"Take this pill or spend the rest of your life locked up for 23 hours per day." Isn't assisted suicide illegal?
If there was a 100% guarantee that the wrong person could not be executed, i would be all for it. As that is not the case, i'm with the 'life means life with no parole' brigade.
Personally I’d be in favour of capital punishment for heinous crimes like this and child murder, those that commit them serve no purpose on planet Earth
A Firing Squad would be the last thing that should be used. That would give them Gravitas 'killed in battle' and their 40 virgins. A lethal injection with no religion involved than straight in for cremation would be a deterrent, I'm sure. they would be classed as unclean by the surviving family members, who would be shamed.
and killing innocent men women and children is even 'Wrong-er'
What would you have us do? Give them three square meals a day for the rest of their lives, give them pray mats so they can worship their warped religion? Let them radicalise other prisoners and be looked up to as a martyr for their cause?
Not hanging but a pill or lethal injection . To lock someone up for life is a form of torture. Or why not bring in the firing squad.During the war innocent men were hauled out into a yard ,lined up and shot just because they didn't want to enter into combat and kill other human beings. The murderers we are talking about are not innocent . They are guilty and should be dealt with quickly, not allowed to live in prisons for the rest of their lives.