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Tommy Robinson

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spathiphyllum | 13:57 Tue 26th Feb 2019 | News
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Tommy Robinson has had his facebook and instagram account terminated. Facebook says he has continually violated its community standards with hate speech against Muslims.

Is you use social media in ways that violate their policies around organised hate then surely you're a bad person?


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10:14 Wed 27th Feb 2019
Emotion without evidence.
ukanonymous - // He went to jail helping expose pedophiles. //

Let's not be too selective here - he went to jail because he broke the law - as he has done several times before, and he has a criminal record that involves crimes utterly unrelated to his tiresome soapboxing media career.
Theland - // Emotion without evidence. //

Mr Pot, have you met Mr Kettle?
> Where's the evidence?

Facebook removed it as part of his banning.

Little point banning him and leaving the offending material there for all to continue to see ...
Theland - // To the best of my knowledge, Tommy has never called for violence against anybody. //

Clearly Facebook disagree with you there, and although the evidence has probably been removed from their site, I have no doubt that their lawyers have it ready as evidence for 'Tommy Robinson's upcoming legal action against them.

There will be an action against them - won't there? Because of course, Tommy has been maligned again, without evidence, and he's innocent of any wrongdoing … isn't he?

If you disagree, where is the evidence?

If you present such evidence I will be shocked.

Sounds like trial by mob.
Spath - re. Khando's advice - // … why don't you spend some time reading a few books on the subject (as some of us on here, have) - including the Koran. //

Remember, reading, and understanding what you have read, are not actually the same thing.
//Remember, reading, and understanding what you have read, are not actually the same thing.//

Lol. Thats rich coming from you.You have been doing your opining and spitting feathers all day. Venting your spleen ad nauseum and as expected you admit you haven't the time to listen or read what he actually debates during many interviews.
An excellent point, Retro; however, AH will tap-dance around it as usual. I wonder why Robinson's accounts were closed and yet Chowderey's weren't:
retrocop - // Venting your spleen ad nauseum … //

Do calm down, you are getting repetitive, working yourself up like this won't do you any good at all.

// … and as expected you admit you haven't the time to listen or read what he actually debates during many interviews. //

No, I didn't say that I haven't had the time to listen or read what I said was that I would not waste the time to listen to or read what 'Tommy Robinson' debates.

I have no need - he is a one trick pony, his drones are one-note repetitions of his own perverse ideas of a culture he doesn't understand, so like many stupid people, he fears it instead.

'Tommy Robinson' remains what he has always been, a jumped-up football thug spouting quasi-social claptrap to equally fearing and xenophobic followers.

He has lost one platform for his pointless nonsense, we can only hope that all the rest will follow in due course.
sanmac - // An excellent point, Retro; however, AH will tap-dance around it as usual. //

I don't 'tap-dance' around anything - and I think you'll find my post at 19:48 backs up my view, rather than yours.
sanmac thank you for posting the link. Absolutely disgraceful that is allowed to stay and speaks volumes about Facebook et al.
Theland - // If you disagree, where is the evidence?

If you present such evidence I will be shocked.

Sounds like trial by mob. //

Missed this bit off my last post -

As has been advised, the evidence will have been removed by Facebook, we will need someone who actually follows 'Tommy Robinson's guff to advise us what he said - but surprisinlgy even his ardent defenders on here seem unable to come to the aid of the party on that one - maybe they just got bored and zoned out.

As for your 'trial by mob' observation - 'Tommy would love that, he adores playing the innocent victim, but the fact is, this is a debate and an exchange of views, not a 'trail' or any description.
You don't tap dance around anything? Well, what do you call differentiating between "I haven't had the time" and "I would not waste my time."?
sanmac - // You don't tap dance around anything? Well, what do you call differentiating between "I haven't had the time" and "I would not waste my time."? //

You are clearly trying to draw me into a spat, and I'm not biting.

If you don't like, or don't understand my posts, ignore them - but don't think I will tit-for-tat with you for the rest of the evening, I'm going to tap dance away now …

tap …. tap.... shuffle …. tap … sound of door closing softly.
Is you doing the moonwalk whilst shuffling off into the sunset...Shalom.
A retreat worthy of a poltroon indeed.

//Tommy Robinson' remains what he has always been, a jumped-up football thug spouting quasi-social claptrap to equally fearing and xenophobic followers. //
You don't consider that repeition ad nauseum???
You couldn't make it up...this man Mohammed Shafiq is claiming it is his meeting with Facebook that got TR banned

Read the article ( probably won't)

Ghustaki Rasool
Ghustaki Rasool
"The flak only gets heavy when you approach the manufacturing facilities of the enemy".

Anonymous WW2 pilot.
Ladybirder, you're welcome. It's sort of an eye-opening, head-scratching link isn't it? Make you really wonder why one is removed and one allowed to stay.

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