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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
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Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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My prediction is that whatever happens in terms of the actual vote numbers, Trump will claim that he's won and try to remain in power. I have no idea what will happen after that.
Biden, only because Trump must have registered as a blowhard moron with US voters by now.

I seldom win bets though.
Why does Trump have his IQ embroidered on his MAGA hat?
Given the advanced age of both candidates a lot of Americans will be focusing more on the VP, who will succeed to the White House should anything happen to the President. This may be to Biden's disadvantage.
Trump won’t try to stay in power if he loses. I’d say that is a nailed on certainty.
There might be a legal battle but I can’t really see that either.
Ultimately Nancy Pelosi would be sworn in as president, and no one wants that, for different reasons.
douglas: // Trump must have registered as a blowhard moron//

Please read my post of yesterday: page 3, mon. 02nd, 16:50

and tell us why you think he is a moron.
Trump for me.
a lot of Americans will be focusing more on the VP,

this is like saying - a lot of Abers think about what they post

and the answer is - there is absolutely no evidence that that is the case
// Ultimately Nancy Pelosi would be sworn in as president,//

we just ( they just) dont know - this event wasnt previsaged. I think if Biden gets in - the Trump admin will just be dismissed historically as 'that was him and we dont do that now as it didnt work'
such as - did the president really try to delay the election so he would stay president?
Ans: it wdnt have worked so we dont have to answer.

did he really say - deaths were falling when they were rising and anyway it wasnt him ?
Answer: Biden got in and did something about it

and if Trump is re elected - oo er mrs ! crikey
I do hope you're right Ichkeria. Him and his enablers have done their best to nobble the democratic process in advance of the actual polling day, which is bad enough. I wouldn't rule anything out.
We have already seen Trump supports blocking at least one bridge, and one of Joe Biden’s last rallies was cancelled due to fears of an armed group in the vicinity.
Trump may not be a fascist himself but ...
-- answer removed --
Have you been edging your bets again, Togo. Just read that a Betfair punter has placed a £1m win @ 8/15 on sleepy Joe and i immediately thought of you :-))
Spicerack at 21:13 yesterday: I can't even be bothered watching a video that pins the blame entirely on Pelosi when: (a) any financial package would need to pass the Senate, and (b) it takes no time at all to confirm that McConnell refused to consider any financial package until after they'd sorted out the SCOTUS nomination. It's also not difficult to verify that negotiations between Pelosi and Trump broke down several times over the size of the package and where it would need to be targeted. Indeed, Trump himself briefly cancelled things in a tweet on October 6th:

Here's Trump also criticising Republicans for not focusing on a stimulus package a week later:

Here's Mnuchin and Pelosi still failing to reach a deal:

So, no. There is no package "sat on Pelosi's desk for weeks" requiring only her signature in order to pass. There is a fundamental disagreement about what that package would even be, its scope, targets etc -- but, most importantly, there was a refusal in the Senate to get involved at all until after they had sorted out Coney Barrett's nomination, and setting 2021 as the earliest possible target:

hi jim
jesus Jim havent you got a formula to write or something?
( joke )
I salute your ability to quote and refer to Trump and his latest doings

odd that it is such an impt election for us and we have no control over the result
if it came down to a jog to the podium, don would win by a mile
//I can't even be bothered watching a video that pins the blame entirely on Pelosi //

But can "watch" 5 that pin the blame on Trump. (¬‿¬)
That's because I already know that pinning the blame entirely on Pelosi is factually incorrect, though. You may also care to note that I make no claims above that it is, instead, entirely Trump's fault. What's important, though, is that there are (effectively) three "signatures" required to agree and pass a financial stimulus package, and there are currently exactly zero of them.
ken: "Have you been edging your bets again, Togo. Just read that a Betfair punter has placed a £1m win @ 8/15 on sleepy Joe and i immediately thought of you :-)) " - wow that's faith, better than keeping it the bank but a bit more risk! Probably Mrs Trump trying to turn it into a win win!
//Although a 33.1% growth rate in the third quarter still represents an overall contraction this year,//

Contraction on what?

Contraction on record growth isn't really contraction overall.

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