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Tommy Robinson

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spathiphyllum | 13:57 Tue 26th Feb 2019 | News
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Tommy Robinson has had his facebook and instagram account terminated. Facebook says he has continually violated its community standards with hate speech against Muslims.

Is you use social media in ways that violate their policies around organised hate then surely you're a bad person?


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10:14 Wed 27th Feb 2019
Show us some evidence to the contrary then, VE.
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Well i think it would be hard, and potentially sketchy to go and ask every Muslim if they agree with sharia law and if it applies in the UK

If they say no are they still Muslim? Yes, in my opinion.

Lets remember, this law is simply tradition.

Not everyoone upholds or still agree with tradition.
//Lets remember, this law is simply tradition//

Is that it is? I thought the Sharia was a total legal system. There are a number of Sharia Councils in the UK adjudicating issues like divorce, custody and inheritance ccording to sharia principles.

Here's a Grauniad article of the councils (you may want to follow up the Louise Casey report):
The question has arisen as to what are 'normal' muslims, and that of course implies what are 'abnormal' muslims. I really cannot decide what label to apply to the group in this article. But does a label matter...They are muslims:
What point are you making there, sanmac?
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Does a label matter? They are humans.
spathiphyllum; You clearly know very little about Islam, why don't you spend some time reading a few books on the subject (as some of us on here, have) - including the Koran.

You could then try; User Recommendation

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clearly. Do you not worry if i read the Koran i might become radicalised and start stoning people?
He went to jail helping expose pedophiles. He is the most sincere public figure in the UK. He is concerned about islamaphobia but it seams that is illegal now. Most of you will be dead by the time it happens as will I biut the UK will certainly be islamic in a few decades. There is nothing wrong with that but why is it being forced on people?
Nothing wrong with the UK being Islamic ??? How so ...
Ukanonymous,I am sure that Tommy Robinson would wholeheartedly disagree with you about the UK becoming Islamic would be fine.

Who would disagree with him on here or would that be an incitement to cause violence?
To the best of my knowledge, Tommy has never called for violence against anybody.

If you disagree, where is the evidence?

If you present such evidence I will be shocked.

Sounds like trial by mob.
Spath, replying to Khandro: "Do you not worry if i read the Koran i might become radicalised and start stoning people?"

I don't that would happen, Spath. Your most likely reaction (if you did bother to pick it up and survive the boredom of reading it - and let's face it you won't, will you?) would be surprise that so many people think the Koran is the "perfect Word of Allah", and, secondly, disgust at the ceaseless hatred and intolerance it preaches against all those who reject Allah and His Messenger.
youngmabog, Robinson is just an agitator. that's what they said about enoch river's of blood speech, and the young ladies who were groomed and raped are the one's crying rivers of blood
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"If you disagree, where is the evidence? "

It's evident he's been banned from social media accounts because they don't want to be a platform for his hate speech and call for war and violence.

V_E quite correct i would not read it i probably couldn't. How many people feel similar i wonder? How many muslims even have the same thoughts, i wonder if all the muslims in the world have read the entirety that goes for the christians and the bible also
//V_E quite correct i would not read it i probably couldn't. How many people feel similar i wonder? How many muslims even have the same thoughts, i wonder if all the muslims in the world have read the entirety//

Couldn't agree more, Spath.

As it's the "perfect Word of God" and has existed unchange for all time, it is an act of piety to memorise the Koran in its entirety. (My local mosque does lessons helping Muslim children from eight to fourteen to memorise it) But that's in its classical Arabic form, so it's just meaningles rote learning.

Plenty of practising Muslims., I am sure, would be horrified if they new exactly what their scriptures teach and how their Prophet acted (which was pretty much the way ISIS acts now). But most of this country's imams, and most of the self-appointed "community" spokesmen do know these things.

^ and so does Tommy Robinson no doubt!
Tommy wants peace. And respect for our British culture.

What's wrong with that?

Trial by innuendo and mob.
Not sure that his agitations are going to result in the peace you say he wants Theland.

He is a very divisive figure.
An example of a 'normal' muslim might be our illustrious Anjem Choudary.

He must be a normal Muslim and not a radical or extremist.
If he were an extremist surely Twitter and Youtube would have removed his accounts when they were asked on a number of occasions by the counter-terrorism police?

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