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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
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Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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You asked "Who's your money on" Naomi. But, to answer your 2nd question :-) I honestly haven't a clue. Depending upon which source you get your news from, Biden is either well ahead in some of the swing states that Trump captured in '16, or they are neck and neck. I suppose it all depends on how many hillbilly rednecks can drag themselves away from their illicit stills, or quit hunting for wayward canoeists, and get down to vote :-)) Talking of rednecks and hillbillies, if you were to put a gun to my head i'd have to say Biden - by a whisker. But only because he appears to be ahead in most of the polls.
I had a punt on Trump @15/8. Although the book has Biden as odds on favourite the number of bets taken shows a different story. 59% of all the bets placed have been for a Trump win, and 29% of the bets have ben for a Biden win. That tells me that more people have had a bet for Trump but the big corporations and champagne socialists are punting on Biden. They( in theory) only have one vote though. Mind you we don't know yet how their ancestors will vote.
Trump - I've had that feeling all along. Depends a lot on the postal votes of course, but if the odds were better I would have had a flutter. The bookies had it on the toss of a coin basis at the weekend.
Togo, a lot of those Trump bets will be 10p e.w. wagers from the once a year punters. And they will have most likely got someone to write their slips out for them. :-)))
Trump - because there are great swathes of US rednecks and Deliverance type people who love him. That's my perception anyway although I've not studied it in any detail.
I don't really know, but I'd like Trump to win.
Whatever happens I hope that it doesn’t come to pass what some red neck assured Jim Naughtie it would do in Radio 4 this morning: “Trump’s got it sorted” if he loses
He’ll be calling in the “big army”
I’m sure that’s all nonsense although when Trump shouts to his fans “I’m against the Washington establishment - no one has ever supported you more than me! It’s true!” it comes across as sinister in the light of the above.
My prediction is Biden will will comfortably. And Trump will leave office possibly even with good grace although he still worryingly would have 11 weeks to wreak havoc.
My prediction and hope also is that the democrats will draw a line in the sand and not pursue Trump through the courts much as it might be warranted. Time to heal wounds if at all possible.
“ Biden is either well ahead in some of the swing states that Trump captured in '16, or they are neck and neck”

The so-called swing state polling had been bad news for Trump for months although the polls have narrowed in the last few days
The polls though we are told are more accurate than 4 years ago. Trump was barely ahead in 3 of 14 I think: Ohio, Iowa and Texas
Well if Biden wins think they will be having a woman President before too long, he’s past it. Think Trump would be better for the economy and share market.
Why do the Americans pick such old candidates? Surely there must be younger equally able people to choose from?
Hopefully, if Trump wins he will give Farage a job for backing him , at least that will be the Mouth of Britain out of the way.
I'd plump for Trump :0)
MWG -- There were, but the Republicans rejected them all in 2016, and the Democrats likewise earlier this year.

Biden's closest competitor in the nomination race was Bernie Sanders, though, who is a year older than Biden -- so, in a way, the Democrats *have* plumped for the younger candidate.
Biden. By a small small majority, I think.
I've got a £20 bet with jim so I'm hoping for Trump but I'm not at all confident, I think Biden has done well in the last few weeks so anyone's game I guess.
//a 33.1% growth rate in the third quarter still represents an overall contraction this year,//

The U.S. manufacturing sector grew at a quicker pace than expected in October, registering its sixth straight month of growth, according to a survey released on Monday 2nd Nov. The Institute for Supply Management’s index of purchasing managers rose to 59.3 percent, up 3.9 percentage points from the September reading of 55.4 percent and the highest since September 2018. Economists had expected a much smaller gain to 55.7.
Manufacturing has recovered much faster than expected. The index beat forecasts in seven out of the last eight months, with September the only disappointment.
“This figure indicates expansion in the overall economy for the sixth month in a row after a contraction in April,” Timothy R. Fiore, chairman of the ISM survey, said in a statement.
Readings above 50 on the index indicate growth, while those below 50 indicate contraction.
The New Orders component registered 67.9 percent, an increase of 7.7 percentage points from the September reading, indicating faster growth and strong demand. The Production Index registered 63 percent, an increase of 2 percentage points. Both have been growing for 5 months. The New Export Orders Index registered 55.7 percent, an increase of 1.4 percentage points, the fourth consecutive monthly increase.

Now tell us again ... how are the economies of other Countries doing? How is the EU economy faring? Is Trump responsible for any of them failing? You would do well to realise that the only Country in the World to have had their economy actually improve is China.
My money is on Joe Biden.
I think even the American public have largely realised how they voted with their feet in 2016.

As for lack of confidence in Biden, the Democratic Party is a massive machine.
Biden is only the tip of the iceberg.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, Trump IS the iceberg
My money's on Trump, so that I win whoever wins.
There's a difference between saying that Trump's responsible for the economic decline, and saying that it could/would count against him in the election. For example, the 2008 Crash counted heavily against Labour in the UK, even though they were manifestly not responsible.

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