit daft.

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