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U S Presidential Election Tomorrow

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naomi24 | 16:05 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | News
166 Answers
Just by way of an unofficial AB poll, who's your money on?


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Really the senate is the biggie. That looks agonisingly close. If that falls to the Democrats it’ll transform any Biden presidency (not to mention another Trump one :-) )
Biden - a comfortable win 60-40 on the States seats. More important is the quality of the VPs as both could keel over in the Oval Office or wherever - they are too old.
Wow in the senate?
I can’t see that
No way do the Dems get 60 Senate seats. Might sneak 52 at the outside.
Mozz @18.42 , my post to Togo, that was removed was in reply to Togo's post to me @18.13. My post to [email protected] what caused Togo to jump to Retros defence , was word for word what Retro posted to me on a previous thread of mine about Trump, a few days ago and if TTT can get away with calling other abers Idiots because they don't agree with him then so can I.
The headlines are already written “Biden Defeats Trump” is the nut clutching, constipated, forced plea. Just like “Clinton Defeats Trump” was. Some remember the headline the year that I was born(and that wasn't yesterday) “Dewey Defeats Truman.”
Just like Biden, Thomas E. Dewey was the clear establishment pick from the start. Like Biden, Dewey therefore entered the race as a known moderate with ample public-policy experience. Mindful of California’s electoral importance, he picked a Californian running mate, Governor Earl Warren. Like Biden, Dewey ran a low-risk, low-profile campaign, assuming the inevitability of his victory, on the advice of his highly experienced campaign managers. As today, the mainstream media overwhelmingly favoured the challenger. Dewey gained endorsements from almost every major newspaper in America. Newsweek surveyed 50 political experts on Oct. 11 and received unanimous confirmation that Dewey would win: “The landslide for Dewey will sweep the country.” As today, too, the press loathed the incumbent. The Detroit Free Press dismissed Harry S. Truman as “intellectually unqualified” to remain president. The Los Angeles Times called him “the most complete fumbler and blunderer this nation has seen in high office in a long time.” Alastair Cooke of the Manchester Guardian published an article on the day of the election entitled “Harry S. Truman: A Study of a Failure.”

History loves a repeat.

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My gut feeling is that we are in for a repeat of 2000 when it took three weeks and a Supreme Court ruling to decide the winner.
We know how that finished Jackdaw ask the families of the soldiers killed in Iraq and elsewhere and all those servicemen with prosthetic limbs.
Trump, sadly, many Americans will not accept the possibility of a female POTUS and certainly not a black woman. Biden was a bad choice, the Democrats need to start preparing for 2024 by identifying potential candidates.
I don’t remember any “Clinton defeats Trump” headline.
Dewey and Truman was a famous headline that actually happened.
That Wikipedia link I inexpertly posted (twice) earlier points out that polling in 1948 ceased in mid-October
I believe it will be Trump
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The dems are getting desperate now. The money men just coughed up $27 million to secure about 9,000 votes in Florida. What a mad place it is.

""The State of Florida could be seeing a significant increase in a new voting group after several celebrities have paid the fines and apparently cleared the way for up to 13,000 felons to cast their votes in Tuesday’s election, according to a report.
LeBron James and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, are among those celebrities listed as having paid monies to the non profit Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC), the Tampa Bay Times reports. According to the paper, some $27 million in fines and fees have been paid.
The contributions from James and Bloomberg could, potentially, clear the way for 12,800 felons to become eligible voters. A review of the potential new voters found that 74 percent were black and 68 percent were registered Democrats.""
What's your source, Togo?
The Tampa Bay Times.
jim360//I should say an economy that has crashed -- there are signs for the time being of some semblance of recovery, although it's clearly a precarious one that has left a great many Americans unemployed and facing severe hardship, made worse by the fact that Senate Republicans have preferred to focus on getting their Supreme Court nomination through over organising a recovery package.//

You mean the recovery package that's been sat on Pelosi's desk for weeks. The one she won't sign because Trump will get the credit for it. You mean that one, Jim?

Donald Trump i hope.

A very narrow win again.

But it keeps him out of prison :-)
Despite the polls I cannot see Americans voting with any great enthusiasm for Biden so I reckon Trump will scrape home.

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