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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
166 Answers
Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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> Biden's closest competitor in the nomination race was Bernie Sanders, though, who is a year older than Biden -- so, in a way, the Democrats *have* plumped for the younger candidate.

That is absolutely *** tragic ...
And why do I support Donald Trump? Look at his record. He has stood up to China, kept America out of new wars, solidified ties with Israel, overturned the disastrous Iran deal and obliterated Isis. Domestically, he removed handicapping regulations to American economic growth, rebuilt a depleted military, brought back manufacturing and revamped dying industries by renegotiating trade deals and cutting taxes; he has achieved energy independence, curbed immigration — all of which contributed to setting record unemployment rates. He has tackled neglected issues such as human trafficking and unjust incarceration — and given America a chance at restoring her principles, pride, independence.

He has done all this against a backdrop of the worst MSM left-liberal hostility in living memory, AND also while being the first US president not to have a loveable dog!
I hope its trump. The Liberal celebrities will be incandescent with rage, it will be hilarious.
Trump to win.
I always thought it was better to support a candidate for their own merits, not to annoy the other side. In that sense, Khandro has the right idea, even though I violently disagree!
// He has stood up to China, kept America out of new wars,//
trump propaga nda
he has let China into the western pacific wivvart a squeak
and he kept America out of Afghanistan and then had to send them back...
the only issue is that Biden cant be said to be exctly pro-Brit
o god let it end !
// to support a candidate for their own merits, not to annoy the other side. //
Bliar did that in 1997 and you know it worked !

[Shri first thing pointed to Humphrey and said that she wanted it dead ( a line from withnall and I ) and Tony felt impelled to call a press conference purelyto deny that, Hoe different - how very different today !]
"the only issue is that Biden cant be said to be exctly pro-Brit "

He's more pro-British than Trump.
Why do I say that?
Trump is Trump first, America second and er that's it
Biden might have Irish ancestors (like a lot of Americans) and he undoubtedly is not a fan of Brexit and worried about the Good Friday agreement, but that's becauae he's sensible :-)
I'd predict a warming of relations pretty soon after a possible Democrat win. And he's a lot closer to our own PM on climate change. Speaking of whom, he'll be able to talk straight to Biden man to man (when he finally gets the chance) and not have to abase himself with abject flattery.
Peter Pedant //he has let China into the western pacific wivvart a squeaketer//

I don't know what newspapers you read, if any, but Trump has been far from quiet on the south China sea grab, this was written back in July:

'The Trump administration escalated its actions against China on Monday by stepping squarely into one of the most sensitive regional issues dividing them and rejecting outright nearly all of Beijing's significant maritime claims in the South China Sea.

The administration presented the decision as an attempt to curb China's increasing assertiveness in the region with a commitment to recognising international law. But it will almost certainly have the more immediate effect of further infuriating the Chinese, who are already retaliating against numerous US sanctions and other penalties on other matters.'
Retro 15.31, just to remind you ," In the grand scheme of things, how exactly does this affect you ? Did you vote Hilary ? Do you live there? ....
Practise what you preach. Ok.
"I hope its trump. The Liberal celebrities will be incandescent with rage, it will be hilarious." - yep that's a bonus!
Biden/ Harris
All of the bookies are going quite strongly with Biden
and I'm happy to agree with them.
They were when it was Clinton v Trump and Leave v Remain, look what happened.
It may be worth considering that that some of the less main stream media pollsters, who traditionally put good faith and effort into finding those shy voters, have Trump ahead in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Florida, and barely behind in Nevada and Wisconsin.
Even without Nevada and Wisconsin, that’s enough to win Trump a second term. Ooraa.
Who knows. As I have written on here before I find it sad that out of 331 Million people these two are the best they could find.

Both far too old and Biden clearly has some problems the poor sod.
//Do you live there? ....
Practise what you preach. Ok.// ??

Remind me again gully ... where do you live?

And stop sucking your fingers!
"some of the less main stream media pollsters"

lol, I can only imagine.

Here is the latest "State by State" polling. It shows Biden ahead in 31 states and heading for 351 Electoral College delegates.

Betting odds are no guide: the odds are a mixture of a reflection of polls and the number of bets each side receives.

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