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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
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Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
It says 'on suspicion' so no revision required.
It says 'on suspicion' so no revision required.
EVERYBODY whi is arrested is done so 'on suspicion'.
Splat claims there was no knife from the outset..........I'd hazard that following a subsequent search and a second arrest that a knife was discovered, as was the theft by finding offence(I wonder if the discovery of the knife had anything to do with him being cleared of any offence by those investigating the officer? Whadyareckon?), but bravo for answering for Splat.
ChillDoubt - // It says 'on suspicion' so no revision required.
EVERYBODY whi is arrested is done so 'on suspicion'. //


Which is why the constant jumping to conclusions so beloved of a few on here is so pointless, because no-one knows anything until the investigation is completed, so everyone on here is guessing, as usual.

// Splat claims there was no knife from the outset..........I'd hazard that following a subsequent search and a second arrest that a knife was discovered … //

There you go again, 'hazarding' is guessing, and I've already explained why that is pointless, but feel free, there's no charge (pun absolutely intended!) for doing it.
// Whadyareckon? //

I reckon you are guessing, which is pointless, but aa regular hobby of some on here.

// ... but bravo for answering for Splat. //

I don't ever answer for anyone, just myself.
andy - sorry for going off-topic but the other thread is closed - apologies if I seemed to be suggesting you were excusing Savile, I well know you weren't.
jno - // andy - sorry for going off-topic but the other thread is closed - apologies if I seemed to be suggesting you were excusing Savile, I well know you weren't. //

Thanks very much jno - apologies for my phone's relentless correction of your name btw.

I am aware that you would not think I was excusing Jimmy Savile, but the post I wrote was more for the benefit of other people who could start a fight in an empty phone box with no money, and would doubtless have leapt in once again without my clarification.
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Chilldoubt, if you think that after being searched, there would be no suspicion. Fact is, there still way. He didn't get arrested or fined or charged for carrying an offensive weapon he got arrested on suspicion of carrying a knife they're not one and the same, but someone with a barbarianism wrecking ball ideology about violence like yourself, i'm sure wouldn't comprehend.
Oh dear spath, you really do have a bee in your bonnet about this knife carrying weirdo don't you ??? Doesn't mean you are right though and others are wrong just because they don't share your ranting views !!
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What a pointless comment. Get back to me with some substance.
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Fact is, the articles mentioned the word knife, no article every actually confirm if he had a knife on him, some articles didn't even mention the word knife!

In this day and age, on public transport, when there is a terrorist threat, best believe me they would have forced the fact he had an offensive weapon down your throat and used it to justify the action of the met.
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Fact is, the articles mentioned the word knife twice**
Give it a rest Spath. The bloke was a nutter and deserved what he got.

Forget about the knife, he threatened to stab, what with, a pencil.
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SK if you would like to give it a rest, that is up to you. Please don't tell me what to do, as this I started this thread for the discussion. If it's too much for you, you can probably find some fun in chatterbank.

Anyhow, that is a sadistic ideology that you find pleasure in the headbutt.
The cop was a real hero. Applause from the passengers. No police complaints. Discussion over, game set and match,lol.
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Many of the passengers reacted with shock horror, those you can hear laughing, are the meat heads.
The horror at the thoughts of being stabbed by a lunatic.
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clearly your excitement is blinding you from the fact he was apprehend for 6 minutes before being headbutted. If you think you can kick a man when he's already down then it says more about you, than it does I.
Some lunatics deserve a kicking when down.
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At least you're not so blind in your hatred for the man that you can't see that he was in fact apprehended.

Now that's clear, it really is a case of personal opinion of what's acceptable or not. I personally think not, you think so. Fair play.
I assume then, if one of your family members, or yourself got drunk at the pub, to be held up against the wall by 3 other men, if they deem it appropriate, they can headbutt you in the face if they think you deserve it?

I personally think absolutely not, but you think, if they think it's OK and if they think you deserve it, then it would be perfectly OK.
Spath, he was not under arrest at the time of the headbutt, he was arrested later.
//The man was later arrested at an Upminster station//
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OK apprehended might be the wrong word.

What's the word for an off duty police officer holding you up against the wall with your arms crossed by force whilst two other men help pin you to the wall?

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