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Greta's Back

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webbo3 | 12:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
423 Answers
She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
15:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
> that if a crinkly scientist says something in agreement with Ms T, it is largely ignored,

Would you include David Attenborough (crinkly) and Brian Cox (okay not yet crinkly), andy?

I share concerns though that she is being used and I was disappointed when an otherwise excellent documentary on climate change by Attenborough which was used in schools was filled with lots of soundbites from Greta and pictures of her supporters marching.

If I think the planet is warming up because it always has, throughout its existence.
Can mankind stop it? Unlikely, but maybe it can be slowed down.
Does the general public understand or care? No.
Are governments willing to take realistic steps to address the issue? No.
Is climate change a bandwagon for attention and money seeking numties? Yes.
Are Greta Thunburg's parents and supporters in that group? Yes.
9.12 Good Idea to include Greta in the documentary, one, to show they can have their say, and two, to show how they need to change their lifestyle to improve the planet, not to make the same mistakes of past generations.
>Does the general public understand or care? No.
Are governments willing to take realistic steps to address the issue? No.

Maybe that's a good reason for campaigners who do understand the science or can at least come to an informed view to campaign. Whether or not Greta understands the science or is sufficiently informed is open to debate but at least she is concerned for the world around her which is a good thing- many of us were political idealists at 17/18
I have no issue with teenage political idealists, as long as their grandstanding and ignorant as they are passionate views are kept in their proper place - family and friends, and not blathered in public, especially not in the direction of people who know far more, and understand far better.
Does anyone else keep singing a bit of Eminem whenever they see this title
♫Greta's back, back again ♫
//I have no issue with teenage political idealists, as long as their grandstanding and ignorant as they are passionate views are kept in their proper place - family and friends, and not blathered in public, especially not in the direction of people who know far more, and understand far better//

So basically, "I have no issue with teenage political idealists, as long as I don't hear their passionate views"
//..many of us were political idealists at 17/18//

I most certainly was not. I was too busy getting on with life - chasing women, drinking beer and flying in any aircraft I could persuade anybody to give me a trip in and studying for my 'A' Levels,(in no particular order).

//So basically, "I have no issue with teenage political idealists, as long as I don't hear their passionate views"//

That's near enough it.
the late great Jake Thackray said broadly similar - something like

I have no issue with idealists and their passionate or extremist views, as long as they have no issue with me taking the *** out of them.
Mozz - // So basically, "I have no issue with teenage political idealists, as long as I don't hear their passionate views" //

Yup - that's about it. That's what I said.
Mozz - I fail to understand why you offer 'facepalms' - care to elaborate?
Seemingly intelligent people who refuse to be told something by someone young. Too many superiority complexes here for my liking.

It's fine Andy, I'm done peeing in the wind on this thread. Onwards and upwards.
// I think the planet is warming up because it always has, throughout its existence.
Can mankind stop it? Unlikely, but maybe it can be slowed down. //

I'm quite happy with old ignorant people to hold whatever views they like as long as they don't air them in public...

Using age as an excuse to ignore somebody is low. Thunberg's claims are either right or they are not, on their own merits -- her age simply doesn't enter into that equation. As a matter of fact, she understands the science infinitely better than you do.
Mozz - // Seemingly intelligent people who refuse to be told something by someone young. //

It has nothing to do with that per se.

If someone young wants to tell me something about which I know nothing, then that is absolutely fine, I am all ears. The fact that they are young makes no difference at all. Every day is a school day, I will take knowledge from anyone, at any age, any time.

But that's not the same as a histrionic teenager with a Joan Of Arc complex being manipulated by immoral parents into duping a load of naïve people that because she is young, her message is either new, or more valid because she's the first one who thought of it.

The fact is - nothing Ms Thunberg says is actually new to the argument - apart of course from her utterly facile observation that this pandemic is a 'child rights crisis' which even you must concede is baseless garbage that simply sounds cool if you are too young to know it for the nonsense that it is.

// Too many superiority complexes here for my liking. //

Not from me - I have never inferred superiority on my part, or inferiority on Ms Thunberg's part.

// It's fine Andy, I'm done peeing in the wind on this thread. Onwards and upwards. //

If you wish to concede that my points are valid, and correct, then I am happy to accept your position. Onwards and upwards indeed.
jim360 - // Using age as an excuse to ignore somebody is low. //

Clearly I am not ignoring Ms Thunburg, I would not be posting on this thread if I were.

But what is actually low, is using someone's age as a selling point to recycle existing viewpoints as though they are brand new and thought of for the first time by a damaged manipulated child.

// Thunberg's claims are either right or they are not, on their own merits -- her age simply doesn't enter into that equation. //

It doesn't - but her age is her USP, pushed by her parents as though she has some new handle on the issue - which clearly she has not.

// As a matter of fact, she understands the science infinitely better than you do. //

Since you have no idea how much either of us does or does not understand the science, or are simply repeating what we have heard already - you have no basis whatsoever for that judgement.
Honestly Andy, I couldn't give a monkeys if you accept my position or not. I personally think you're full of it on this particular topic, but I have no interest or desire on pursuing it further.

So I'm happy to concede we have a difference of opinion here and more on to pastures new and threads less combative.
Mozz - // Honestly Andy, I couldn't give a monkeys if you accept my position or not. I personally think you're full of it on this particular topic, but I have no interest or desire on pursuing it further.

So I'm happy to concede we have a difference of opinion here and more on to pastures new and threads less combative. //

No problem, thanks for the debate, it has been interesting, although not, in my eyes, combative.

Just jim to go then ...
// I personally think you're full of it on this particular topic//

In fairness AH isn't alone in being full of it on this particular topic.

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