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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
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Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
// Well, sometimes not even a taser will stun someone high on drugs//

That's interesting. How firs that work?
... does...
I wasn't there, but what I do know ,is what I said in a previous post, I watched 6 police officers try to restrain someone that was high on drugs, and they struggled, even after a taser. He did what he had to do, even to protect the ones that where helping him.
^^ @17.43
Teacake, do you condone the headbutting of this already RESTRAINED man?
I was just wondering why a taser wouldn't work with someone high on drugs? Not doubting you- just wondering how.
In this case,as we already know... there was no immediate threat to anyone. So any violence was purely gratuitous.
I don't get what Teacakes experience has to do with this thread?
The suspect WAS restrained?
Why head butt him?
17.52 As I said he did what he had to do. None of us have the full facts.Pixie They have enormous strength when on drugs, inturn feel very little pain from a taser, and just keep fighting on. may be that's why this copper acted like he did. And I have no problem with his actions. Expect the worst if you threaten to stab someone.
Multiple gunshot wounds do not disable someone high on crack.
A prpetrator shot two police officers in his flat. One was killed. They exchanged fire and the perpetrator eventually expired through blood loss. He had nearly thirty bullet wounds in his body. They don’t stay down on crack. Fact
Ok, thanks, tc x
I still don't agree there is a need to injure a restrained person though.
Thanks retro, too xx
That BTW was a true life scenario. The FBI made a reconstruction film which I saw on my protection course. The female cop survived to relate the event as it happened.
Thank you xx I know it is irrelevant here, but good to know xx
Appears we have two particular gentleman who vehemently protest the off duty's action on the train.
One supports gun toting criminals who are drug dealing gang members and...........//I've also had a personal experience with the metropolitan which i won't go into. //

The other has done gaol time more than once ,and appears proud of it, for violent thuggery.
No axes to grind there then.
We also have a recurrence of slimy insidious personal insults.

Don't we?
This thread broadly breaks down into two camps - as these type of threads usually do -

those who think the action of the officer was unnecessary, inappropriate, and should be a discipline offence

and those who applaud his action as being correct under the circumstances.

I would merely add this - the action of the officer in headbutting the gentleman in question cannot reasonably be defended as being 'appropriate restraint' since I am sure it appears nowhere in any training he will have undertaken in dealing with this type of situation.

Headbutting is not 'restraint', it is assault, and had the gentleman on the receiving end been the instigator of said assault, I am sure all the defenders would quite rightly be howling for a prosecution.

The law msut be applied even-handedly, or it ceases to be the law.

The officer should be charged with assault, because that was the offence he committed.
retrocop - // No axes to grind there then. //

Unfortunately, you appear to assume that everyone else approaches any debate or discussion on here as you do - with their experience of life as their only guide in terms of the position they adopt.

It's time you realised that plenty of people simply offer an alternative view because it is an alternative view, and something they have thought about - but that does not make it a code of honour that they live and die by.

If you bear that in mind, it will save you the tedious self-appointed task of being unpleasant to anyone whom you see as having a different opinion based in different experience, which therefore must clearly be inferior to your own, and deserve to be looked down on.
Pot/ Black Mr Hughes. I give my opinions from past experience. Something you have little of. We are no longer in the realm of Dixon of Dock Green or Z Cars. When it comes to fighting crime these days the gloves are off. George Dixon never had demented jihadis wearing suicide vests running around his manner stabbing and slashing innocents. He didn't deal with two or three Drug gang stabbings on his patch every day.
Unfortunately for too long the malefactors have never had to abide by any rules whatsoever in their criminal activities . I speak of judges Rules and PACE etc. You have never had to fight crime with one hand tied behind your back. Police Officers still protect but have the right to survive.
The day you respect the thankless task that others undertake for you and your family's protection is the day I might find some respect for you.
God forbid some demented male entered a carriage and molested/assaulted your wife or made her uncomfortable by threats of violence. What would you do ? More importantly what if a off duty officer stepped in to protect her using what ever means available.?
Perhaps I don't want to hear your answer to that. I recall the past. :-(
Can someone please explain why a RESTRAINED suspect was head-butted by a policeman?
Nobody on this site was there so how does anybody know what led up to this incident 20 minutes earlier or later on the platform when he was hauled off and handcuffed on the platform.
Suffice to say he was exonerated from any wrong doing by the investigation authority who had access to more witnesses and cctv material than any body on this site..
I am sure some bruisers who are sent up before the beak for assault don't quibble when members of the jury acquit them do they?

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