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webbo3 | 13:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
423 Answers
She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
16:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
Or put another way, she has the knack of getting a serious message across to youngsters than many of her elders don’t possess.
Nick - // Or put another way, she has the knack of getting a serious message across to youngsters than many of her elders don’t possess. //

The problem with that is that it's the novelty that appeals, much more than the message.

And the problem with novelty is that it's as durable as candy-floss - looks like something, but actually, there is nothing there.

So because the young love a novelty, by definition, the next novelty will be along very shortly, and Ms Thunberg will hopefully return to the obscurity which will suit her far better for the rest of her life.

As for the message? Well that's just boring science, who cares? There's another boy band on MTV …
Oh dear Andy, you do a great swathe of the younger generation a great disservice with that sweeping statement.
Mamya - // Oh dear Andy, you do a great swathe of the younger generation a great disservice with that sweeping statement. //

The entire point of being young is to focus on that boy band on MTV because there will be plenty of time in your adult life to stress about the future of the planet.

If Ms Thunberg had been pointed at a TV set instead of a camera, she would be enjoying a much happier adolescence, and probably emerge as a more rounded and happy adult as a result.
//As for the message? Well that's just boring science, who cares? There's another boy band on MTV …//

Well enjoy your boy bad then, I admit to preferring science.
A-H, I don't know a single person who shares your definition of the 'entire point of being young...' . It seems archaic and a little dismissive, and I'm glad the 'young' I know don't spend too long focussing on boy bands.
//The entire point of being young is to focus on that boy band on MTV because there will be plenty of time in your adult life to stress about the future of the planet.//

Dismissing an entire generation? I don't think you believe that for a second Andy. You're clutching at straws somewhat.

//If Ms Thunberg had been pointed at a TV set instead of a camera, she would be enjoying a much happier adolescence, and probably emerge as a more rounded and happy adult as a result.//

We play the hand we're dealt. Greta seems quite content travelling the world (carbon footprint much, Greta?), spreading her message and inspiring her peers.
No, wait for adulthood to worry about the planet is wrong and I'm glad I managed to bring my children up to have concerns about the planet early, as well as being interested in popular culture.

And in truth I'm glad the young have someone like Greta to listen to and make their decisions about what she is saying, rather than just having to listen to the pompous mitherings of middle aged men who seem to be taking such delight in putting her down without really knowing her.

She is different and I don't always agree with her......but she and her generation have a right to be heard because the generations before her have hardly made a sparking success of the world.
To be fair to Andy, he's a Father and a Grandfather so may have formed his views from the young people around him.

We all have different family set ups.
I am 100% behind the climate change message however with a cold business head on, it's fair to categorise Greta as a figurehead or even a 'marketing ploy' by the organisations that want to get the message out about climate change.

And it's a very effective one judging by the publicity and conversation she generates, even on sites like this. It's that good that I'm pretty sure that even when she fades from view there will be another one lined up, kind of like the Milky Bar Kid who had a good 40 year run - the haters had better get used to it.
Andy- //Under normal conditions, I could walk into my local high school and pick out a dozen bright articulate driven socially conscious teenage girls who are the intellectual and moral equal of Ms Thunberg in every way that matters//

Also Andy- //The entire point of being young is to focus on that boy band on MTV because there will be plenty of time in your adult life to stress about the future of the planet.//

So all those bright, articulate, socially conscious, intellectual teens should suppress those traits and go watch some Justin Beiber videos?
Mamya - // To be fair to Andy, he's a Father and a Grandfather so may have formed his views from the young people around him. //

And a Great-Grandfather, but Tommy is only two, so his opinions are a little limited, but otherwise, you are quite right.

I spend a lot of time talking and interacting with young people, and they would appreciate that I am making generalisations to make a bigger point, and they are not to be taken too literally.
Exactly as I thought, the young people in your extended family aren't necessarily like those in mine or indeed anyone else's.

I know young ones keenly interested in Green issues and active in them too - passionate about science whilst also enjoying some music and even a computer game or three.

I have a Tommy, too, he's 6 foot 4 and very deep :-)
Mozz - // So all those bright, articulate, socially conscious, intellectual teens should suppress those traits and go watch some Justin Beiber videos? //

I like debating with you, so I am happy to give you a slide on exhibiting the 'So' Rule -

but I do have to rebut the point - I think you know as well as I do that I am talking in seriously broad generalities for the purpose of making a point, and I believe that picking up literally the image I created is not really an accurate reflection of the point I was making.
Didn't really work then.
This whole conversation has gone bananas. The fact is Greta is a very useful figurehead, primed and manipulated by others, and as a young girl with considerable problems - one, frankly, painful to watch - she is someone who engenders sympathy - always an asset in rallying support for a noble cause. No one who really thinks about this can seriously believe that if she alone had been responsible for her crusade she would have gained such easy access to world leaders, to the world stage, and to the international media ….can they?

Incidentally, Malala is in a different league entirely. No comparison can, or should, be made.
Lol at andy having a little Tommy. ;-)

If you support Greta, you support billionaires, banksters, giant petro-chemical companies and mining conglomerates. Kumbya.
And youngsters should enjoy life while they can.
Plenty of time for for mithering when you're 60 or so.
//If you support Greta, you support billionaires, banksters, giant petro-chemical companies and mining conglomerates. Kumbya. //

Are you against those things then Spicey? I'm not.
I'd say I'm against the way they conduct their business, yes.

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