When you consider how many people are in hospital at the moment, I believe about 1300 for covid, and consider how long we have been more or less open for business compared to the short opening Xmas and that produced over 30k in hospital, then the vaccine is doing its job at the moment.
The media seem to be hell bent on pointing out the odd few here and there who get covid even after having the vaccine, well I say to the media stop the nonsense, you can get flu after a vaccine too., the chances are that either one will just result in you spending a week, or even two in bed eating paracetamol.
The scientists have worked their B*** off to make this vaccine, and are still working their B**** off to be ready to tweak future vaccines. The bottom line is we've been given a lifeline, the least people can do is take it and the future ones that come along.
We have to now open up, and stop pussy footing around. All has been done what can be done, and there's still a lot ongoing to beat it or reduce it.