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ToraToraTora | 00:03 Sat 01st Feb 2020 | News
325 Answers
what else can I say........


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Jim360 - “The defeat, such as it was, owes more to the leaders of the Remain campaign than it does to the rank-and-file, anyway.” I vehemently disagree. While the leaders of the Remain campaign were, for the most part, doom-mongering, lying catastrophists, it was the rank-and-file 'C' and 'D' list remoaners in the main-stream media that really put the...
02:01 Sat 01st Feb 2020
Gulliver, please may I add my voice to the shedman's request at 19.17. Would you please answer the question Mozz asked you at 17.10? It was a very reasonable one.
The best anyone'll get out of gulliver on this thread is "PMSL", jourdain
// //The UK has made a decision that I cannot support//
Who cares?

nigh blaarts another deep thought - Who cares?
You apparently.
//Mozz 71- 17.10, It is quite simple, get rid of Comrade Cummings . Because Red Dom, who still has links with the KGB, will destroy the UK and then just move on , Cummings is the new mad mullah. Just look at his eyes, they are the eyes of a mad man//

Maybe my question was too complicated for you, because I never mentioned Cummings, or any other politician for that matter.

I'll ask once more: would you rather see the UK thrive outside the EU and prove Remain wrong, or would you rather see us crash and burn, so you can say "I told yous so"?
Has Gulliver entered into any sort of debate on AB? All we get are stupid comments and put downs. Nothing remotely sensible. I still have doubts that Gulliver actually exists and is not the invention of Troll. Likewise with Diddly.
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mozz you are wasting you're time trying to get any sense out of Gulliver.
"Be ye men of Valour " says TGT Talking his usual load of VB.
Maybe 3T, but at least I can say I've tried. He knows the question is here, if he continues to dodge it, it really leaves me to conclude that he's either embarrassed by, or ashamed of his answer.

Why anyone would like to see the country fail for the sake of a little schadenfreude is beyond me, but there you go.
-- answer removed --
Breaking News ," TGT is a Quisling"
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gulliddly never answer a follow up, they are like a seagul, fly past and dump carp.
Dude, you're nothing more than a troll are you? Pathetic, attention craving Muppet.
An answer would be very much appreciated, Gulliver. Would you really prefer the UK to fail in its chosen course and be unable to support the public services it has - thereby causing huge suffering and also wrecking millions of young lives and aspirations - just to be able to gloat? That would not indicate a very compassionate disposition.

I've lived abroad (France) for many years and all my (French/Dutch/Portuguese/German) friends wish us (the UK) well; although most would prefer us to stay to help them fight the EU from within. A sensible answer like 'Yes I want the UK to fail because ...' or 'No, I don't want the UK to fail because....' is what is required here. That's as simply as I can put it for you.

I called him pathetic early today and my answer was swiftly removed Mozz
I'd have thought you'd like Cummings, gully.
He's quite anti-Tory, anti-banker, anti rich people in general.
I can't understand AB monitoring/editing Bobbie, but we aren't allowed to question it! Gulldiddly should have been zapped long ago.
Well, I'm sure he'll report my post as well Bobbi, but it doesn't change the truth of it.
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mozz/jourdain good like with getting any sort of sense out of those morons.
I think that this is my last shot at it T.T.T.. I'm becoming more and more sure that there is a trolling element here.

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