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webbo3 | 13:07 Thu 30th Apr 2020 | News
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She needed to keep herself in the public eye, so shes now an expert in virology.

\\Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.//

Childs rights ?, its affecting everyone.


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//She's not wrong about climate change,...// She's wrong insofar as her criticism should be directed towards those who are exacerbating the problem to the greatest degree. That is China (30% of global emissions) the USA (14%) and India (7%). That's half of all global emissions. The UK is responsible for just over 1%. It could reduce its share to nothing...
16:49 Thu 30th Apr 2020
Tomus, what do you know about Malala?
Only what is common knowledge. I only mention her because Theland did.
Spicy, I'll be honest, i didn't know any of that, but surely 45 years on, those corrupt senior figures have all departed UNICEF, if not this mortal coil? One would hope that the corruption of the Seventies is long gone.
Well at least Tommy will be glad that GT is back.
Tomus, how do you think she compares to Greta?
Surely no one, outside those pricks who tried to kill her, has a problem with Malala?
//Greta will end up at Uni with Malala.//

Unlikely Theland, as Malala isn't a child anymore, but a young woman of almost 23.
//Tomus, how do you think she compares to Greta? //

Young women that are in the media and campaign for various things. I thought that might give them enough in common for certain members here to have a problem with the both of them.

//Surely no one, outside those pricks who tried to kill her, has a problem with Malala? //

Obviously, but you never know.
Tomas, //I thought that might give them enough in common for certain members here to have a problem with the both of them. //

Well, hopefully most people can differentiate between the two ... but I'll wait a while and see.
//All she is saying is that the effects on children are real and need to be addressed alongside -- note, alongside, not *instead of* -- the effects on everybody else.//

As I said earlier, details are sketchy. However, this is what I did read:

//Thunberg said in a statement that “like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis” that will affect youngsters now and in the long-term, especially the most vulnerable.

She urged people everywhere “to step up and join me in support of UNICEF’s vital work to save children’s lives, to protect health and continue education.”//

I don’t see her mentioning the effects on anybody – children or adults. And I don’t see her mentioning those effects being addressed at all. There is no mention of anybody other than children and youngsters. All she prattles on about are “child rights”. It has nothing to do with child rights (or anybody else’s rights for that matter). It is a pandemic, a medical issue, a nasty disease which has the potential to affect everybody. Where “rights” come into it – especially “child rights” - is anybody’s guess. But that’s Ms T for you: long on soundbites; short – very short – on detail. Her rhetoric appeals to people of her age because it’s simple – you tell people what to do but you don’t have any idea how they’re going to do it.
Mozz - // //Rather more, the point is the other way around - I would not believe something simply because it is her saying it, but if it was backed up by a credible scientist, I would have no issue with GT reiterating the point.//

Many scientists support much of what she says. //

i think you have that the other way around - since they are the scientists and she is merely a mouthpiece, it is she who is supporting what they say - wouldn't you agree?
//i think you have that the other way around - since they are the scientists and she is merely a mouthpiece, it is she who is supporting what they say - wouldn't you agree?//

Yeah, I'll concede that but the fact remains that what was said is still scientifically grounded rather than the inane ramblings of a damaged mind some here make it out to be.
Mozz - // //i think you have that the other way around - since they are the scientists and she is merely a mouthpiece, it is she who is supporting what they say - wouldn't you agree?//

Yeah, I'll concede that but the fact remains that what was said is still scientifically grounded rather than the inane ramblings of a damaged mind some here make it out to be. //

Thank you - and thank you for a most interesting exchange, during which you have given me cause for consideration on a few of the finer points.

I still retain my original position - that Ms Thunberg is simply not old enough to have grasped the complexities of her subject, which leads me to believe that she does repeat what is fed to her, and that the novelty of her age and her issues give her a profile and attention that her knowledge and understanding of complex issues do not actually deserve.
//Thank you - and thank you for a most interesting exchange, during which you have given me cause for consideration on a few of the finer points//

Pleasure was mine, and I appreciate you considering, even if not entirely agreeing with, some of my points. It's good to debate without some of the unnecessary oneupmanship thats invariably happens here.
She`s to ageist for my taste, the young people will own the world when the have worked 40+ years to deserve it.
CAC - // She`s to ageist for my taste, the young people will own the world when the have worked 40+ years to deserve it. //

Of course she is! Her message and her appeal are for young people who are idealistic, passionate, and not necessarily fully up to speed with the complexities of life, which are gained with the onset of adulthood.

As Oscar Wilde said - the problem with youth is that it is wasted on the young - and that really says it all.
Malala got shot in the head, (tragic), Lady Lawrence had a son murdered, (tragic), Greta is ill, (tragic), but why because of, not in spite of, are they given an authority to pontificate to the rest of us?
Do they have special insights denied the rest of us?
Theland, if anyone should know the power of a child plucked from obscurity and thrust onto the world stage to be promoted by the unscrupulous it's yourself.
I certainly think that Malala does Theland. She was raised in a country with a regime (Pakistan/Taliban) that want to deny girls the right to an education. Because her and her friends spoke out about this, Taliban extremists attempted to murder them. Little girls of 15.

Yeah, she's got it covered.

Lawrence is fighting for justice in the memory of her murdered son. She has justification to do that in my view.

Greta we've covered extensively here and I don't want to rattle the tiger's cage on that.

Sometimes Theland, people say things you don't like or find difficult to hear. If you don't like it, turn them off, or stop reading.

Either way, everyone has a right to stand up in what they believe in, as long as that is legal.

Theland - // Malala got shot in the head, (tragic), Lady Lawrence had a son murdered, (tragic), Greta is ill, (tragic), but why because of, not in spite of, are they given an authority to pontificate to the rest of us? //

I would absolutely dispute that Greta Thunberg has anything approaching 'authority' in anything.

She is not given a platform because she has authority, she is given it because she has novelty value, and there is always a portion of the public, in our internet age, who will confuse novelty with validity and parroting for insight.

// Do they have special insights denied the rest of us? //

Of course not, but they do have a different way to present a message that makes it look like its an insight, when clearly, like a soap opera scenario, if you investigate it in even the slightest depth, it evaporates before your eyes.

As you will know if you have read all this thread - my view is that Ms Thunberg is stage-managed and manipulated in order to appeal to a gullible and unquestioning section of society - young people, because young people may not know that they are being sold an old argument dressed up in new clothes, but their money has the Queen's head on it just the same, and that is all that really matters.

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