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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
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Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
Ill take that as a no then Retro?
retrocop - // Pot/ Black Mr Hughes. I give my opinions from past experience. Something you have little of. //

Pot Black is a television programme retrocop, I think you mean 'pot/kettle'. When you talk of your past experience as a police officer, than I don't have 'little experience' of that, I have none at all, obviously, but that does not prevent me from having an opinion on the behaviour of police officers such as the one involved in the incident we are discussing.

// We are no longer in the realm of Dixon of Dock Green or Z Cars. When it comes to fighting crime these days the gloves are off. George Dixon never had demented jihadis wearing suicide vests running around his manner stabbing and slashing innocents. He didn't deal with two or three Drug gang stabbings on his patch every day. //

I don't need you to tell me how much society has changed, and the differing stresses and strains modern policing is faced with, I do live in the same world as you, it is only you who seems to assume you have a monopoly on observing the world around you.

// The day you respect the thankless task that others undertake for you and your family's protection is the day I might find some respect for you. //I utterly respect the work that police officers do to protect and serve society, and I have absolutely no need of your respect for me, so please don't concern yourself with underlining the fact that you don't have it, on a daily basis.

// God forbid some demented male entered a carriage and molested/assaulted your wife or made her uncomfortable by threats of violence. What would you do ? More importantly what if a off duty officer stepped in to protect her using what ever means available.? //

The usual 'what if it was your wife … ' argument cuts absolutely no ice with me whatsoever, that is a hypothetical, and we are discussing an actual incident reported in the news.

But for the record, I would never expect an police officer to use wanton gratuitous violence to combat a non-existent physical threat, and that is entirely the point of my initial post on this thread, and my view remains unchanged.

The officer acted like a thug, he assaulted a member of the public and he should be prosecuted.

// Perhaps I don't want to hear your answer to that. I recall the past. :-( //

Then feel free not to read it - ooops, you already have!!
'What if it was your wife' You didn't want to answer that did you. :0)Do you think we should replace that officer for Allen Carr, sweetie. ;0)
what an unbelievably self rightous self opinionated person you are....seems like thats not that unusual on this "forum" eg: the OP
and youre a "mod" on here !?....sheesh

did you really type out all the paras of drivel yourself or do you have a secretary ?
^ to hughes
Teacake - // 'What if it was your wife' You didn't want to answer that did you. :0) //

I did answer it, if you re-read my post -

I advised that a hypothetical situation has no bearing on what we are discussing, so I discarded it as a point of debate.

It is not my wife in any situation we are discussing, it is what went on in the incident referred to in the OP.

// Do you think we should replace that officer for Allen Carr, sweetie. ;0) //

I do think you should leave your repugnant homophobic garbage out of a sensible adult conversation.
How on earth is that homophobic?
TL - // what an unbelievably self rightous self opinionated person you are....seems like thats not that unusual on this "forum" eg: the OP //

Oh dear, what a good job you are not directly involved in my exchange then, please feel free to ignore it, and anything else I post on any thread at any time in the future, that should calm you down.

// … and youre a "mod" on here !?....sheesh //

I am, although quite what that has to do with anything I have absolutely no idea, but please don't bother to explain, because as well as having no idea, I also don't care in the slightest.

// did you really type out all the paras of drivel yourself or do you have a secretary ? //

Drivel? A little harsh for a well-reasoned and constructed argument, but I am pleased to confirm that it is all my own work.

Thank you for your input.
ummmm - // How on earth is that homophobic? //

Do you really need that explained to you?

I'm unclear how the author Allen Carr has any relevance to all this?

// a sensible adult conversation //

I must have missed that!
Mamya - // I'm unclear how the author Allen Carr has any relevance to all this? //

Baldric - // // a sensible adult conversation //

I must have missed that! //

Don't worry, you can start at the beginning and read it all again very slowly, and feel free to ask about anything you don't understand.
I know, Mamy, handy if you want to give up smoking though.
Or any number of other addictions.
TL - // ^ to hughes //

I worked that out - all on my own, my secretary is busy making the tea!!!
A full moon is approaching, folks, and the resident AH is waxing gibbonous tonight at 91.9%.
Or just drunk!
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Any mention to Alan carr in a masculine position in a debate such as this, certainly is homophobic
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We all know what ya was gettin at, sweetie

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