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webbo3 | 13:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
423 Answers
She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
16:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
Oh God, it's like Brexit all over again. Someone who's supposedly "on my side", but talks so much manure that it shames me to support the same person they (claim to) do.

*bangs head against wall*
teacake - // I've said many times, and I shall carry on doing so. She's not wrong about climate change, but adults just can't accept it, as been said, because she's young, that's what they don't like. You can play with percentages of pollution in various parts of the world as much as you like, blame China if you like, blame America if you like, but remember you support these countries by buying goods from the. //

I am not vexed by Ms Thunberg's views on climate change - as far as I am concerned the jury is still out, and she may, or may not be right.

What concerns me is the cynical way she is marketed as having some sort of inside track on the scientific evidence which she clearly is nowhere near old enough to have read and understood.

The fact that her parents give her their views, and set her up on stage like a performing seal to clap for a fish is reprehensible manipulation of any child - even more so one with the challenges that Ms Thunberg is clearly burdened with.

Teenagers think they know a lot - they rarely do.

It takes an evil and manipulative parent to take the obsession of a child and use it to make money by selling her as some sort of genius who understands the world in a way the rest of us do not.
I have some knitted bricks, it's safer.
// I hope that's cleared up any misunderstanding. //

There was never any misunderstanding. I think I understand you very well.
I prefer the real McCoy Lynne. It makes the voices stop.
How does the fact that people who *do* understand science and have had the time to read it tend to agree with her? At least on the point that it's a serious and preventable issue, if not the more apocalyptic parts of the message.
I don't know Jim, prehaps Mr and Mrs Thunberg has gotten to them too. ALL OF THEM.

*bang bang bang*
Eg, this from TheLand // Greta should show us some respect and be quiet until she has a PhD in her chosen science. //

Done that. Never seen it make a difference to the way you interact with me :P
tomus - // There was never any misunderstanding. I think I understand you very well. //

That reads quite portentously.

If you were someone whose opinion of my view on Ms Thunberg, or indeed anything whatsoever, mattered to me for one iota, I might be keen to challenge you on it.

But it doesn't, so I'm not.

//Oh God, it's like Brexit all over again. Someone who's supposedly "on my side", but talks so much manure that it shames me to support the same person they (claim to) do. //

Give us a clue Mozz. Tell us which side you're on so we know whether to argue with you or not.
jim - // ow does the fact that people who *do* understand science and have had the time to read it tend to agree with her? At least on the point that it's a serious and preventable issue, if not the more apocalyptic parts of the message. //

If you put out a view to enough people via mass media, that the earth is flat, you can drum up a significant number of people who will agree with you.

Agreement and vindication - much less proof, are not the same thing.

What Ms. Thunberg thinks may well turn out to be true, we don't know yet, but that doesn't alter the fact that her view is not her own, and the pretence that it is cynical flimflam manipulation.
For someone whose read all our historic posts, I'm surprised you're not aware of who I support. In fact all you need to read is this thread to get a clue.

As for your arguing with me, I'm trying to ignore your waffle as it is, please don't personalise any of them to me.
I'm not talking about the twitterati, I'm talking about the scientific community. The people whose job it is to study and understand science, understand how it is done, and understand how to interpret data. That isn't something you can -- or, at least, it isn't something you should -- dismiss on little more than a whim.

Comparing Climate Change to the idea that the Earth is flat, at least in the sense that they are reliant only on popular support, is dubious to say the least.
//If you were someone whose opinion of my view on Ms Thunberg, or indeed anything whatsoever, mattered to me for one iota, I might be keen to challenge you on it.

But it doesn't, so I'm not.//

Andy, as I said, I've been looking at this site for a number of years and I've seen you say that 'FU' line innumerable times. It never looks like anything other than a sad capitulation. Please think up another one.
//If you put out a view to enough people via mass media, that the earth is flat, you can drum up a significant number of people who will agree with you//

Oh per-leeze. You can drum up a significant amount of idiots to agree with you, but scientific experts in the field take a little more persuasion than the opinion of a teenager. Some people have made up their minds and will disbelieve that climate change exists, no matter what.
tomus - // Andy, as I said, I've been looking at this site for a number of years and I've seen you say that 'FU' line innumerable times. It never looks like anything other than a sad capitulation. Please think up another one. //

Your man crush is flattering, but really, I don't deserve it.

Why not turn your attention to someone who is bothered by your opinion of them.

Oh, and you are obviously misusing the word 'capitulation' - check it out on your way over to pester someone else.
//Oh, and you are obviously misusing the word 'capitulation' - check it out on your way over to pester someone else//

If they come in my direction I'm holding you personally responsible Mr Hughes.
// I'm surprised you're not aware of who I support. In fact all you need to read is this thread to get a clue. //

I did that. I looked back at the thread. It seems you agree with me. Who knew.
Mozz - // //If you put out a view to enough people via mass media, that the earth is flat, you can drum up a significant number of people who will agree with you//

Oh per-leeze. You can drum up a significant amount of idiots to agree with you, but scientific experts in the field take a little more persuasion than the opinion of a teenager. Some people have made up their minds and will disbelieve that climate change exists, no matter what. //

My point is, Ms Thuburg's parents' views (as opposed to hers) which she is not mature enough or old enough to have learned except by rote) may well turn out to be true, but that is not my point.

My disquiet is not that Ms Thunburg expresses a view as often as she does to as many people as she does - right or wrong - it is this notion that because it comes from her (and it doesn't!), it somehow has more weight and validity than from a scientist who disagrees with her, but lacks her back-story and 'Joan Of Arc' persona appeal.

That is down to cynical manipulation of a damaged child in pursuit of money from gullible fools, and that's wrong whether you think she is right about climate change, or not.
// Your man crush is flattering, but really, I don't deserve it. //

Now there's something we can agree on.

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