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webbo3 | 13:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
423 Answers
She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
16:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
naomi - // // I personally think you're full of it on this particular topic//

In fairness AH isn't alone in being full of it on this particular topic. //

In what sense am I 'full of it'?

The thread is about Greta Thunburg, and on her, I have always taken from your posts that we share the same position.
//In fairness AH isn't alone in being full of it on this particular topic//

Point conceded Naomi. Messagere seems very little that divides ABers more than Miss Thunberg and climate change, besides politics and religion. Both sides are pretty immovable on their opinions and are equally full of themselves.

Still, as long as we can rise above our differences and not hold grudges, it's fine. Life would be as dull as dishwater if we all agreed.
//In what sense am I 'full of it'?//

I suspect that wasn't aimed at you Andy!
I have no idea what "Messagere" was. That was only meNt to say "There"!
AH, Similarly 'full of it' insofar as your deliberations are prolific.
Mozz - // //In what sense am I 'full of it'?//

I suspect that wasn't aimed at you Andy! //

You may be right, but since my name is offered as 'not being alone in being full of it' - I interpret that as meaning that Naomi thinks I am indeed 'full of it' and I am interested to find out why she thinks that.
naomi - // AH, Similarly 'full of it' insofar as your deliberations are prolific. //

I don't think saying someone is 'full of it' infers that you think they are verbose, rather that their posts, however long or short, are nonsense.

If that is what you mean, we can discuss it if you wish.

If it is not what you mean, then I suggest your post was ambiguous and open to an interpretation you did not intend.

Take it as you will then, AH. I can't be bothered to argue.
Sick of reading about greta, stupid sick child who should keep her mouth shut.
naomi - // Take it as you will then, AH. I can't be bothered to argue. //

Thanks - I'll take it that you were uncharacteristically wooly and your post was ambiguous.
SK - // Sick of reading about greta, stupid sick child who should keep her mouth shut. //

Somewhat harsh - her nonsense is not required reading or listening.
mamya - // To think ,all this excess hot air has been generated by this news. //


It appears that Ms Thunberg's rush to make 'children' the centre of her latest campaign, she has missed the generally acknowledged evidence - that children are the least vulnerable and affected by the virus.

Of course, don't let evidence get in the way of making a fuss and drawing attention to yourself - even if it makes you look like the ill-managed and badly cared-for child that you are.
Unicef- another beauty.
This Human Act org. (yet another beauty) just awarded Greta a $100,000 'prize'.
All sounds rather incestuous to me.
It's possible to evaluate how much someone does or does not understand science, or a particular aspect of it, based on what they say. In this case, parroting the line that "the planet is warming up because it always has" betrays a basic misunderstanding: firstly, because it's simply wrong: the planet's temperature is indeed variable but can warm up as well as cool down. Secondly, because the natural variation of the planet's climate has not escaped the attention of climate scientists -- indeed, it is to those same scientists that we owe this discovery; and thirdly because it ignores the very clear signal in recent decades on top of that background, which can be attributed overwhelmingly to human activity.
Just as declare that I'm leaving, there's something to pull me back.

Firstly, it seems that Naomi's comment was aimed at you. Apologies, I assumed she'd be fighting on your side on this one.

The Greta/UNICEF thing. There is plenty to protect kids from during the pandemic. Increases in both physical and sexual abuse due to them being on lockdown with parents/guardians, food shortages, healthcare difficulties, lack of education etc. Its not about protection from C-19, but protection from other problems caused by it.

Spicy- You have an issue with UNICEF? A organization formed to protect children and support their rights? Why?
I'd assume spicey's problem is with the practice rather than the principle.
We dodged the iceage that was coming in my lifetime, we'll dodge the opposite too.

In the meantime reputations and money will be made and we'll all pay through taxation and random levies, cash cows to a man and woman.
jim - // It's possible to evaluate how much someone does or does not understand science, or a particular aspect of it, based on what they say. //

Not really - there is neither the time or the inclination to offer everything I know about science, and for the purposes of this debate, climate change is a secondary issue - we are debating Ms Thunberg and her re-emergence, not climate change itself.

// In this case, parroting the line that "the planet is warming up because it always has" betrays a basic misunderstanding: firstly, because it's simply wrong: the planet's temperature is indeed variable but can warm up as well as cool down. //

That statement does not make sense. On the one hand you agree with my point that the planet is warming up, and on the other hand you point out that the temperature is variable and can warm up as well as cool down - which does not contradict my point, or make it 'wrong'.

I am unsure how old you are, but I am old enough to remember scientists in the 1970's advising us that a 'New Ice Age' was on the way - that didn't happen, science is fallible.

// Secondly, because the natural variation of the planet's climate has not escaped the attention of climate scientists -- indeed, it is to those same scientists that we owe this discovery; and thirdly because it ignores the very clear signal in recent decades on top of that background, which can be attributed overwhelmingly to human activity. //

Well, firstly to call yourself a 'climate scientist' is simply to decide to follow an aspect of science, it does not make you right in your analysis and predictions, either in terms of cause and effect, or the long-term prospects of the planet.

Some have jumped on a fashionable bandwagon and made some fame and money out of it. Some, like scientists have a claim to know of what they speak, which is fine, but does not make them right by any means.

Some, like Ms Thunberg, the subject of the thread lest we forget - has been put forward as some sort of visionary by doing nothing more than spouting information she is fed in a way that is designed to make people of her age think that she has something new and important to say.
I cross-posted with douglas, who it seems is of a similar age, and like myself, has seen this play before.

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