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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
166 Answers
Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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In Q1 5% fall
In Q2 31.4% fall
in Q3 33.1% rise

I make an overall fall of 13.3%.
When will we know the result?
It may depend on Florida oddly enough. Florida being a vital and large swing state, it’s vowed to declare its result on the night or ASAP thereafter. If Biden prevails there (and the latest poll there has him 6 points ahead) then that could be that. However if it looks like coming down to states which don’t start counting postal votes until Wednesday - Pennsylvania being the most obvious - then it could take until the end of the week
The worry for Democrats - and anyone who wants a quiet life - would be that Pennsylvania say votes heavily Trump on the day and he declared himself the winner. Then, assuming it matters, which is a big if, as the postal vote count comes in, possibly overwhelming Democrat, he cries foul, won’t accept it, and gets the lawyers in
Some states are already counting the early votes, so there conversely it may look like Biden is winning until later.
The best thing to have done it course would have been not to count anything until days later, but I suppose we’re all too impatient for that, and exit polls might make a mockery of the long wait
Whoever wins it looks like there will be trouble.The ten o'clock news last night showed shopkeepers boarding up their premises in one or two states.
Thanks Ich, I thought we'd know by tomorrow!
My guess is we will :-)

And hopefully that fence they are supposed to be erecting around the White House won’t be needed ...
I'm afraid I don't understand how the voting system works in the USA, it seems very complicated.
for clarity to Jim etc mine was 60:40 on electorate votes, not the Senate! So with 538 up for grabs, 322 to Biden and 216 to Trump.
Hey, King Corby. Didn't tell us you went to the same school as Diane Abbott?
I hope Humpty Trumpty has a great fall , but I doubt it.
Spicerack - you've made the mistake of adding the percentages together. It doesn't work like that; you have to do them one at a time and then you get the same answer ac TCL.
spice if you start with 100 then you get
(95*68.6/100)*133.1/100=86.74 which is 13.26 less than the 100 we started with.
Alright, I'll shut up.
SPICERACK, what's your calculation then?
Bear in mind that if an amount falls by a half and then increases by a half, it's not back to the original amount.
And ..........

"US intelligence agencies and tech companies have repeatedly warned that multiple foreign countries, including Russia and Iran, are intervening in the 2020 election via cyber attacks and information warfare."

Whatever happens this will be the reason for 'losing' from the defeated.
@DTC: Oh, that makes more sense now.

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