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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
166 Answers
Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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The President has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. This translates that he's on course to easily win the electoral college by 326 to 212 votes against his Democrat rival in a result which would shock the world even more than his astonishing defeat of Hilary Clinton in 2016.

Until covid struck Trump's policies had seen the most astonishing rise in American economic performance, with an increase in earnings and jobs created, for decades. Compare the American stats for economic performance and delivery with every other Countries and what do you see? Ignore China. It is the only economy in the World that has not suffered due to covid. The suspicious amongst you might conclude that it was planned that way.
SPICERACK, am I "King" until the end of to-day or until the result is confirmed?
// It is the only economy in the World that has not suffered due to covid. //

That's taking Chinese information too seriously.

Four-point leads in Georgia and FLorida I can buy, but in Michigan and Minnesota? Citation needed, methinks.
Togo can you give a source for that please
It is a combined Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll that was quite extensive.

Well, there you go, surprise surprise

No harm mentioning it, but to casually quote the findings of "Donal Trump's favourite pollsters" as though it was "the" poll, when it's miles out of synch with any other, is a bit disingenuous.
god some long words there itch
I like disingenuous - every since someone said that of me

the AB strait talk transliteration is - "datta loada crip den innit?"
In the interests of balance and fair play, something I am sure we all love to see, as we don't wish to ape the nasty old "MSM", the fact-checking "" website has this to say about the Democracy Institute polling:

"A closer look at the poll results the account leans on to formulate its tweets reveals some significant biases. The Democracy Institute poll, the one which netted PollWatch2020 that precious Trump retweet, was run in conjunction with the UK’s Daily Express, a right wing tabloid. The Democracy Institute itself is run by Patrick Basham, an adjunct scholar at the influential libertarian think tank The Cato Institute. FiveThirtyEight’s influential pollster ratings don’t even list The DI among the nearly five hundred pollsters which it ranks for reliability and methodological soundness. As for the partnership with the Daily Express, although it is common for polling companies to conduct their studies in conjunction with a media outlet, usually resulting in the results being published as a big splash, such polls are, in the best cases, accompanied by a link to the full dataset. The Express article on the DI’s August poll ends with a methodological note, but the full data is not given. The DI’s website does have a starkly partisan commentary from its founder on the poll’s findings, but no further elaboration on methodology; DI is not a recognised polling institution, and does not act like a respectable one."
I am not saying it's rubbish, Peter, but it's highly dubious.
We will see.
If I were American Trump would worry me far less than Biden.
Thrump... what can go wrong... He's got bigger balls than our Blondie apparently/allegedly.
Grumpy...the Americans I know feel the exact opposite.
They are actually blocking poll watchers from monitoring the poll in Philadelphia even though they have accreditation and polls that had queues of Trump voters are closed. There is even aggressive, illegal, canvassing outside the polling stations by the Biden paramilitary. The steal is on.
Do you have a link?
I'm going for Trump but we might not know for a few days
Can't you would-be alpha males shut up your bellowing for a day or two and see what happens? Your hooting won't affect the result.

//SPICERACK, am I "King" until the end of to-day or until the result is confirmed//

What do you *** think? ;-)
Thought so...

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