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Tier 4

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tiggerblue10 | 16:32 Sat 19th Dec 2020 | News
160 Answers
London & South East is going into tier 4.

Christmas can't go ahead as originally planned.

This won't affect us too much as we've no plans. What about you?


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Germany, who acted quick the first time, are now in a worse position.
its seems that is spreading despite the lockdowns.
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Yep, the whole has been in lockdown over the last two weeks. Probably the new variant spreading like wildfire.
could be tiggs. I don;t have any answers to what to do. other than follow the guidelines but they seem ever changing. I dont have any family to be in a bubble with, as they live far off. Close friends have their own bubbles,
Yet, in tier 3 Very High, these places are allowed to stay open. Why?
///Shops, gyms and personal care services (such as hairdressing) can stay open, as can swimming pools///
I appreciate essential shops need to stay open, but why gyms and swimming pools? I would have thought these would be places where you would be at risk.
Might get to see them before they go away, but that might not be possible now.
Germany's still got only half as many new cases as Britain (despite having a lot more people, and land borders on most sides), and the death rate's only a third of Britain's.
my hairdressers will have to close, as we are in tier 4.
there is no good cheer and it only makes it worse whe n watching the tv as there is no way to avoid the subject of this virus. I confess that i was quite low when talking with a friend earlier, not a lot has changed.
Gutting! Son and his wife were going to come but can’t now. Very quiet Christmas now. Just three of us. Smallest ever.
Cloverjo, yes, two of us here, sis and husband out in Essex, jno jnr, wife and newborn acorss the river, all in our own little bubbles. Thank you, Boris Cromwell.
Is everyone going to quietly roll over and do as they are told or is anyone on here prepared to put their head above the parapet and admit they might just bend the rules?
I send a heartfelt wish for some happiness next year to those who are having to cancel plans they made.

To those who were already due to be at home alone anyway (like me) then we shall no doubt chat along the way.

Zacs, I have seen how debilitating Guillain-Barré can be, so I am glad your Daughter is making progress x
Dave I won’t bend the rules .... even tho I don’t believe lockdown is working anyway! Rules (unfortunately) are rules
My son was coming down from London but obviously not now so feeling pretty gutted but he will at least spend it with his partner who was going to spend it with her parents who also live in London.I live alone so bubbled with my daughter and grandchildren when we were allowed to so at least i can still go to her,i guess we have to make the best of a bad situation.
I'm fortunate enough (if you can call it that) to live in tier 2, can I visit family in tier 3, or am I forbidden by the state?
//can I visit family in tier 3, //

No you can't. You couldn't do so if they were in Tier 2 or Tier 1 either, unless you met them in an outdoor public space where the "Rule of six" applies. You cannot enter a Tier 4 area from a lower Tier area at all (except for a very few specific reasons).
Oh dear what am I going to do?
I'll leave it to you.

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